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Thief 4 is trash.


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Why does it still hurt that they would eliminate Russell so that they could make their little movie? If they wanted to prove to the world that they too could make a video game movie, why did they have to rape the series in order to do it. I just feel that this was a terrible mistake that will have lasting repercussions.

Edited by RavenShore
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Though, after this Thief reboot debacle, I have infinitely more respect for The Dark Mod, it's community, and the awesome creators behind it.

I just started playing No Honor Among Thieves for the first time, and the quality throughout the whole level is fantastic.


It's a shame the new Thief can't capture the the Thief experience. Maybe they'll fix their mistakes with Thief 2 (Thief 5? I have no idea at this point. It be much simpler to continue the continuity after Deadly Shadows instead of rebooting the series, but that is a conversation for a whole other time).

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Here's what I didn't realize until just now: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thief_4


Eidos announced that the veteran voice actor Stephen Russell has been replaced by actor Romano Orzari for the role of the main protagonist in the series, Garrett. In a statement, Eidos explained their decision. "We made the decision to record our actor's voices and their movement at the same time using a full performance capture technique. The actor playing Garrett needed to be able to perform his own stunts. Garrett's a really athletic guy. We could have pasted Stephen's voice on top of the actions and stunts of someone else, but this wouldn't appear natural."


So ultimately, Russell was not brought on board because of third-person scripted action sequences that move the game many billions of base pairs away from the "series' DNA". Good to see one piece of trash decision lead to a garbage domino effect.

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So ultimately, Russell was not brought on board because of third-person scripted action sequences


That reason also doesn't make any sense when you see the level of quality of the lip-synching and motion capture. It's decidedly below average.

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Of course that reason doesn't make any sense...which makes it even worse!


Even if they were trying for precise facial expressions while the VA was talking, they still could have used SR with a mocap head rig and used the stuntman for the body animations, or simply done dialog replacement correctly for an excellent result.


The truth of the matter is that they really didn't care enough about having SR in the project, otherwise they wouldn't have to make up such a weak excuse.

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"This strutting rooster is heading straight for the hen house. I'll play the fox."


"I may be dressed in leather, but I don't think I'll pass for the cabaret act."



<br>Oh Woodsie Lord... Why? Why why EM? WHY?<br>I finished seeing the awful video of the last boss,if you are felling down I recommended for you to see to laugh. And I found a very interesting conversation on the chat section on youtube, which I agree <img data-cke-saved-src="http://forums.thedarkmod.com/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png" src="http://forums.thedarkmod.com/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":D"><br><br>" If you want to play a semi-recent game that is most "Thief-like" just play Dishonored.<br>No, just play The Dark Mod."


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If this game proves to be an abomination, I don't think that there will be a Thief 5, at least for many more moons...


If it has enough success to warrant a sequel/expansion, perhaps it will be passed off to an independent studio, because it will not receive as much financial backing as if the game was overwhelmingly successful. Bioshock 2 was a great sequel, even if it is to Bioshock what Opposing Force is to Half Life. I guess that's not a great comparison because both Bioshock and Half Life were enormously successful, but I think you guys can understand what I'm getting at.


This may prove for a Thief experience either closer to the originals, or another Thief experience that much farther away from the originals.


EM has mentioned about their next project, which they hinted is another reboot of Eidos IP.

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Yes, both Bioshock 2 and Opposing Force/Blue Shift are great.


I'm trying to say that if another studio besides EM handle DLC/sequel, maybe it will be closer to original Thief and not NuThief.


I guess it wasn't that good of a comparison after all... :huh:

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Razorfist is awesome. I love his rants and reviews. Anyone know if he has an account on these forums?

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So, lots of people have watched the game now...I'm trying to avoid spoilers, but is there any GOOD news? Everything I've heard sounds pretty bad.

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a fairly in-depth report from someone who watched the streams from start to finish. pretty daunting stuff. some highlights:

The game comes from the linear school of FPS design, like Call of Duty or any number of such titles, where your only goal is to run from Checkpoint A to Checkpoint B in order to trigger the next cutscene.
It takes 8 hours to beat the game, several hours of which were streamers failing to defeat the atrocious AI in places where sneaking was simply not an option at all and combat could not be avoided. Roughly 45% of the total playtime was taken up by the cutscenes, which are poorly animated, suffer texture and LOD popping, and have some of the worst voice acting I have heard in many years.
There is no differentiation of sound in materials when walked on.
If there is a secret passage, not only will an NPC be having a conversation about it, but the player character will remark that there is a secret passage once the conversation is over.
enforced stealth area with instant death on detection.


For myself, I've noticed in several spots in the stream where if you walk on some glass near an AI it causes an instantaneous chain reaction of every AI in 100m radius to instantly bumrush you, and some other stuff that was just abysmal.


Also, blue fucking fog. not even the grates you climb through to hide level loading. there is legit freakin blue fog in this game. a lot of it.


Also you can apparently complete the game without picking up a single piece of loot and still be rewarded with money at the end of a level to buy your leet upgrades.

Edited by ungoliant
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The walkthroughs I've watched haven't been done by anyone approaching a "thief" like playthrough which leaves some questions in my mind.


The videos that I have seen have been on 360 which is obviously old clunky and graphically horrible so again, hard to judge aesthetics from any of those.


There are bugs for sure and one really off-putting one is that there are subtitles continuing to scroll along the bottom for conversations that are supposedly going on but nothing at all is audible... just subtitles for... silence. Could be a 360 buffer issue or similar, hard to tell. Other sound issues include, things happening like throwing a glass bottle at something with no sound what-so-ever which again may be down to old 360 hardware.


I'm personally not put off by the tEcHnO music because, well... I turn music completely off when I play.


For me though after watching 5 hours of gameplay, its gone from a purchase to a, wait till its $5 unfortunately.


Sucks we're in a dry spell right now. Maybe I'll take Airships advice and just give it a chance. If only because there's nothing else new currently for me to play... :(


@Springheel -- Check out post #236 on this page. Its not all bad.

Edited by Lux
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Maybe I'll take Airships advice and just give it a chance. If only because there's nothing else new currently for me to play... :(


True, but I'm only buying a sub-par AAA game because we have a dual income and a shared Steam account.

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