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33 minutes ago, JackFarmer said:

Thanks, will check and revert to you.

This is completely aside, but I've always wondered why non-English speakers say they "will revert to you", since the word revert has nothing to do with replying. They do it here in Japan too. Literally it's saying that I will transform back into you, my original form. Oh well, I'm not going to change the usage of who knows how many 100s of millions of people and this is off topic, so carry on. XD

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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It might be a way of translating "Ich werde mich an Sie zurückwenden", which literally means "I'll turn back to you". In this context, "revert" would mean going back to the state of looking at & talking with me.

In Danish something similar is going on with "jeg vil vende tilbage til dig med resultatet", meaning "I'll come back to you with the result". "Vende" means turn, while "vende tilbage" means return.

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1 hour ago, demagogue said:

This is completely aside, but I've always wondered why non-English speakers say they "will revert to you", since the word revert has nothing to do with replying. They do it here in Japan too. Literally it's saying that I will transform back into you, my original form. Oh well, I'm not going to change the usage of who knows how many 100s of millions of people and this is off topic, so carry on. XD

That's not correct English? Oh lord, how embarrassing. I have been using this phrase for years now. I do not recall precisely, but I think I adopted this "saying" during my work stays in Singapore and KL ca. ten years ago....

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"I'll get back to you" is what I say. And sometimes I even mean it.🤥


Anyhow, just an update on my problem, about the video cutscene use-case.

Good news: I've got to where I can play video+audio in the darkened room, and associate the player with a camera looking at the screen therein (called video_wall).

Bad news: Where I still need ideas is how to delay the start of playback until I trigger it with a script call to sys.trigger($video_wall).  Some context -

I have a onTrigger() block within my custom GUI that the screen refers to. But no indication it's ever being called. Instead the video (which is set to the background before/outside the block, and seemingly can't be set inside the block syntax-wise) runs immediately.

The screen is on a func_static. Maybe it needs to some other class, that has some sort of waitfortrigger spawnarg, in order to catch a trigger and relay it to the onTrigger() block. Thoughts?


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11 hours ago, JackFarmer said:

That's not correct English? Oh lord, how embarrassing. I have been using this phrase for years now. I do not recall precisely, but I think I adopted this "saying" during my work stays in Singapore and KL ca. ten years ago....

The way you used it is so used that way, especially in Asia, that it's been added to the Oxford dictionary with that meaning (as "South and Southeast Asian variant"). I'd say it's correct if you're talking to anyone from an Asian country, but not great to use with people from Anglophone countries. But no worries. ;)

Sorry for the off topic blurb, I'll shut up about it now. XD 

I'd give my input on the GUI question in return, but I never really figured out how in-world GUI works.

What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you but I know that it's mine.

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Tried @Dragofer's suggestion for showing video using an atdm:gui_message object with custom gui. This solves the "wait until triggered" problem, but still some tough nuts to crack:

1) While the video plays, there's the large TDM main menu cursor clock-hand atop it in screen center. Tried adding code to the GUI to hide it, but no luck with:

showCursor 0

showCursor "0"

menugui 0

menugui "0"

I could try to hide the cursor clock-hand from triggering script instead, if I could find a command that would do that.

2) There's no way (yet) to skip the video. Maybe I can wire up an onAction block for that, to respond to LMB. Or less likely, a custom GUI button atop the video?

3) ESC throws you back to the main menu, but resume only works for the video, not the audio (when using GUI localsound with a separate sound file). Might be workarounds.

Edited by Geep
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BTW, here's what the intentionally minimal GUI looks like:

windowDef Desktop
   rect 0 ,0 ,640 ,480
   backcolor 1,1,1,0

   background "video/cutscene_video"; // mp4 shader defined in materials/cutscene_video.mtr file. ..."

   onTime 0
    resetCinematics; // reset Video to start
    Desktop::matcolor 1,1,1,1; // show video
    localsound "video/cutscene_video"; // sound shader (logical name, not file name)


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Could clone & modify the scriptobject of the atdm:gui_message to create your overlay on a higher layer number and see if it overrides the cursor then. But the default 10 is already very high, so I think the chance of success is low.

You can have interactive elements on an ingame GUI. Probably can look at briefings of the type used by my missions to find a functioning skip button.

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to hide cursor in gui its

nocursor 1

as in 1 = true.

use in  windowDef Desktop{



here's one I did ages ago

windowDef Desktop
      rect 0, 0, 640, 480
      nocursor 1
      backcolor 0, 0, 0, 1
      matcolor 0, 0, 0, 1
      background "guis/assets/drayspinetomb/circuitopen.tga"

      windowDef VidFrame
            rect 0, 0, 640, 480
            visible 1
            backcolor 1, 1, 1, 0
            windowDef RoqFile
                  rect 0, 0, 640, 480
                  visible 1
                  background "video/testme"
                  matcolor 1, 1, 1, 1
                  onTime 8000
                         resetTime "Anim" "0";
                  nocursor 0

when you could only use roq files.

Edited by stumpy
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No luck with nocursor 0, either at the Desktop or within the onTime block. I'll play around some more, but am lacking much insight into GUI structuring. Stumpy, do the windowDef names "VidFrame" and "RoqFile" have special meanings regarding processing? Should I use "RoqFile" even if its an mp4?

Dragofer, I'll try boosting the overlay level.

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2 hours ago, Geep said:

Got some content ready to go, just been waiting for @Springheel to see my request to add me to editors.

I used to be able to do that, but either something has changed or I can no longer find the option to create new accounts since the wiki was moved.

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RE the wiki, I'm guessing there was might have been some custom settings to restrict normal user registration, and custom code (probably php and/or MySQL proc) to do the managed registrations, and that it has been lost. Do we have any contacts with MediaWiki gurus that might help with this?

I guess I could take over some existing user account of a user who is long gone (assuming the password could be reset), but (unless the username could also be changed, which I doubt) that would mis-attribute my contributions. So not a great solution.

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I have a mechanical "bookshelf rotator" (or whatever you call that) using Strunk's STAR prefab:


I want to put a book into one of the shelves that the player can pick up and read.

Movables books and scrolls do not move with the bookshelf and if I bind one of them to the bookshelf, they become non-frobable.

How can I do that?


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