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  1. Did a great find today: Quake 4 mods for dummies. Now online readable. http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/5576-book-quake-4-mods-for-dummies/?p=412644

    1. Obsttorte
    2. Bikerdude


      He changed ita long while back, it was so he was using the same name as he uses on other forums.

  2. You missed it because you package by zipping your current mod folder instead of first coppying selected stuff to a separate folder and then zipping that. Other stuff, not recommended to put into the pk4: "__trash__" (38 MiB), "savegames" (7 MiB), "guis\assets\loading_screen_old.tga" (2MiB), the autosave and *.bak files in "maps" (11 MiB), the duplicated "darkmod.txt"/"readme.txt"/"startingmap.txt"/"xdata" in "sound" (all tiny), "consolehistory.dat" (tiny), and "xdata\backup" (tiny). I am not a mapper, so this are only the obvious cases. There might be more or not. P.S.: You are probably not the only one who packs hundreds of Megabytes of ballast with their mission. Downloading all missions on a new install takes forever nowadays...
  3. https://github.com/HansKristian-Work/vkd3d-proton/tags <- directx 12 wrapper for dxvk https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/tags <- directx to vulkan wrappers D3D 9 to 11 eg. dxvk if you want to try it with horizon zero dawn you need to copy out dxcompiler.dll from Tools\ShaderCompiler\PC\1.0.2595\x64 and bink2w64.dll from Tools\bin and place them next to HorizonZeroDawn.exe. then copy over dxgi.dll from dxvk and d3d12.dll from vkd3d and place them next to it to. now fire up the game and let the shaders recompile -> profit.
  4. This article handles xdata files in general and as such the example is fictive and general, too. It is not a tutorial on how to use the default readable guis. As said, you can create your own gui and manipulate it's look via xdata files if you need it to be versatile, or you just create a specific one without using xdata if it is intented for single use only. I would suggest to read up on how to use gui files and/or inspect existing ones to see how this works.
  5. TTLG? That's Through the Looking Glass Forums. A looking glass fan community. Has been around for a long, long time. https://www.ttlg.com/forums/
  6. Seems to confirm: https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=5718 does it happen in the latest dev build: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/20824-public-access-to-development-versions/
  7. That moment you log into TDM forums and suddenly feel nostalgic...

    1. Sotha


      Protip: if you never log off and stay for ever, there is no nostalgia when you visit.

    2. Melan


      Welcome back!

    3. RPGista


      Haha yeah, I feel like that from time to time. Good to see you around.

  8. I think the reason the dev forums exist is to provide a place where the implementation of features can be discussed without getting mixed up with other debates when someone believes what the devs are doing is wrong. We often post public discussion threads for features with subjective elements like the frob outline, because community feedback is very important. But there will always be vocal defenders with strong views for or against certain features, or how exactly it should be implemented in their opinion. At some point a decision has to be made and be carried through, which is what the dev forums are for. Almost all of the threads are very technical, basically explaining and discussing recent or potential code changes with other devs. Its hard to say. Its a hobby the devs do in their spare time, so people come and go when they're in the mood and when they have the time. The team page is mostly accurate except for some relatively newer additions like myself.
  9. I followed the Readable Editor tutorial, which seemed straight forward. And I checked the screenshot in the tutorial to see that I was doing it right. Basically I made a readable entity, opened the editor and gave it an XData name in the format 'readables/mapname/notice01'. I then selected a gui definition as shown in the tutorial, typed up the title and body and saved it. The .xd file was saved in /darkmod/xdata as expected and all seemed good. But when I ran my map, the readable was blank. I opened it in the readable editor and all looked good. However if I tried to save it again, I got this error: "You have imported an XData definition that is contained in a PK4, which can't be accessed for saving. Please rename your XData definition, so that it is stored under a different filename." I tried extracting the .gui from the pk4 file and putting that in the guis/readables directory, renaming it in the process. After reloading DR my renamed .gui was listed with the others in the editor. However I still get the XData definition error quoted above. Confused, PranQster
  10. I made a letter using a handwritten font but not quite enough room so I did a new gui so the body starts at the top and left the title blank. It occurred to me that this might be commonly needed but would double up every gui. Might there be value in doing all the readables guis like this by default? The title space and font still exists but unused. When a title is needed the mapper just puts \n\n\n at the start of his body text. Is it possible to have any font control from the xdata? I've searched the net before for xdata info but I think it is a common variable name in some languages so results get flooded with those. The wiki articles don't give a lot of info and I suspect there is more somewhere. I did find a colour control for about 16 colours but they are one line only and over bright, virtually luminous, for our needs. Wiki down at the moment so can't check what's there. No it's not - I left my firewall locked during an overnight virus scan. Line spacing distance seems to be built into the font unfortunately with a small font size yet wastes line space - almost looks double spaced. Can't recall if I'm using popsie or everett but I'm inclined to increase the font size. Trouble is, it looks so real, like when you try to read real handwriting. That might be good for special cases where you want the player to struggle a minute to make out the whereabouts of a secret crypt but probably not for general use. Can't recall if multi- page readables work yet - fairly sure they do but suit only books. Maybe we need a 'multi-sheets of parchment' model and inventory icon to represent several sheets. Not even tried mixing with graphics yet, would font position vary with screen res? - will be easier to do a custom background like a map and probably the way to go. It's probably not such a big deal to have a few like that in a map zip.
  11. I've got a dude sitting at a table in front of a plate of food. How do I make him take a bite and eat? I see nothing regarding eating on either of these wiki pages: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Path_Nodes https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Animations,_Postures,_Controlling_AI_(for_Mappers) https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Animation_List#Sitting_Animations Edit: I didn't want to double post but also wasn't sure if my other post really pertained to the new release of DR as it may be a folder structure issue I am having. I am having issues creating readables. When I use a prefab and the readable editor it complains about XData info being contained in a PK4 that cant be found and asks to rename it. In game the GUI does not display and is blank then freezes my inventory when frobbed. Here is the order of events: I had a bunch of good working readables, made with DR 2.6 months ago, upgraded to 2.8 last week and couldn't get new readables working. Downgraded back to 2.6 and got ONE MORE made and working but all others I try to create are janked. Same behavior when I tried using 2.8 again, and between TDM 2.07 and the 2.08beta(ver6) it is no different. What extra info would be helpful to investigate? Thanks a ton. Did a little more experimenting and backed up my xdata folder, deleted it from my mission folder, created a new one then tried to make a fresh readable entity from scratch and still to no avail. All the old readables still work just not the new one. In the new xdata file that was autogenerated in my new xdata folder, it has the text info for the new readable that will not work but none of the stuff for any of the old readables that DO still work. Curiouser and curiouser. What am I missing? I’d also like to add that since quarantine leaves me unable to record voices for conversations, I was hoping to fill in some lore with readables. It’s pretty much the last thing I have to work on before my next alpha run.
  12. I am having issues creating readables. When I use a prefab and the readable editor it complains about XData info being contained in a PK4 that cant be found and asks to rename it. In game the GUI does not display and is blank then freezes my inventory when frobbed. Here is the order of events: I had a bunch of good working readables, made with DR 2.6 months ago, upgraded to 2.8 last week and couldn't get new readables working. Downgraded back to 2.6 and got ONE MORE made and working but all others I try to create are janked. Same behavior when I tried using 2.8 again, and between TDM 2.07 and the 2.08beta(ver6) it is no different. What extra info would be helpful to investigate? Thanks a ton. Edit: Did a little more experimenting and backed up my xdata folder, deleted it from my mission folder, created a new one then tried to make a fresh readable entity from scratch and still to no avail. All the old readables still work just not the new one. In the new xdata file that was autogenerated in my new xdata folder, it has the text info for the new readable that will not work but none of the stuff for any of the old readables that DO still work. Curiouser and curiouser. What am I missing?
  13. I just read@motorsep Discovered that you are able to create a brush, then select it and right click "create light". Now you have a light that ha the radius of the former brush. Just read it on discord and thought it may be of use for some people in the forums here too.
    1. demagogue
    2. jaxa


      I've found it difficult to find where TDM is listed as #1 on Greenlight. This page ( https://steamcommunity.com/greenlight/ ) has no ranked listing. This one ( https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=858048394 ) has no visible rank or stats page. Is it my script blocker?

  14. I just found this thread on ttlg listing Immersive Sims: https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=151176
  15. Recently revisiting the forums after a longer period of time I wanted to check the unread content. I don't know if I am doing this wrong since.. ever... but on mobile (visiting the unread content page on my smartphone) you have to click on that tiny speech bubble to go to the most recent post in a thread. If you don't click correctly you'll hit the headline and end up at post 1 in the beginning of the thread. It's terrible on mobile, since not only the speech bubble is really small and was to miss. But also the thread headline is just millimeters away from it so you go right to the first post that was ever made instead of the most recent ones. Am I doing it wrong? I just want to go through u read content a d the to the newest post from that topic.
  16. I think it is a good idea! Our ingame mission downloader and mission view has long been subject of multiple improvement suggestions. Due to the sheer mass of missions that have been released in the last 15 years, things got really cluttered and especially newcomers will have a hard time finding what they want. However, improving the ingame guis is quite a task, so a web-based application might really suit this scenario well. Maybe we could even add a linke to it from our ingame menus, so user can access it quicker. Some more things to think about Would users be able to add custom tags and downvote / upvote certain tags, much like the system of Steam? This would also allow to add tags like "beautiful", or "difficult". Actually, the more users can contribute to this system, the better, because it will be automatically maintained then. The browser should also contain a flag for whether the FM belongs to a connected series of FMs or not and have the capability to go to the previous or next FM in that series. There should also be a flag for fully fledges campaigns. Some might like a flag whether or not an FM is "ghostable".
  17. A@datiswous Ah yeah, well sorry, I was quiet busy and only visiting discord. First time here on the forums since months now I think.. Thank you for the subtitles. I encourage everyone who is interested in using them to download it from here as I'm not sure when I'll be able to implement them myself into the mission. Again, thank you for your work.
  18. Hey, Every time I've try to use the Full Editor when PM'ing someone, and every single time I get an error. Whoever is in charge of the forum, is it possible that this could be fixed? Thanks Neon
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