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7 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

Hey tib, it should be CTRL + Alt + ~ (the tilde key)

aha, thank you, will try. and is there somewhere a thread of usefull console commands? (i would like to display those hardware resources while playing cpu gpu fps..)

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Here is a link to the Dark Mod wiki with some (but not all) of the basic console commands: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Console_Useful_Controls

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You can also type in the console:



And every single CVAR will be listed. Then you can type

condump cvarlist.txt

and Darkmod will create a text file of your console history called cvarlist.txt.
Useful if you want to see what commands you can use.


Wow, we're up to 1042 CVARs

I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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Support for .xd file format for readme files. Currently these are txt files, but when they're longer, they can't be displayed correctly in the Notes section of a mission listing. If they would be .xd files, scroll-buttons can be added so that the whole file can be properly read.

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4 hours ago, kin said:

I always liked the idea having a setting in sound menu to reduce footstep loudness, between some margins that ensure that it can't go completely silent

Won't Gameplay -> Difficulty -> AI Hearing help with this?

TDM Community Github: https://github.com/thedarkmodcommunity

My fan missions: The Hare in the Snare, Part 1

The Lieutenant Series: In Plain Sight  High Expectations Foreign Affairs

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14 hours ago, kin said:

I always liked the idea having a setting in sound menu to reduce footstep loudness, between some margins that ensure that it can't go completely silent

What's the problem that this would solve?

Are player or AI footsteps too loud, so it's painful to listen to?
Are you wanting AI footsteps to be more audible ("can't go completely silent"), so it's easier to tell where AI are?
Something else?

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Regarding sound. I always wondered if anyone thought of a two layer sound system at some point. I always felt that it seems awkward to hear the guards talk crystal clear all over the hallway when you're around the corner 100 meters away.

I don't know how it is called technically but some games propagate two sounds for one sound source. One normal sound that has full volume if you're close to the audio source. And one muffled or echoey sound that plays full volume if you're further away. The two fade into each other and then one of them vanishes depending on your distance to the audio source.

Would this be also possible in TDM? Maybe without doubling the audio files but using the 3D audio / EAX feature? Did someone play around with this in that regard already?

Edited by SeriousToni
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"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager

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1 minute ago, SeriousToni said:

Regarding sound. I always wondered if anyone thought of a two layer sound system at some point. I always felt that it seems awkward to hear the guards talk crystal clear all over the hallway when you're around the corner 100 meters away.

I don't know how it is called technically but some game propagate two sounds for one sound source. One normal sound that has full volume if you're close to the audio source. And one muffled or echoey sound that plays full volume of you're further away. The two fade into each other and then one of them vanishes depending on your distance to the audio source.

Would this be also possible in TDM? Maybe without doubling the audio files but using the 3D audio / EAX feature? Did someone play around with this in that regard already?

@SeriousToni IIRC you were asking in another thread a while ago about dynamically changing sounds, or triggering different ones when you enter a room and stuff like that.  I was just reading this about the sound override property and it reminded me about that conversation.  It looks like you can use this property do maybe do some of that stuff you were asking about? https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Location_Settings#Sound_Override

TDM Community Github: https://github.com/thedarkmodcommunity

My fan missions: The Hare in the Snare, Part 1

The Lieutenant Series: In Plain Sight  High Expectations Foreign Affairs

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12 minutes ago, Frost_Salamander said:

@SeriousToni IIRC you were asking in another thread a while ago about dynamically changing sounds, or triggering different ones when you enter a room and stuff like that.  I was just reading this about the sound override property and it reminded me about that conversation.  It looks like you can use this property do maybe do some of that stuff you were asking about? https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Location_Settings#Sound_Override

Thanks for your input. If I understand the wiki article correctly it talks about the ambient music tracks. However my question was focused on the NPCs talking sounds. As far as I understand one can not achieve this with the overwrite attribute. But I could be wrong.

"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager

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20 hours ago, Daft Mugi said:

What's the problem that this would solve?

Are player or AI footsteps too loud, so it's painful to listen to?
Are you wanting AI footsteps to be more audible ("can't go completely silent"), so it's easier to tell where AI are?
Something else?

It is a personal preference, I would like to have quieter player footsteps but since it can be only me wishing that (or a minority at least) this is why I suggested a way to adjust it.

Edited by kin
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20 minutes ago, kin said:

It is a personal preference, I would like to have quieter player footsteps but since it can be only me wishing that (or a minority at least) this is why I suggested a way to adjust it.

You can extract the game files with a zip software. I think in the sound_sfx file (I don't recall the exact name) you can find all player footsteps. Extract the folder holding the player footsteps. If you find a way to lower their volume with some kind of software that uses batch processing you could lower them all at once instead of every sound by hand.

"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager

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18 minutes ago, kin said:

It is a personal preference, I would like to have quieter player footsteps but since it can be only me wishing that (or a minority at least) this is why I suggested a way to adjust it.

Yeah, this would be a bit challenging to do at the moment, since the player footstep sound volumes vary a lot. For example, I find water and metal footstep sounds to be way too loud and painful. The way I made it better for myself is I found the corresponding sound files and edited them to reduce their volumes.

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1 hour ago, Daft Mugi said:

Yeah, this would be a bit challenging to do at the moment, since the player footstep sound volumes vary a lot. For example, I find water and metal footstep sounds to be way too loud and painful. The way I made it better for myself is I found the corresponding sound files and edited them to reduce their volumes.

You can try my alternative footstep sounds package which addressed the things you described together with a lot of other footstep sounds both for player and AI if you want to.


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"Einen giftigen Trank aus Kräutern und Wurzeln für die närrischen Städter wollen wir brauen." - Text aus einem verlassenen Heidenlager

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@kin Here are more details about how I reduce footstep sound volumes.

I extract the footstep sounds from tdm_sound_sfx02.pk4.

└── sfx
    └── movement
        └── footsteps
            └── player
                ├── metal_jump_land01.ogg
                ├── metal_jump_land02.ogg
                ├── metal_jump_land03.ogg
                ├── metal_jump_land04.ogg
                ├── metal_run01.ogg
                ├── metal_run02.ogg
                ├── metal_run03.ogg
                ├── metal_run04.ogg
                ├── water_crouch_run01.ogg
                ├── water_crouch_run02.ogg
                ├── water_crouch_run03.ogg
                ├── water_crouch_run04.ogg
                ├── water_jump_land01.ogg
                ├── water_jump_land02.ogg
                ├── water_jump_land03.ogg
                ├── water_jump_land04.ogg
                ├── water_run01.ogg
                ├── water_run02.ogg
                ├── water_run03.ogg
                ├── water_run04.ogg
                └── water_run05.ogg

I use a bash script (for Linux) that I wrote to reduce the volumes using FFmpeg.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eu

mkdir -p output/"$IN_DIR"

for i in "$IN_DIR"/metal_run*;        do ffmpeg -i "$i" -filter:a 'volume=-4dB'  output/"$i"; done
for i in "$IN_DIR"/metal_jump*;       do ffmpeg -i "$i" -filter:a 'volume=-10dB' output/"$i"; done

for i in "$IN_DIR"/water_run*;        do ffmpeg -i "$i" -filter:a 'volume=-10dB' output/"$i"; done
for i in "$IN_DIR"/water_crouch_run*; do ffmpeg -i "$i" -filter:a 'volume=-10dB' output/"$i"; done
for i in "$IN_DIR"/water_jump*;       do ffmpeg -i "$i" -filter:a 'volume=-5dB'  output/"$i"; done

Then, I put the resulting output sound files in darkmod/sound/sfx/movement/footsteps/player/.

(If I change anything in the future, updates will likely be at https://gist.github.com/daftmugi/68bcf3835fdb95e5a7b8148edcc14d38.)

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Better Armed Guards & Mythos Creatures?

I don't think the existing guards provide enough of a (apparent) threat or challenge, individually.
They need to be better armed - could brandish;
Halberds / Pikes / Spears, Double-headed Battle Axes, Latchet Crossbows...
(Enemy-only weapons that arn't usable by the player.)

16th century latchet crossbow (example)
YT Video of Tod's #1
YT Video of Tod's #2


TDM is still missing the following T/T2/T3+ type
'Dark' Mythos creatures:

  • Burrick (Belcher)
  • Tree-Shambler / Treant
  • Cray-men
  • Bug-Beast

Any chances of seeing these? I miss chopping Burricks into cut-rate dino meat.

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I'm still hoping for player and guard footstep sounds to be redone someday.   They seem a bit 'placeholder' to me.  If I ever get a good microphone for recording, I will try to make versions that sound a little more realistic and pleasant to my ear and share thems for if others happen to like them, too. Unfortunately, spending money on that isn't a priority for me in the foreseeable future, sigh

Edited by Darkness_Falls
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