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Status Updates posted by nbohr1more

  1. If we help Biker with his driver performance problems he'll stop trying to optimize his upcoming mission... Talk about conflict of interest :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lux


      They do at least have their Windows drivers sorted now....er as much as Nvidia has theirs sorted.

    3. Bikerdude


      you mean thier D3D support?

    4. Lux
  2. Comparing older versions TDM 1.02 = 30 FPS vs TDM 2.07 over 80 FPS. Same mission same hardware. 2.07 with all eye-candy.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. nbohr1more
    3. stgatilov


      Oh wait... is this the version where lightgem was processed by capturing screenshot into a named pipe?

    4. nbohr1more


      Yes. LOL.


      Suprisingly, tdm_lg_split works really well in 1.02. To think of all the extra performance I could've had when playing back then...

  3. TDM is now the number 11 most popular mod at Moddb. Nearly 2000 visits and climbing...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Diego


      My google alerts have been ringing with news and articles about tdm :)

    3. demagogue


      That's cool! We're the toast of the town tonight.

    4. fllood


      keep up the good work folks

  4. The Black Parade is now in the Top 100 list for Mod of the Year! Please vote again: https://www.moddb.com/mods/thief-the-black-parade

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. nbohr1more


      logging in counts more though... :)

    3. chakkman


      Ah... fair enough.

    4. jaxa


      Ok, I finally voted. I had to reset my password since I hadn't logged in for so long.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jaxa


      I think I hear some TDM music in the first mission 😮

    3. AluminumHaste


      Well deserved to be honest.

    4. Epifire


      Glad to see a Thief mod getting good exposure. Nice to know there's still an apatite for some good immersive sims yet.

  5. Endarchy mod for Doom 3 has some pretty nice texture work...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RPGista


      What about Hexen Edge of Chaos, ? Those are the ones I've been meaning to try fro a while now...

    3. RPGista


      * Hexen, Grimm and Torn *

    4. nbohr1more


      Hexen is outstanding for fans of the originals. Grimm has promise but it's a little barren of diversity as of yet.

  6. My favorite troll site: http://www.promotinglinux.com/truth/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Xarg


      I was hoping someone would link that one!

    3. PranQster


      LOL "A toy with lead paint. And lead paint is a dangerous substance." :)

    4. nbohr1more


      "With Linux you will know the price of everything, yet the value of nothing." I'm tempted to change my signature...

  7. Unexpectedly image_downSize is no longer broken with Bloom in 2.06. Set to 32 for a stylized cartoon look :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Epifire


      That's pretty fantastic. I'd almost wanna try playing an FM that way just to see what it's like.

    3. SiyahParsomen
    4. Anderson


      16 bit colors can also help.

  8. Angua fixes yet another critical 1.08 issue with Laser precision!!! 3179

  9. Here's hoping for some better (positive?) threads soon... Any neato WIP stuff folks?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. nbohr1more




      keep them coming? :)

    3. Melan


      Springheel: now that's something! :)

    4. Sotha



      So.. When's the next version gonna come out?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Melan


      "Don't photograph military installations, ever" is a very sensible rule of travel.

    3. Bikerdude


      We don't have both sides of the story here. Its a statement of fact that Greek officials are a cesspit of corruption, bribery and liars. So its highly probable the devs are being used as scapegoats.

    4. Bikerdude


      Good news, got a PM from Dram, so he wasn't one of the two devs etc.

  10. According to this Japanese site. Even "Weak People" can design missions for TDM: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=http://www.nurs.or.jp/~pine/hot-darkmod.htm&prev=search

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Goldwell


      Once I finish the accountant campaign I plan to commit seppuku to honor you all and lose my weak status.

    3. Epifire


      My knowledge of mesh workings is strong but that of the Dark Radiant is weak...

    4. demagogue


      Nigate, Literally "bitter handed", applied to people meaning "people who are bad at it", but that doesn't really flow in English either.

  11. Behind Closed Doors is out. Xmas is early this year!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bikerdude


      heh, thanks mista.

    3. Vae


      Thanks for the gift! :)

    4. Bikerdude


      @nbhor - have you updated moddb with the latest version -1.1?

  12. :( I can't compile SVN sources. :( Again :( I think it might be Microsoft's fault...
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. cabalistic


      I found that two files were missing from the Visual Studio solution. Have you ever considered a unified build system like CMake?

    3. nbohr1more


      It was discussed. We agreed it was a good way forward but whoever merged the changes would need to document all the setup and compile details so it would be seamless for those who do not fiddle with compile infrastructure. Then it was never implemented. We are in a better position now since we already have Dhewm changes in source.

    4. nbohr1more


      THANK YOU to whomever fixed the SVN trunk!

  13. Astroturfing sucks. I'm trying not to let paranoia take hold but so many portents are in the corners...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nbohr1more


      Sorry, I just saw Baddcog debating so heavy Teef supporters over at TTLG and it tripped my insanity alert level. I'll have grayman fix that for nbohr1more v 2.03

    3. Bikerdude


      @nbohr1more v 2.03 hehe, classic.

    4. grayman


      reboot ... reboot ... reboot


  14. Now that I'm tinkering with render code, the cost of MS compilers is really hitting home. :( Time to get Linux back on my PC...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nbohr1more


      The big issue is DoomEdit and Dmap as I recall. The former is not too much of a problem while the latter is a bit tricky. I think there's a non-mfc DMAP project though...

    3. SteveL


      I'm going to have to put that on the ever-lengthening list of stuff I'd *like* to get to. I've done a few full step-throughs of dmap while researching some bsp errors in the summer.I mean full -- 8 hours solid F11-ing for a test map with 7 brushes -- and I don't remember any weird library dependencies. One to look at.

    4. nbohr1more


      yeah, one day at a time... and try to stick to stuff you like working on so you don't lose enthusiasm...

  15. NewDark has Object LOD now. Maybe folks will be able to play Soul Tear's missions on low-end systems now. ;)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nbohr1more


      Could help with new versions of EP. They could include LOD assets so all missions automatically benefit.

    3. SeriousToni


      Has there been a new NewDark release?

    4. nbohr1more


      The latest NewDark is now in both Tfix and TafferPatcher.

  16. Turned off image downsizing to see if it was causing a graphic glitch. Forgot to turn it back on and (surprisingly) PD2 loaded without crashing. I was not prepared for the visual boost. It's a crime to play this without full texture\bump quality.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SteveL


      nboh1more, could you retry the water shader again without downsizing please? You just made me think of a reason why it might have worked on my mum's old intel laptop but now yours. One of my depth lineraization formulas assumes the texture is larger than screen space. Whoops. Although by rights soft particles shouldn't have worked either... or maybe you got no fadeout at all of the particles!

    3. SteveL



      *but not yours


    4. nbohr1more


      I will retry but soft particles work just fine :)

  17. The Dark Mod is in Moddb's Top 100 list yet again! Thanks for the votes!

  18. So serpentine left LATC loading in the mod after all? Gonna see if my intel GPU works with the latest drivers..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lowenz
    3. nbohr1more


      LATC is 3Dc in OpenGL.

    4. nbohr1more


      Nope, my Drivers only support RGTC :( I'll try to copy support for that into Image_load.cpp when I get a chance.

  19. Looks like the "Reverse April Fools" releases were too well hidden. Darkfate still hasn't acknowledge all the new releases. Did you play any of the new April Fools missions?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. datiswous


      Maybe it's because 2 of the 4 were actually from the 4th of Januari while the other 2 were released on the first of april.

    3. nbohr1more
    4. Petike the Taffer

      Petike the Taffer

      I played two of the April Fool's missions, they were pretty good fun. :)

  20. Oh man, what a day to be banned from the PC by my wife. NHAT has been re-released...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Obsttorte
    3. Bikerdude


      hey now, for all we know nbohr might have been neglecting the kid, housework and such to test tdm :-P

    4. SteveL
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