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  1. That isn't how this works. You don't get to explore all avenues of possible acrimony and outrage and then if you finally violate rules by reaching the limits of this behavior you retract and regroup for another round of bad but not prohibited behavior. You are on notice now. While I don't personally need any forum moderators to tone down or restrict personal insults hurled at "me", the TDM community is generally in agreement that we do not want our forums to be a playground for those who seek to insult other members. If you need that type of interaction, go to a scoundrel forum like quake3world where it is encouraged (and results in quake death matches between members). Otherwise if you wish to traffic in political controversies, be prepared to offer logically defended statements and adhere to forum rules. For example, you already have many threads about your personal concerns about Islam. Rather than opening a new thread about Afghanistan to air these same thoughts, add the Afghanistan issue to an existing thread rather than "spamming the forums" with the same content. All this said, I doubt very much that you are actually interested in engaging with these topics in a meaningful way. I am inclined to believe that you are trying to find hot topics that can polarize members of the forum and try make TDM less comfortable for those who are centrists. There are several political troll factories who engage with this behavior in the wider interwebs. ( If this applies to you. ) Tell your employer; whether they be Russian propagandists, Chinese propagandists, Saudi propagandists, Cambridge Analytica, Share Blue, Media Matters for America, Republicans, Democrats, CIA, or any other national intelligence agency that the majority of the clear thinking members of this forum do not care about your partisan rhetoric and will not divide into a "forum civil war" over your intentional acrimony.
  2. Just returned from a 7 day holiday, opened up this forum, had at least 4 pages of "new content". Made it past page 2 (to about June 03), and then had to take care of a few things here. When I came back, the forum had logged me out (timeout?), and when you log out, it forgets all "new content". So you log in, and it says "there is nothing new for you". Great, now I never know what I missed between May 30th and June 03.... grrrrrrrrr With email, you would still have all unread messages *sigh* Is there a way to change this behaviour? It has annoyed me in the past, but not as much as this time.. Edit: It's even worse, there is "no new content", but when I go f.i. into the "off topic" sub-forum, it still shows me threads as unread that I definitely already did read an hour ago. So I can't even just look at all the "unread" threads. Oh boy...
  3. Not really alternative, more like "historically established" and widely known If you take a look at various descriptions and definitions from other engines, all LOD systems are about the same thing: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/17283-hide_distance-broken-again/page/4/&tab=comments#comment-463315 and TDM follows that. You can argue that it's a bit broken here and there, or it has some quirks (like with absolute distances from the model instead of relative ones, like everywhere else), but otherwise it's there And in your example, you could simply hide stuff these lanterns light, because, as proven in the last screenshot in this post, the cost of your lights will be minimal: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/17283-hide_distance-broken-again/page/4/&tab=comments#comment-463272 That's the thing, and I'm really curious to see this looking good and giving meaningful performance boost at the same time. Since other engines have been around for so many years, and none of them is doing that, I think it's pretty safe to assume that other developers already tried it and it wasn't worth it / looked awful. As I said, it would be great to see a meaningful example, but so far we've got a lot of talking and examples that had nothing to do with the subject matter, despite explaining the thing several times over. Let's hope Kingsal comes up with something nice
  4. Have you tried this? https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/14126-ftpthedarkmodcom/&do=findComment&comment=333594
  5. jaxa

    2016+ CPU/GPU News

    On the other hand, RTX 3080 has a VRAM deficit with only 10 GB, which will hurt it in some games at 4K resolution (more going forward). AMD will put 16 GB of VRAM in its flagship RTX 3080 competitor (6900 XT or whatever it will be called) and one or two more models. It might also have a cut down card with 12 GB. Nvidia will respond by releasing a 20 GB version of RTX 3080, and a 16 GB version of RTX 3070. The price tags will be high. Nvidia made a mistake by using new, power-hungry, and expensive GDDR6X. It should have used cheaper GDDR6 and included more of it to begin with. 24 GB or 32 GB of VRAM is also useful for machine learning, not just modelers. Gamers? Not so much just yet. Nobody wants 8K resolution gaming @ 30 FPS (be careful when looking at benchmarks, because of DLSS).
  6. Nice effect, but not for me. Found a topic about it: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/17426-stereoscopic-rendering-red-cyan-anaglyph/
  7. Quite the challenge in the title, right ? Well, as long as it is not difficult to implement into the base game, I think we should finally resolve this particular collection of missing assets. In recent years, I've come across several FM makers clamouring for being able to make an FM with a female thief protagonist for a change. If we find someone willing to do the female player vocal set, I think it should be someone who can affect a voice that sounds neither too youthful or too old. That's, IMHO, key. The player character's male vocal set already sounds like it could belong to any deeper-voiced guy between 20 and 50. I have started this new thread in order to finally organise an effort to create a female vocal set. That's one of the few stumbling blocks left for more original protag creation, IMHO. Some three, maybe even four years ago, Lavender took a brave stab at this - if memory serves me right, she actually finished her recordings for the entire PC vocal set, they just weren't processed and suitable yet for publication. However, as Lavender has left the forums, we're basically back to square one. I think we should look into contacting the female voice actors we already have here on the forums and doing an assessment of their voice acting samples. There's got to be at least two ladies with an appropriate voice range for the female vocal set. I think women voice actors in their 30s, with a wide enough voice range, would definitely suffice for what is needed in that vocal set. Bear in mind that the entire vocal set is actually non-verbal, so there is no need to articulate anything. The whole set consists of a voice doing sighs, or noises during physical exertion (e.g. climbing, lifting), and so on and so forth. Though there are dozens of these purely vocal "lines", it's not that long a list, so the vocal set can be completed in a fairly short amount of time. The selected voice actor could do the whole thing in a day or two (or several days), we could then filter through the various takes, select the best ones, have our sound guys help with cleaning up any audio issues, and we could then work on implementing the whole thing as an alternate vocal set. It would be a really nice (if relatively minor) addition for 2.08. Particularly for mission builders. I'd like to hear everyone else's thoughts on how we should proceed, who can provide oversight for the effort, and so on. Wikilink to our voice actor article: http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Voice_actors Wikilink to our article on the script for the player vocal set: http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Vocal_script:_Player
  8. Announcement: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=8900 Please post any comments, bug notices, etc in this thread. If you have any issues with the new forums, please try to refresh/remove your Internet browser cache. Thanks ~m2
  9. See subforums: darkradiant feedback and development https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/forum/51-darkradiant-feedback-and-development/ and TDM editors guild. https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/forum/54-tdm-editors-guild/
  10. Interesting that they would complain but not here, on the official forums. If enough people bring it up, it's always looked at, even if there's no one who can actively work on it.
  11. Shadow maps could be applied to vegetation, we just need to decide how to handle the special cases and not break the appearance of existing missions. Relevant discussion: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/19659-feature-request-emissive-materialsvolumetric-lights
  12. Protection from the majority. I think you yourself once wrote somewhere that in any country majorities tend to impose their agenda on the minorities. I'm paraphrasing. I don't remember where you wrote it but you may recall it. I think you responded to me on some cringe philosophic, religious post. But my idea is that hate speech counterbalances those disadvantages that any minority suffers in an uneven, multicultural society. It's better to make a mistake trying than not trying at all. The mistakes are always the result of bad interpretation and execution - much more rarely due to bad laws. It all depends on the powers that be on the top of the power structure in each of the branches of the government. - The fact that current legal precedent, statutes, laws don't provide for hate speech laws does not exclude that these laws are the only cause for homicide in the USA. But they are all connected. Over the top exaggerations based on scaremongering fallacies are a guarantee to ensure the status quo. Well, politics is everything that the law is not. Law is predictable, stable. Law can be executed with the coercive force of the state. Politics represents everything that we don't agree with. Politics is everything else outside of the law. The problem is to make certain politics into law and state policies while other politics remain theory. - I agree, sometimes well placed euphemism hurt more than outright swearing. But I think ultimately that's bad moderation too. Some forums restrict discussion on breaking copyright laws. Whereas other forums just have members that recourse to mockery and flouting users. Ultimately hate speech isn't just swearing at things randomly. It's about deliberately having a target one is aiming with intent, constantly, aggressively, without remorse and anything human. Dehumanize and so on. I've also seen public email subscription groups such as Google Groups with a relaxed attitude on hate speech that led to administrators being harassed by users. And I'm talking about professional groups with lawyers, journalists, mass media representatives. When there's profit, group interests - they have no limits in particular. I guess it works the same way on social networks where you can't even trace anyone. Anyone can be anonymous. So, IMHO who cares if you apply the ban hammer a little more often than necessary? One can always create a new account, try a new identity, start with a new page. But the community overall shouldn't suffer because of spam like that. The problem of our age is lots of informational junk. Unlimited free speech does not help. It makes the problem worse. Perhaps some of you, like me, believed that the internet will help the uninformed become smarter. I still didn't lose that belief. But I also believe information must be filtered. Life is too short to read everything. We need to select useful information on public sources. Since that is often hard, especially in off-topic - at least block the totally inadequate nonsense. The average user will say thank you.
  13. Not really sure about the amount of marxism in the Iranian islamic revolution doctrine, as it was a religious-based revolution against the Shah's authoritarianism. That said, by considering it as pseudomarxism as you said, it makes sense. Probably it was just a propaganda spin from the Ayatollahs who wanted to gain the image of "Nice Revolutionaries for the Greater Good" associated with marxism, it could have been an efficient way for them to hide the core of their objective behind their revolution: destroying freedom in Iran, banning alcohol, free speech, etc. But the fact that neo-fascists in Italy are pro-Iran, that made me laugh: anti-freedom cultists are really the same everywhere, under the ideological paint-job you always find the same obsessions and objectives, lol. Regarding that Tarrio you mentioned in your post replying to Nbohr1more's revelations, keep in mind that the various crimes you're referring to are crimes he committed between 2004 and 2014, so that's not really relevant to his property destruction in 2021 (burning the stolen banner, a so-called "hate crime" it seems now if the banner happen to contain some specific words ). In a nutshell, it looks like the typical case of a low-level delinquent that got pardoned for being an informant on victimless crimes (gambling, growing weed, distributing steroids) and that, since he doesn't really know what to do with his life now, has now found a new calling as a political troll... the fact that he's been stealing things more than 15 years ago and dealing in stolen stuff almost 10 years ago are now irrelevant, as he paid for it by doing his time and becoming an informant, so JP Morgan's closing of his bank account is not "the legitimate punishment of a hard core criminal" but instead indeed a politically motivated move (possessing high-capacity EVULZ magazines for assault-military-grade-firearms-of-war-that-kill-and-that's-so-horrible may be a crime now, but that's from a law made on ideological basis to legally turn yesterday's citizens into instant criminals, not a legislation based on technical grounds -I mean this word in the sense of "engineering" and "shooting & reloading techniques"). Notice how he denied working undercover and informing the government, very probably for fear of getting a contract on his head by people he helped the government to throw in jail, and how the journalists of Reuters visibly went digging specifically into all the court transcripts and went to meet a former prosecutor in order to expose to everyone that this Tarrio did indeed worked undercover, with a complete disregard about the risks this create for his life should the people he denounced decide to kill him as a reprisal. I'm ready to bet that should he chose to be a political troll from the other side, the side of the Greater Good, the journalists would instead have taken great care not to expose this and even wouldn't have chose to dig in his past... I'd also tend to think that the journalists are very aware of the risks that exposing his undercover work involve about his safety and that they secretly hope that one of the gang members he informed the US gov about would kill him, but that's just me being unbearably critical of the Holy Journalists The problem is that the words you're using are way too violent for today's society standards, where the average citizen can barely bear to be yelled at, claims to suffer from PTSD for a couple of insults read on the Internet, and collapses psychologically at the mere thought of having to fight, even if it's fighting to defend the Enlightenment Era's heritage that, actually, the average citizens today wouldn't know what it's about, as he/she is primarily obsessed with consuming always more and more to fill the void in their lives, buying the last smartphone each year even if it would bankrupt them, posing in "selfies" to get approval and to do like everyone, etc. Don't expect these kind of people to defend values such as the right to free speech and the right to criticize religion, they simply do not understand, in the technical "my brain cannot fathom" meaning of the term, the importance of these concepts. All that matters for them is the brand new smartphone, their followers' reaction to their selfies on Twitter or Facebook, getting drunk at the end of the week, and basically what could be called living the life of a drone as long as they can. When you have a majority of people like that in a society, such as the end of the Ancient Roman society where the majority of citizens were only concerned about 1) having bread and 2) watching sports, that society is unsalvageable. There is nothing you can do about it, the scale of the problem is way too big for a single individual to solve it, even if it was a dictator with full powers. As a result, getting agitated and angry about the rape and sexual torture based on religious hatred in cities like Telford and Rotterham, as revolting as these acts are (and as revolting as the lack of action of the authorities by "fear to offend" is), is useless as it can't and will not solve the problem, as the problem cannot be solved anyway. I've discovered recently that a cartel leader in Mexico has dismembered alive a six-years-old girl just because he could, and several months ago I've learn that a 13 years-old girl with Down syndrome had been decapitated along with her drug-stashing grandmother by cartel members that believed that they had ratted on them: same thing, that's atrocious, but there's nothing you can do about that. Also, as a general rule, insulting or threatening religious drones is counter-productive: christians, muslims and judaists are the first to divide Mankind between the Good Believers of their respective herds and the Evulz Unbeliever that they'd eagerly kill any time they can, but if you insult them or express the same level of hostility toward them that they express themselves toward the "unbelievers", they'll always play the victims and pretend to be the nice ones oppressed and threatened by "Dem Evulz Atheists". So, don't offer them the occasion to pose as victims, instead when you want to criticize them, focus on the basis of their beliefs: that for instance there are not the single historical proof of the existence of their "prophets" (jesus, muhamad etc) except a couple of books that are just hearsay without any chronological datation, compared to, say, Ancient Egypt whom we can trace a precise chronology regarding the existence of every celebrity of this era (Ramses II, Hatshepsut, Cleopatra etc) dating several thousand years before the mythical figures from the so-called "holy books" of religions. When you start aiming for the foundations of their cults, the whole house of cards collapses and that hurts much more their cults than insulting them or hating them, because they can't pose as victims. You can also quote François Cavanna, who said: "A religion is a cult that succeeded." But anyway, there is also one very important thing to keep in mind: when you are blowing off steam using "hateful words that is soooo bad", not only that's counter-productive as I stated above, but that's also putting everyone at risk here. Because due to the way that society has shifted today, some people focused on maintaining an ambiance of censorship in society are very eager to jump on the first occasion to obtain the banning of WrongThink to keep making examples, and be certain that there are a lot of journalists that will provide a fair and balanced narrative of the facts: "... in other news, after a long legal struggle, anti-racist NGOs were finally successful in their efforts to obtain the deplatforming of a free game forum called "The Dark Mo Forums", short for "Dark MotherFucker", a racist-themed dog-whistle term. On this forum, users could gather to discuss their work on "The Dark Mod", an illegal modification of the controversial and gory game "Doom 3", created to allow users to build "fan-made" missions based on the male power fantasy of being a thief and assassin, such as the infamous "The Painter's Wife" a sexist story where the player has to transport a female non-player character by bearing her on the white male hero's shoulder without her consent, in order to "save" her. But, under the disguise of being a video game-related forum, this online place was also a known haven of hate speech for international sexist supporters of the gamergate movement, where they gather clandestinely to share their hate and radicalize themselves. One of them, posting under the handle "Kurchok", notably repeatedly called for the killing of muslims as depicted on the screencaps below, using inflammatory islamophobic rhetoric. During a raid on this user's house, who confessed to have been tempted to vote for Trump and publicly complained about Joe Biden's election, the FBI found a kitchen knife, the presence of this assault weapon confirming that he had plans to commit a terrorist attack somewhere in the USA. Nbohr1more, the ring leader of this international extreme far-right nazifascist cell, claimed to the rigth-wing conspiracy theory channel "Fox News" that his house had been pelted with what he described using the vague and inaccurate catch-all term "molotov cocktails". These unfounded accusations refer to a incident he claims to have occurred during the fiery but mostly peaceful protests in front of his house following the trending hashtag #BashTheFashDarkMod on Twitter. The local firepersons declined to comment on the accidental fire. UK-based user "OrbWeaver", who used a picture of spider as an avatar, showing a total lack of sensitivity toward arachnophobic visitors that could be triggered by this sight, was finally fired from his job today following a grass-roots campaign of activism aimed at warning his boss via repeated phone calls to his office about his online activities on this hate-speech forum. He is currently detained in Anti-Terrorist Detention Facility 05 as a safety measure while UK authorities are investigating his Internet history with the help of his Internet Service Provider. His exaggerated claims to have been the target of a so-called "online harassment campaign" have been dismissed by the International Court of Human Rights. While this successful deplatforming can be seen as a victory for the struggle against online radicalization, this case in another example of the pervasive hate speech found on so many free "game forums" on the Internet, which is a real threat, for our democracy. Now, on to the weather..."
  14. DarkRadiant 2.12.0 is ready for download. Feature highlights include a new customisable GUI and the first iteration of the Material Editor GUI. Windows and Mac Downloads are available on Github: https://github.com/codereader/DarkRadiant/releases/tag/2.12.0 and of course linked from the website https://www.darkradiant.net Thanks go out to all who helped testing this release! Please report any bugs or feature requests here in these forums, following these guidelines: Bugs (including steps for reproduction) can go directly on the tracker. When unsure about a bug/issue, feel free to ask. If you run into a crash, please record a crashdump: Crashdump Instructions Feature requests should be suggested (and possibly discussed) here in these forums before they may be added to the tracker. Changes since 2.11.0 Feature: Customisable GUI layout Feature: Extended MaterialManager scripting interfaces by manipulation methods Feature: Material Editor GUI Feature: Same origin / duplicate detection script Feature: 3D grid feature Feature: Show light_radius on 'other' entities Feature: Show attached (light) entities Improvement: Better support for stage transform keywords in idTech4 materials Improvement: ESC to close dialogs with Cancel Improvement: Add portal_sky filter to default filters Improvement: Copy model/entity/prefab paths to clipboard (context menu in tree views) Fixed: Material stages with alpha test are incorrectly rendered as translucent Fixed: ASE importer needs to handle shared vertices with different normals Fixed: Ambients don't light sides facing away Fixed: Table lookup evaluation is not producing the same results as in the engine Fixed: Attached light radii are the wrong colour if "Override light volume colour" is active Fixed: Add missing image dimension reads to Quake 3 legacy brush parser Fixed: Opening the Create Entity dialog a second time will present an empty tree view Fixed: "Toggle 16x16 grid" function in the Particle Editor broken Fixed: Use of BITMAP field in ASE differs from TDM Fixed: Newly added or imported items don't use the location of previously selected item Fixed: Newly drawn brushes don't use height of previous selection with "Show Size Info" switched off Fixed: Rotation widget does not re-center on selected object Fixed: Duplicating model and moving with Alt-arrow results in pivot on original model when trying to rotate afterwards Fixed: Brushes with no visible surface towards orthoview "camera" are invisible in orthoview Fixed: Can't select one-sided models in certain 2D views Fixed: Twosided models can only be selected from one side The list of changes can be found on the our bugtracker changelog. Have fun mapping!
  15. I enjoyed this mission, but fell at the last hurdle: I can't figure out how to "Leave with the loot"! I tried going back to the starting point, but nothing happened. All of the windows have bars, and I can't find any doors out of the bank. I also had to consult the forums to find out how to empty the teller safe. That key hiding place is very non-obvious (at least from a Thief perspective — I guess it makes perfect sense in real life).
  16. Looks very nice! I see the following benefits over what website currently offers: Some more information about mission type (I mean things like "jail", "platformer", etc). Maybe it should be called tags, but name does not matter. Provides information about types of monsters available --- useful for everyone, especially great for people with phobia. Adds link to forum thread. Adds search/filter panel on all of this. The information from p.1 and p.2 probably exists only on the wiki, but not in the database. There is organizational problem with official database: the number of people who can edit it (team members) is much less than the number of people who can edit wiki page. We can say "let's add this info to our official database!", but I'm afraid the end result would be that the information would become less rich and useful over time. Although by looking at wiki page edit history, it seems that it is mostly maintained by @nbohr1more (maybe because he prefers "small commits"). So maybe it is not that bad. Wiki page is also good because it is much easier to edit and administrate due to all the power of mediawiki. So I'm not sure about how to avoiding scraping. Perhaps it would be more natural to add search abilities to the wiki page, if it is even possible. Although it cannot provide a nice look with screenshots.
  17. Any Help? ok. But I dont have any experience on this one. Please let us know which sollution worked for you. Error: "ALSA lib conf.c:3523:(snd_config_hooks_call) Cannot open shared library libasound_module_conf_pulse.so" People say install package "libasound2-plugins:i386", but your running the x86 binary. Some topics on tdm and wiki (if you havent read them) tdm wiki: http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=FAQ#The_sound_lags_behind_the_picture http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/17414-how-to-configure-the-sound-system-on-linux http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/18577-no-sound-on-ubuntu-1604/?hl=alsa http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/17187-solved-no-audio-on-ubuntu-1404 tdm Search function with subject alsa: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&search_term=alsa&search_app=forums Some sollutions to be found here: https://www.google.com/search?q=doom+3+alsa People say use the "oss" sound driver. https://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-506390-start-0-postdays-0-postorder-asc-highlight-.html?sid=50f951228fd392b1d1a3f82935fe67c1 http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/linux/doom/Doom3FrontPage/#head-bbf251e26f02e635b5df3b186f54ac0ae8bafe17
  18. As requested, a test map to illustrate the issue of water effects not rendering through warp glass. Original thread starts here: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/9082-newbie-darkradiant-questions/page/437/#comment-475239 tagging @duzenko In the attached map, there are 3 glass windows looking out over 3 different types of water. There is a rain weather patch above it, and a rainsplash patch directly above the water. The middle window is clear glass, and the outer ones are clear warp. You can see that the water isn't visible through the warp glass, nor is the rainsplash. The rain itself is visible through all of them though. render.map
  19. Thank you very much, I've already downloaded it ! I'll see what I can do. Yes, come to think of it, the voice sounded a bit different to your's. I might add this to Andros' resume in the voice actors article on the wiki. What tags would you and the others recommend for the official trailer ? I'd like to give it at least the same tags as you have on your own channel. ---- Minor update: The trailer has been uploaded to our channel and set as the introduction video. Every unsubscribed person will see it.
  20. I've just completed the upgrade from IPB 2.2.x to 2.3.6, the newest official release of IPB. This was done to stay ahead on the IPB version 3 that is currently in the beta stages. Please post any comments, bug notices, etc in this thread. PS: If you have any issues with the new forums, please try to refresh/remove your Internet browser cache. Thanks, ~m2
  21. Thanks for the replies! I'm thinking that in order to keep it simple, at first we wouldn't allow users to provide subjective opinions directly, mainly to avoid the issues mentioned above, such as spamming or demoralizing opinions, but I agree that at some point down the road, if this works well, this may evolve into what you are thinking. One thing that the system could do though is scrape forum threads for information about particular missions. For example, there are many threads asking people what are their top missions; the system could add some kind of tag to missions appearing in those lists (e.g., "Top Mission", or a star or medal icon), and maybe even provide more recognition to those that appear in the majority of top lists. Another thing that the system could do is pull data from the thread of each mission. For example, in the thread for In The North, there are lots of mentions of the mission being atmospheric and having great architecture. So that could lead to the tags "atmospheric" and "great architecture". Another thing: in the past, demagogue suggested sending stealth server scores to a server. If we end up having this kind of data for missions, this could be a great way of showing other pieces of objective information about missions, such as average stealth scores, average completion time, etc. which could be very valuable to indicate difficulty and length of a mission, as well as whether a mission is fully ghostable (or whether it has ever been ghosted, to be more precise). Good idea! What about a filter such as "Is mission part of a campaign?" This allows finding campaigns in which at least one of the missions meets the filter requirements (for example, one of the missions in the campaign has rain and it's a city mission). Good idea too. Please see my comment a few paragraphs above regarding how to automate this. Seems that at first though we'd rely on forum threads for this information. I agree with MBs, although maybe we need two independent filters? One for MBs (which seems like a more advanced filter for experienced players) and another one more "human" (e.g., small/medium/large/very large)? I'm saying this mainly because the size in MBs doesn't really say much to new players. Raising the stakes, but I like this idea! We could actually use the same application, just use different DB tables for the mapper tools. In some cases we could even interconnect some of the data, and maybe find out some interesting relationships between resources used by FMs and their reception by the public (a simple example: maybe we find out that FMs using a specific set of resources tend to be regarded as "atmospheric").
  22. I would be against subjective user tags like "ugly" for the reasons VanishedOne mentions. I think it should be restricted to objective criteria like "has it got spiders".
  23. Obsttorte wrote a trigger_look script which should be available as an entity in the base assets. Otherwise you could try looking it up on the forums.
  24. A seam between the head and body would actually not be visible either way; Since no one's likely to be exporting naked humans for TDM, the head mesh can be separated behind the clothing. Makehuman offers an option to hide faces on the body mesh when exporting with cloth models, which we would obviously be using for optimal polygon count. A separate head entity is the most ideal setup though; It offers way more customization options than a whole mesh. I'm actually thinking of creating bodies and heads separately, though I'll probably export full characters and just leave them swappable between bodies that make sense (same gender / skin color / class).
  25. Sounds amazing, but what about heads? Heads are separate entities in TDM so one would beed to (manually) separate the heads from the makehuman bodies. right? I guess a decapitation script would be in order?
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