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  1. I'm going dark

    Feel free to reassign all my tickets and delete unfinished work (multi-light shaders, x-ray view, etc) in trunk

    Special thanks to @nbohr1more and @stgatilov for putting up with my countless bugs and making great company

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JackFarmer


      You've been of great help during testing of my first two releases.

      Thank you for your help and stay healthy!


    3. stgatilov


      Sad to hear.
      I hope you are OK, and it's just real life that needs attention.

      Thank you for working on the game!
      Despite my complaints, you have improved TDM a lot. Without you, rendering would have been near Doom 3 level still.


    4. Petike the Taffer

      Petike the Taffer

      Duzhenko, whatever it is, I hope everything will go well for you. Thank you for all the hard work so far for the community. Come back anytime you'd want. As far as I'm concerned, the door will be always open and the light always on for you. Best wishes, P.

  2. I have quite a few assets from WIPs I'll probably never use elsewhere, so I thought I could share it here. Some of these are older and not necessarily matching the TDM lore, but I hope someone will find use for them. In terms of package format, I'll be creating 7zip packages with just model and/or texture files, so you can place them wherever you like in your project. I'll also include example material or def setup. I'll leave textures in .tga format, so you can make edits on uncompressed source and save as .dds later. So first up is a door/frame/key combo: Temp upload of all assets: https://we.tl/t-BOdrlNEXWJ See readme_notes for design / placement instructions.
  3. mmij

    I thought to write you directly so as not to take the main thread off-topic, I hope you don't mind.
    And I would have written sooner, but I've been tied up dealing with idiots occupying armchairs at the Saigon consulate.

    Regarding reading material about city growth, a lot of what I know comes from pratical experience and multiple city planning and history books. So I don't have one ready source to give you, sorry.

    But if you know that you're looking for a pattern, and you know that there are two main types to be aware of, then you can use satellite maps to see the 'why' of sity growth.

    Open your Google maps and pick an old city. I suggest starting with one of these: Moscow, Paris, London, New York City (including the surrounding burroughs), Bangkok, Dublin, or Hong Kong. What you first want to look for are the geometric patterns that show planned growth. Once you have these pinned down, then identify the asymmetric growth. If you're using Google maps, you can go to street view and look for physical structures (hills, rivers, depressions, etc. _and_ pre-existing geometries from parks, statues, monuments etc.) that created the sprawl.

    Historic geometries will not be as straight and true as modern ones. So a planned road from 1500CE will have some twists and turns between its start and finish, but the points themselves will mostly remain geometrically aligned. (Example below. The asteriks are points and slashes the roads.)  
    |             |
    \   Here   |
     |   be     |
    /  Rocks  \ 
    *             *


    1. Melan


      Thanks for your comments! If you are writing with reference to The Painter's Wife, do note that most of the basic street geometry is the work of Shadowhide, who built it about five or six years ago (he is no longer active on the forums). All later contributions, including mine, are refinements of that basic blueprint.

      That said, my designs follow fairly similar principles based on organic city growth patterns. My main reference work is Christopher Alexander's great Pattern Language, combined with personal experience visiting old cities throughout Europe (mainly the Mediterranean). While my personal research field is a bit different, I do work in regional studies, and have a natural interest in city development.

      Of course, there are two caveats:

      1) My cityscapes are rooted in surrealism, not realism - they are architectural fancies, not socio-economic experiments;

      2) they also serve gameplay (navigation, stealth, route-finding, climbing, etc.), which is an important consideration, too.

    2. mmij


      You have some very interesting studies! I'll look up that book later. I'm reading a book called "A Burglar's Guide to the City" by George Monaugh right now. I posted a short message about it in the Off Topic section of the forum, but I thought I'd bring it to your attention as well. It's very entertaining.

      I'm wondering though, about your first precept. Do you create your own structural guidelines for each cityscape indivually, or do you have a master template that you've built up that governs your universe?

    3. Melan


      I have read Monaugh's book; it is excellent! Very useful in thinking about level design, too. I think I first read about it on these forums, then purchased a copy.

      On your question, I have ideas about how the City looks and works in general - lack of open spaces, organic construction, rapid industrialisation that's still struggling to keep up with demand, and very little if any planning (beyond some basic public works). This is a core idea that is open to development in multiple directions. I also try to experiment with new ideas, so Penny Dreadful 2 or 3 is fairly different from Disorientation, which is different from Rose Garden. For example, PD3 is built on a stretch between canals and a hilltop fortress, which is different from Disorientation's waterfalls and steep streets, or Rose Garden's massive, derelict noble palaces. The basic idea dictates the details. So there is some logic o it - even though the results are not plausible in conventional reality. Springheel's TDM missions are definitely more realistic in this respect.

  4. It's been a while since I've played Dark Mod FM's and now I'm realizing that all of my save's, regardless of Fan Mission, doesn't load and boots me to the beginning. I haven't changed my computer in any way, other than updates to Win 10. No video card change, no change in hard drive, nothing. Version 2.07 / 64. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. Currently I'm playing the "Perilous Refuge" fan mission. My TDM version is 2.07/32. I tried to change the FOV by the advanced video settings dialog to an higher/wider value. First it seems to work fine ( also I'm not sure after all). Then I tried to change it even more but nothing happened. The wider FOV only happens if I grap any object in game e.g. a candle holder, but switches back to the default FOV if I drop the object again. Can someone tell why this doesn't work ? In an older forum post I read of how to change the FOV by editing some INI file but I didn't tried this yet, also since it don't seem to be the common way to do it no more. So I don't know if this would work better. Could someone help me out please ? Greetings Martin My OS is Win7/64 Graphics Card is NVidia GTX 960
  6. Not so long ago I found what could make a pretty good profile picture and decided to try it out on these new forums. But I couldn't find a button anywhere that would let me change it. I asked on Discord and it seems Spooks also couldn't find anything anywhere. So I logged into an old alternative account and, lo and behold, that account has a button. This is on the first screen I get when I: 1) click on my account name in the top-right of the browser -> 2) click on 'profile'. Compared to my actual account: Are you also missing this button on your account? It'd be very much appreciated if that functionality could be restored to any of the affected accounts.
  7. AMD at Computex:

    (discuss in CPU/GPU news thread)
  8. I set the control for it. It's in the inventory [capslock], but clicking on it, or hitting the compass key (V in my case) does nothing in latest version. Is there a problem with it?
  9. Still spreading the word about TDM on forums to new peops... Funny to see people say "Awesome, I loved playing Thief back in the day!"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kano


      Yes it was in a discussion where someone was saying how unhappy they are with the way game companies grant themselves permission to do whatever they like to your PC and personal info today. I pointed out that giving up games completely is an unnecessarily overkill solution when there are free games like TDM to play.

    3. Epifire


      Honestly the mod/Indie genre is still really booming right now. And they aint got no reason to do shady invasive privacy bs.

    4. Petike the Taffer

      Petike the Taffer

      What Epifire said. :-)

  10. Put an nVidia 1060 and an AMD 570 into my work PC. Vendor-specific issues should get resolved faster.

    1. nbohr1more
    2. stgatilov



      And I have not yet got to the shop to get AMD part...

      Hope to catch up soon =)

  11. So, as we all know Thief 1 and 2 remakes no can do because it is IP of Square Enix and they want to make measly 1-2$ dollars off these old classics from Steam. Well, maybe it can be done if we make sure the publisher gets to still sell their old classic games. They prohibit using any in game assets, and remaking in-game maps in new engine. Well it doesn't matter. What if a separate mod is made for each installment containing only the game i.e. Dark Mod: Thief 1; Dark Mod: Thief 2, where the key to playing these mods (which will only be downloadable through steam) will be owning the original games respectively. Because Steam now features a separate download and folder as well as an ability to allow mods to be download if a special requirement (in this case owning a particular title) is met. It is what Enderal did. So everyone gets what they want, people can re-create the originals in Dark Mod and distribute and publishers get more Thief fans as well as money. Probably will still have to pass this onto the publisher but this finally makes more sense to them to accept. I mean a free remaster of their games, hell they can even up the prices on their original games if they wish so and include the remasters in the store description as ways to play the game. P.s. The Dark Mod campaigns and maps are great themselves too, but it would also do Thief 1 and 2 justice if anyone ever remakes them this properply. But I take it nobody really wants to remake a game of that size because there is a mod for Thief 2 - Shadows of the Metal Age and I do not see any reason for it not being remade in this engine.
  12. Ambients database completed. I'll continue to work on the other not yet finished databases and vocal script overviews. We already have a lot more non-tutorial documentation archived than just half a year ago.

    1. RPGista


      Thats amazing work, man.

    2. Petike the Taffer

      Petike the Taffer

      Thank you. Is the playability of the audio samples straightforward enough ?

  13. Finally got some more time again after a mammoth project at work. Time to get working on TDM again! :-)

    1. RPGista


      We are both in the same situation. Changed laptops as well. Been taking a few days to get a hold of all my WIPs I left lying around.

  14. [DUMB] I can't get stencil SS to work. Went as far as Dec 208 in svn.What cvar could it be?

    1. duzenko


      Dec 2018 that is

    2. duzenko


      Just toggled separatstencil back and forth and it works now. Crazy. Intel driver at work?

    3. AluminumHaste


      Probably, I was using stencil SS last night on SVN and they worked fine.

  15. Hey folks. Haven't been around for a while, and I mostly just lurk. I really want to get into modding and mapping, but I haven't taken the step yet. I thought I'd focus on what I'm good at until I get to the stage of actually making my own maps, and that is... music. Here's an ambient piece I made today in Reason 10. Rain sounds added for context. https://soundcloud.com/paralytik/tdm-holy-ambient
  16. All NOLF games are free, until they figure out who owns the IP and start work on NOLF3: http://nolfrevival.tk/

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. jaxa


      teh_saccade you got cut off there.

    3. chakkman


      I played through NOLF a year ago or so, same version. It's still an absolutely awesome game. One of my favorites of all time.

    4. teh_saccade


      Idk the original C&C and Dune were abandonware/freeware still.


      Idk if the legal issues will ever be resolved - besides, "Archer" the spy is trademarked IP of a particular TV show.


      Also, yea, jaxa, I was ranting so the computer told me stfu :P hehe. (jaja, xaxa, jaxa).

  17. As it is unluckily this thread will be cleaned up after the fact, @who ever is looking after the forum these days, please delete this thread in its entirety (I have made a backup of the text/links). I will just start a new one after the mission is released.
    1. Tarhiel


      Awesome, congratulations!!! :o

    2. Bikerdude


      Yup, all the remianing bugs were ironed out, so it nigh on perfect now.

    3. AluminumHaste


      version 2.1 is now uploaded to mirrors ready to download.

  18. Whats up with zlotonews.com? When opening the inspiration thread i get a login window in firefox.

    1. freyk
    2. freyk


      Havent checked if i get the window today.

      But I dont get the windowget on my system at work.

  19. Hi, If I change the setting "Edit" -> "Mouse Settings" -> "Camera View" -> "Paste Shader Natural" to SHIFT + AUX1, I cannot use the Paste Shader Natural functionality. AUX1 is the button used for 'go back' in browsers. It works in other programs. It seems to be the same issue for AUX2 ('go forward'). I also tried changing other MMB bindings to AUX1 (Pick Shader, Paste Shader Projected) with the result that they did not work. Also tried with another mouse, with same result. If I set it to something else, e.g. shift + right mouse button, it works as expected. On Windows 10, 64 bit. DarkRadiant 2.6.0 x64
  20. can somebody fix the mainpage of our site? http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/19469-new-layout-error/

    1. nbohr1more
    2. Springheel


      It's under construction at the moment.


  21. Experimenting with TDM on Steam Link on Android. see topic http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/19432-tdm-on-steam-link-for-android/

    1. freyk


      Did the TDM team removed D3's internal Joypad feature? (tdm works only with systemkey binders for joysicks)

    2. freyk


      Thanks to shadrach, i got my joypad working in TDM on steam link!

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