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  1. Thanks, I can also recommend gog galaxy. The idea of the custom tags is really nice, I'll have to try this out too!
  2. Story: A local Brooksdale alderman and childhood acquaintance of mine, Miles Harewell, 'happened' upon me last night down at my local tavern. Apparently, he has to defend his position on the borough council this year and suspects that his chief rival, Edric Shorditch has an ace up his sleeve. He mentioned damning evidence of dealings with 'various entities of dubious legality' as he put it. Sounds like hightowne-speak for good old corruption. He needs any such evidence to disappear tonight, while he has an ironclad alibi, being invited to dinner together with Edric to a local lord's manor. He also wants me to find some dirt on Edric to help turn the tables on him. Miles is a natural born politician, but he is good news for my 'profession' so I think I will have to forgive him that. Besides, with all that rampant corruption of his, I'm sure he can pay his way and then some. This Edric Shorditch is the captain of the local city watch, and has made a name for himself by taking a hard stance on crime. Slipping into the city watch station and stealing indiscriminately won't be easy, but it might help undermine his approval, while also clearing Miles' name. Thanks: Thanks to Springheel for the creation of the handy and pretty module sets. Thanks to my beta testers; Amadeus, Goldwell, Cambridge Spy, Boiler's_Hiss, SuaveSteve, Tafferboy and Jedi_Wannabe! Additionally, thanks go out to the people who frequent the Newbie Dark Radiant Questions thread for always helping troubleshoot issues that arise during development. You know who you are. Download: Available in the in-game downloader, or at any of these below locations: Gallery: Hints, Tips, Walkthroughs, Spoilers(!): - This mission will greatly reward those taffers who like to explore a mission thoroughly. It is possible to go directly for your objectives, but you will be missing a lot of content. - Many windows are openable, leading to new areas or private residences. - If an area seems hard to navigate due to patrols, chances are you can circumvent it. - Those who like a challenge and some extra replay value owe it to themselves to visit the astronomer's office close to the starting area. Disclaimers, Player Information. Thank you for playing! What did you think of the mission? I look forward to your honest feedback!
  3. Okay, just finished this mission for the first time since the final release came out, so it took me a while to find all the secrets and complete the optional objectives. Could this mission perhaps do with some in-game subtitles, though?
  4. Keep in mind also that mission size, and complexity have increased dramatically since the beginning. For a lot of veteran mappers, it can take over a year to get a map made and released. The last dozen missions have for the most part been pretty massive, with new textures, sounds, scripts, models etc. We seem to be long past the point of people loading up the tools, and banging out a mission in a few weeks that's very barebones. We still do see some of those, but I noticed in the beta mapper forums and on Discord, that mappers seem to make these maps, but don't release them, and instead use the knowledge gained to make something even better. Could just be bias on my part scrolling through the forums and discord server though.
  5. YOU TAFFERS! Happy new year! Deadeye is a small/tiny assassination mission recommended for TDM newcomers and veterans alike. Briefing: Download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JWslTAC3Ai9kkl1VCvJb14ZlVxWMmkUj/view?usp=sharing Enjoy! EDIT: I promised to someone to write something about the design of the map. This is in spoiler tags below. Possibly useful to new mappers or players interested in developer commentary.
  6. Thanks for giving it a playthrough and leaving the detailed feedback. Regarding your supposed glitch, it's actually an intended feature to ensure the player stays inside the room while the NPC is talking to him to avoid missing cues and not seeing why the objectives were updated. The barrier should be gone afterwards.
  7. For some reason I thought this FM was just released, didn't realize it's 3 years old already! Just finished it at last with 5100 loot and 3 secrets found, not bad for something of this scale. I was stuck on one of the objectives but finally found it so I removed my question. This has to be the most structurally intense FM ever made: I don't think a city of quite this size and complexity was ever done for TDM in one map before, the parkour and little hidden areas are insane! This is nice albeit mentally straining as it's impossible not to miss something or properly keep track; In many cases I had to noclip to discover how to get to certain areas, reloaded and went there without cheats afterward but don't know how I could have found some areas otherwise. Easy to get lost but this is compensated by the extremely useful feature of the map highlighting where you are so you don't have to guess using signs. Ran into a few bugs. Most noteworthy is a breaking glitch that makes it impossible to continue without noclip: Other than that nothing too significant: Managed to catch a case of a door that opens too wide and goes through the railing, there was a hatch that did it too but I forgot that one. I can also confirm the black box bug... first thought it's caused by my mod to remove spiders because I have arachnophobia, they set the entity to null however so it shouldn't be a box per say.
  8. Cannons actually EXIST in TDM; they show up in about 3 missions. One I recall actually gets FIRED - as part of the objectives. (nothing animated, blast-a-hole-in-a-wall gimmick) More obviously MINES too... so B.P. (or something LIKE it ) exists in-world. So either the Empire has banned all civilian firearms, or more likely: Nobody cared to create one as its not part of classic Thief/1,2,3... series game-play or Worse; I don't think any modders here even possess the knowledge to model, animate, script, code, texture, sound-engineer, script-more and create all the associated kinematic animations as well...need a real Doom3 expert for that. Also; Everyone forgets old Air Guns exist: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Girardoni_air_rifle The early ones even LOOK 100% steam-punk, with weird iron & brass spheres for pressure - fancy nickle-iron skeletal frames galore.
  9. Bad fit for TDM, maybe not impossible for a mapper with good scripting skills to make happen. It might end up more like a list of fetch objectives before sneaking aboard some ship, rather than something meant to affect gameplay.
  10. I've been enjoying TDM for a few years now, precisely because there isn't a certain style of playing it depending on the missions, which are very different from each other with different objectives. It is not a certain style with more or less strategy, as is usual in normal FPS, which in broad strokes are limited to getting from point A to point B and killing everything that moves in between. It is this variety with great replayability, without getting boring that makes TDM special. Covering practically all genres of video games, from Tetris to survival horror there is everything, stealth is only one of these and not even necessary in some missions
  11. Not all players respond to loot the same way I suspect. For players who principally enjoy exploring, the loot objective doesn't serve a reward function at all. Instead, for them it is mostly a handy barometer for how close they are to seeing the whole level. For this group having a specific number to target that is at least 70-80% of the total loot on the map is important, but they wouldn't care if it is optional. Then there are the power-fantasy roleplayers' whose joy is living out the dream of being a master thief. I think those players actually do want an obligatory objective and a specific target number, but they don't care as much about what that number is. They just get satisfaction from hitting a required target. Conversely, players who come to roleplay or otherwise experience the story might be annoyed by having a loot goal at all. Picking up treasure gets in the way of them experiencing the story. In their minds it should be entirely up to them what they do or don't want to pick up. And of course there are also completionists, who don't need loot goals for the exact opposite reason. They will grab absolutely everything in the level of their own accord. You can't make all of these groups happy no matter what you do. In the Thief games I'd wager loot objectives existed partially to make sure everyone picked up enough money to buy gear for the next level, but in TDM that mostly does not apply. So unless you are putting equipment sellers in your mission like Iris and reward looting that way, I don't think there is a right answer. People will do what they want and someone will feel like their toes are being stepped on no matter what you do. So do whatever makes you happy.
  12. Yes, I do have a setting in my map, and with settings come planning, and purpose, and readables, but these can all exist independently of any objective. When I play a game, my mind isn't actually on fulfilling any objectives, but to navigate and explore areas. Often I completely forget what the objective even was. I recently began playing King of Diamonds, and pretty much the last thing I did, was to go and meet the quest giver, even if I couldn't loot anything until then. To me, all that objectives are, is a few lines of text that you can pull up. The long and elaborate exposition dumps at the intros, I just roll my eyes over. I feel like they're just holding me up, and that the real setting should exist in the map design itself. ...so the readables I create, I aim to make them disjointed nonsense with no helpful bearing on the player objectives. Maybe in the kitchen there will be a grocery list, or cook book with numerous real recipés. Maybe some guy wrote a poem about a memory of a past that you're not clued into at all. The sooner the player stops looking for any meaning or clues in my readables, the better. ...but my point is that they will still take time to create. I have lots of notes over readables as well, but none of them is about any objective.
  13. The stealth stats could be added to the inventory screen, right under the loot overview, although it makes no sense that it would be listed there. Overall this does give inspiration for a better inventory screen. One that lists stats, objectives, a map and inventory.
  14. That's fair I guess, although the fact I haven't yet reached the expert loot cap and that in itself is only 70% of the total loot is a bit surprising. I normally play on the hardest difficultly of most maps simply because they're going to have the most objectives and requirements, so it's a way to force myself to work harder to achieve said objectives. That said, some people set their loot objectives as optional rather than mandatory, but that's mostly an argument for whether the player should have just selected an easier skill level. If this was Deus Ex: Mankind Divided I would have just enabled that augmentation that allows you to see lootable items through walls and be done with it, but I think it just ends up making me suck when I have to do it myself.
  15. Make the loot goal optional. Put the loot in hidden places. Don't use a lot of loot everywhere, put the loot in the hidden places and a couple of places elswhere. So it's about finding the hidden places and then the loot inside is easy to spot. Make some (optional) objective around the loot goal, possibly finding out about them through a clue somewhere in the mission. Basically adding story to the loot goal. But if you add for example 3 of these (optional) loot objectives and that is most of the loot, then it's not so much a loot hunt and it keeps it interesting.
  16. Do you mean objectives should not be randomly scattered and reclusively hidden but on the main well known path ?
  17. What I'd like to see is being able to review the objectives when the mission is over, as extra pages on the Mission Statistics screen.
  18. I think that despite being a thief, in TDM in many missions getting more or less loot has become secondary, but rather fulfilling different more complex objectives, finding certain things, investigating a conspiracy, discovering secrets, etc. Based on this, you can even add a little more realism regarding the amounts of stolen items, so as not to leave poor Garrett climbing and jumping with half a ton of gold on top. Or it may be, as I have seen in other games, that the protagonist loses mobility little by little because of the weight of the loot, until he gets it deposited somewhere temporarily or in the hands of an ally. This would add a dimension of strategy and planning to the mission.
  19. Good logical layout of the map for the sequence of objectives. Nice atmosphere, that includes the design of the map and the background music for me. Difficulty, meaning it should be fun to play, and don't overwhelm you with loads of elite guards. Variety. There should be different tasks which make sense in the context. Regarding the last point, I like city hubs in missions, like in Goldwell's Shadows of Northdale part 1, which also add optional side quests. Speaking of Goldwell's missions, I think they're perfect in terms of difficulty as well.
  20. Seems to confirm: https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=5718 does it happen in the latest dev build: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/20824-public-access-to-development-versions/
  21. Did a great find today: Quake 4 mods for dummies. Now online readable. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/5576-book-quake-4-mods-for-dummies/?p=412644

  22. I feel like I should know this, but I can't remember how to do it. When you "add" a new objective, it appears at the end of the list. What if you want it to appear earlier than that? How do you move an objective higher on the list? I want objective 7 to move to become objective 5.
  23. Hidden Hands: Vitalic Fever Filename : hhvf.pk4 Date of release: 20/07/2019 Latest Version: 3 (17/02/2021) Download via the in-game downloader or here: http://www.southquarter.com/tdm/fms/hhvf.pk4 http://darkmod.taaaki.za.net/fms/hhvf.pk4 http://www.fidcal.com/darkuser/missions/hhvf.pk4 Known bugs: - stencil shadows do not work correctly (version 1) - sometimes, the character "Applefinger" cannot be knocked out when sitting on the chair without failing the mission. (version 1) Hidden Hands Series: I. Initation - II. Vitalic Fever Jack Farmer: mapping & drafts Amadeus: alpha testing, geometry fixes, performance checks, drafts for gameplay and objectives, revision of all readables, dialogues & narrator texts Grayman: AI fixes, gameplay fixes, trap fixes Duzenko: alpha testing, performance checks and improvement tips Beta Testers: - Joebarnin - Cambridge Spy - Boiler's Hiss (aka "The architect's darling") - Jedi_Wannabe (aka "The man of many voices") - Amadeus (aka "The Writer") Voice actors: Malasdair Narrator Jedi_Wannabe All four guards chatting about the guests, chickens, inventions and unusual job interviews New Horizon The educated Builder Goldchocobo The naive Builder Special thanks to: - Springheel, Sotha, and Fidcal for the tutorials. - VanishedOne, Stumpy, Destined, Grayman, Joebarnin and ERH+ for patiently answering my questions solving all the in-game problems. - PsymH (aka "Stringer Bell") for connecting me with the right guys on TTLG for additional voice acting. - Goldwell for teaching me how to integrate a custom video in a fms and helping me with troubleshooting during the integration of one of the Builder's voices. - all voice actors & beta testers for their great support. - all others not mentioned here who answered my questions in the Newbie thread or via PM. Contributors from the Inventor's Guild: - Destined wrote a new definition for the "spidsey-babsies", enabling those beasts to move through tunnels. - Grayman wrote a script enabling Halfrid to hold the quill only when it is needed. He also fixed several other AI problems with respect to path finding, damages and interaction with light switches. Pilfered items: - Portal sky with hills and trees originally developed and arranged by Sotha for "Thomas Porter: The Transaction". - Frobbox booster re-created from a map originally developed by Grayman All new ambient music and sound effects written, performed and mixed by Jack Farmer. Briefing video by SirSmokeAlot Pictures
  24. https://github.com/HansKristian-Work/vkd3d-proton/tags <- directx 12 wrapper for dxvk https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/tags <- directx to vulkan wrappers D3D 9 to 11 eg. dxvk if you want to try it with horizon zero dawn you need to copy out dxcompiler.dll from Tools\ShaderCompiler\PC\1.0.2595\x64 and bink2w64.dll from Tools\bin and place them next to HorizonZeroDawn.exe. then copy over dxgi.dll from dxvk and d3d12.dll from vkd3d and place them next to it to. now fire up the game and let the shaders recompile -> profit.
    1. Obsttorte
    2. Bikerdude


      He changed ita long while back, it was so he was using the same name as he uses on other forums.

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