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  1. Experimenting with TDM on Steam Link on Android. see topic http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/19432-tdm-on-steam-link-for-android/

    1. freyk


      Did the TDM team removed D3's internal Joypad feature? (tdm works only with systemkey binders for joysicks)

    2. freyk


      Thanks to shadrach, i got my joypad working in TDM on steam link!

  2. Is there a quick way to view the player model without decking the walls with mirrors?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. teh_saccade


      jeez, i was using DR 2.2...

    3. teh_saccade


      Already tried this last year and got nowhere... What a waste of the week



    4. teh_saccade


      AHA - pm_thirdpersonAngle goes more than 360 - 900 is a front view :)


  3. The *DOOM3* shaders are ARB2 ('cause of old GeForce support) carmack plan + arb2 - OpenGL / OpenGL: Advanced Coding - Khronos Forums
  4. id Studio did a poor job in defining its categorization of variable nomenclature, so in subsequent documentation and discussions there are divergent views (or just slop). In my series, I had to choose something, and went with what I thought would be clearest for the GUI programmer: Properties, which are either Registers (like true variables) Non-registers (like tags) User Variables (also true variables) I see that your view is more along these lines (which perhaps reflects C++ internals?): Flags (like my non-registers) Properties, which are either Built-in (like my registers) Custom (like user Variables) Also, elsewhere, you refer to "registers" as temporaries. I am willing to consider that there could be temporary registers during expression evaluation, but by my interpretation those would be in addition to named property registers. I'm not sure where to go next with this particular aspect, but at least can state it.
  5. I thought there is a "hanging skeleton" model somewhere, but I cannot find it. Any ideas?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. chakkman
    3. JackFarmer


      Skeletons hanging in graveyards? I really doubt that. :)

    4. Springheel


      Everything related to bones/skeletons is in graveyard.


  6. Front ends- still work (Piped, Invidious..), also FreeTube, SMPlayer also permits to view videos in streaming from YT and others, the Feed Reader of the Vivaldi browser also permits view YT videos embedded, Andisearch can reproduce YT sandboxed in the search results, all this still without ads. Only real alternative to YT don't exist, maybe the nearest is Odysee with way better privacy and ethical business model, not related to Google.
  7. In the mission, Tears of St. Lucia, the boarded up door is missing nail textures. At viewpos: 1954.81 3414.48 -377.75 24.1 -127.7 0.0 The model: models/darkmod/architecture/doors/door_boarded_up01.lwo
  8. Bounds are like a cube that completely encases the model. The cube is always aligned with the x, y and z axis, so if you rotate the model the cube will grow or shrink to make sure the model is still exactly contained inside the cube. You can get the coordinates of the bottom left and top right corners of this cube with getMins() and getMaxs(). Exactly halfway between them is the center of the model.
  9. Thanks for clarifying! Oh I forgot I spoke about this once, I do remember I thought about it before but forgot bringing it up. Indeed the base declarations would need to be redone... I presumed this would only be the internal ones thus everything would be backwards compatible. Getting them out of the player's entityDef was my main concern: That feels like a legacy limitation similar to the 60 FPS cap, a case of the way things were done back in the day but no longer need to be done now. The question in my mind is what do weapons do differently from other items that requires them to be declared so differently. On my idea to allow multiple sword types, your comment helped me realize this would already be possible in an easier way: Granted we only want the player to carry one weapon of a given type at a time, this can be done by changing the model / skin / stats of the same sword weapon and blackjack. So if you're holding the sword then frob a builder's hammer, the hand with the sword lowers itself out of view then the sword turns into a hammer then the hand goes back up without the camera noticing a change. There isn't any limitation in the engine to reskinning a weapon in realtime correct? There's only one problem here as far as I'm aware: The md5mesh for the first person view hands also contain the sword as part of the model. The sword part of the mesh would need to be deleted and only the hands kept, then the sword attached as a separate entity using the same lwo model as the longsword you see guards holding or on maps as a decoration.
  10. I have a more conventional question myself for a change. I'm working with the building modules which are very awesome and helpful. I'm trying to understand how I can use them in ways that play nicely with vis portals and the need to isolate large areas. I want to know to what extent it's considered safe to put a roof model inside a brush block textured with textures/smf/portal_sky in hopes that it will always show properly when seen from below. The issue is you typically want the brushes of your your buildings to be blocks stretching up to the ceiling, so you can put portal surfaces in between them without any leaks. However the roof model is triangular now square. For this reason I initially went with making the brush a triangle in its shape with the tip edge stretching up to the ceiling, but of course this only lets me draw a portal across the axis where the triangle touches the world roof. It would be easier to just make the whole building a sky cube, put the module parts on its surface, then stick the roof inside and leave only the front sticking out. This seems to work in practice: If any part of the model is outside of the brush, the entire model appears to be rendered accordingly. But is this a safe practice to rely on? Should you intentionally allow large models to go through brushes like that? Can you officially rely on caulk and portal skies not to mask models that go into them or break their lighting? Here's a mockup screenshot to show what I mean and how I'd want to do it in the future:
  11. Btw. I think gui supports 3D models, like can be seen with the compass. I thought for immersion it would be cool to have a small 3d model on screen of the player's look when the disguise is used. Maybe it's nonsense, just something that came up.. Why is that actually necessary? If an item can be attached to an ai head it could maybe also be attached to your head? Can a helmet not be attached to a head? Well I guess it depends how you want to implement it.
  12. Biggest problem is a full outfit would require changing the player's body model including the 1st person hands, and I'm having trouble getting even the head to change for mirrors so likely never happening. Unless massive changes are done in the engine to make it possible... meaning never happening The disguise changes the player's team, so all AI on any team will treat you as the team you're disguised as... however only AI on that team or allies of it can make your disguise wear out and risk exposing you. Currently the only risk is AI is seeing you, the bar dropping faster the closer you get to them... that's gradually accelerated by the AI alert level, being seen by an alert AI can immediately break disguises: Technically I could add drawing a weapon or picking locks or stealing, but I'm not sure if the extra complexity is worth it. When putting the disguise on or after being exposed, you do need to wait for the bar to charge back up... if an AI isn't seeing you this takes about 5 seconds on the default helmets. As for the suspicion meter it's universal, making it per-AI would be confusing as the bar needs to switch to represent the closest one... it also didn't make sense because the player's team is universally modified so you can't trick one AI while being known to another, that would require doing it a different way. BTW: Don't be afraid to check out the script if anyone wants... it's surprisingly small, only 148 lines of code were needed! What I'm doing is actually pretty simple, it's mainly the AI sight that's crammed into a longer if statement. Also I commented the important parts to explain what they do. If anyone's curious you can check it out here: https://pastebin.com/7rU6DAAc
  13. Okay, now this is a super cool idea! Social roleplay always felt a bit underdeveloped in immersive sims of Looking Glass descent, but that's a thoroughly understandable compromise. Social roleplay potentially makes the NPC decision tree logic and sound/animation requirements explode in complexity, such that not even AAA game makers generally want to touch it. But there is new technology around now that I think can overcome a lot of those difficulties quite economically. This is something I really hope will be picked up and start rapidly evolving for TDM in the near future. But for now some initial reactions: It's quite sensible to just use headgear to simplify matters with the player model. Maybe as this evolves more the guard disguise could be a helmet plus sur-coat/tabard. That would be plausible for the PC to quickly slip on and would not change his/her arms, but it would make a more believable disguise. And it could be even more plausible by introducing light-armored variant guards wearing sleeves and gloves like the PC! A similar civilian set might be a wide-brim hat and an over-coat or great-cloak. I unfortunately don't have time (or skills) to dig into this now, but I'd love to know more about the implementation: Does it it make you more visible to NPCs that are against your purloined team? That seems like a reasonable balance concession. Does it take time to put a disguise on or off, and do you need to be concealed for it to work? Does doing thief-y things like stealing (from nobles) or mantling around like a damn-acrobat make your disguise degrade faster? I wouldn't expect that level of complexity with only 3 days work, but it would be cool. Speaking of complexity, it seems like you could evolve this further to give each NPC an individual suspicion meter for each player disguise. Then you could do away with the artificial suspicion meter and have more sophisticated roleplay situations. I am excited to see this develop, and I really hope it can soon find a home in some future FMs!
  14. Yep. Both checked. Tried it on round door with only rotate and only translate as well as both (my goal). In all cases the door was visually there but NON solid and NON frobable. Guess some change in base code over past 4 years. No biggie as I did a work-around. But acouple of hours testing - was it the water against the door? no. Something screwy with the brush door? No, deleted recreated, converted to model, still NG. Created regular sliding and rotating doors in water and out, with round model replacing normal one. Still NG. Was there any test I missed? On with the mapping, tally forth once more into the breaches. Mwah ha ha ha
  15. I might have played that one and vaguely remember it. I believe the crown is a normal loot item attached to the head, you simply frob to pick it up like everything else. Helmets are part of the head mesh, I need to make the head itself frobable and change its model accordingly... I should get to trying it out at some point and see how that might work. I think I played that one recently. The disguise isn't changed dynamically, it's a story thing with some AI set to be always friendly: This offers a flexible and customizable system to wear disguises in realtime, with the possibility of getting caught if you're seen for too long. Closest system I remember is a FM where you play in a large hotel and there's a needle indicating your suspicion level, bumped when going in other people's rooms and back when returning to a hallway. The disguise changes the team of the player, team relations don't even need to be altered which is great. So if you wear a Citywatch helmet the player goes from team 0 to team 2 then back when removing it or getting caught. This has the added benefit that AI on other teams will also treat you accordingly, so anyone allied to a guard will be fooled by your disguise while enemies of guards but not the player would instead only attack you while you're disguised.
  16. Automatic subtitles generation with Whisper I found a far better alternative to auto generate almost perfect srt files: Whisper. https://openai.com/research/whisper https://github.com/openai/whisper For example I did a test with file Simeon3.ogg, a 44 seconds voice file from fm A house of locked secrets. By using command in terminal: whisper Simeon3.ogg --model small.en After a very short time (could be due to it using nvidia cuda, not sure) it creates a bunch of export files, including an srt file with contents: (be warned that you will read the contents of an audio file of a mission, potentially spoiling something) This is almost exactly how it is supposed to be. Not only does it pick up the language all perfect, it also creates full sentences with punctuation. This is far better than the VOSK method in Kdenlive, which I had to edit afterwards. After that I load it in Kdenlive together with the sound file and make a couple of easy corrections to the flow. Basically you have to make sure that in the gaps in the audio file the subtitle sentences also stop. See example below: This is probably a 10x faster workflow. Edit: You can also list all the files in the command. For example (from dir with voice files): whisper Carlotta1.ogg Carlotta2.ogg Carlotta3.ogg -o ./../../subtitles --model medium.en -f srt This command generates the subtitles from these 3 files and saves them in the subtitles folder in (only) srt format. If you want inline, you copy them over from the srt files. Instead you can just use srt for all voice files. Edit 2 Currently I use this workflow: In the folder with voice audio files I make a folder subtitles. Then I open a terminal window in the voice folder. Then I do the following command in the terminal: whisper Carlotta1.ogg Carlotta2.ogg Carlotta3.ogg -o ./subtitles --model medium.en -f srt Afterwards I move the subtitle folder to another folder with voice files and repeat steps 2 and 3 or if I'm done I move the folder to the root folder of the mission.
  17. A search engine with the linguistic capabilities of ChatGPT can of course be useful, but a language model like ChatGPT without access to real-time information, no matter how good the language model is, is nothing more than a toy, can serve as an assistant or customer support for certain products with the necessary knowledge base of this product, but no more. Today, the information from search engines with AI is infinitely more reliable than that from AI chats, especially if they are not from large monopolies that may reflect certain commercial and/or political interests in their responses, as has already been experienced in Google, MS and also BraveAI, the latter with strong influences from the extreme right and whose CEO was already fired from Mozilla for this. Better the independent AI You can try right now https://andisearch.com (My favorite) https://www.perplexity.ai (also as usefull Browser extension) https://phind.com (specially for devs and programmers) https://you.com (the most complete)
  18. Would it possible to tweak or add to the model (.LWO and .ASE) export function the ability to reduce the amount of textures, or better still to export a single custom texture for the exported model..? For example atm if we take a bunch of Springheel's modular models, or just random models and brushwork and export that collection to a single model there is X number of textures which as I understand it increases the draw call count by the number of textures used. With Springheels modular models the texture count is lower due to the way he created them, due to the small amount of and similar textures used. But for maps like the one Im working on, I'm taking .ASE, .LWO and exiting brush/patch work and exporting to a single model.
  19. Thanks, I can also recommend gog galaxy. The idea of the custom tags is really nice, I'll have to try this out too!
  20. Thanks everyone. If all goes well I might have a nice little mod ready by tonight I hope you'll enjoy https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=6326 This bug is currently the last thing limiting me: Please let me know if anyone ever ran into that and knows a workaround or what I'm doing wrong, till whatever causes that can hopefully be fixed. I'm trying to change the player's head and use a custom one for seeing yourself in a mirror, it works but randomly introduces a crashes due to a negative model index.
  21. So far yes. But I haven't moved past that, so I don't know what other problems might come up, if any. I don't know if model formats are going to be a problem.
  22. To get a pure black background, one way is to use the view pane in the "Choose Model" picker. In the controls under the view pane, select "Lighting Mode" instead of "Texture Mode". You'll want to turn off grid lines there too, and play around with the filter options. I see there are helmets (without heads in them) under models/darkmod/wearables/headgear/
  23. Keep in mind also that mission size, and complexity have increased dramatically since the beginning. For a lot of veteran mappers, it can take over a year to get a map made and released. The last dozen missions have for the most part been pretty massive, with new textures, sounds, scripts, models etc. We seem to be long past the point of people loading up the tools, and banging out a mission in a few weeks that's very barebones. We still do see some of those, but I noticed in the beta mapper forums and on Discord, that mappers seem to make these maps, but don't release them, and instead use the knowledge gained to make something even better. Could just be bias on my part scrolling through the forums and discord server though.
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