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Thief 4 is trash.


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Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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I watched a few more gameplay vids and apparently you can deal with a number of guards one by one with the blackjack alone. They don't attack all at once but are taking turns. So you just have to time blocks and attacks until the guard goes to his knees. Then you do a takedown and repeat that with any others waiting in line.

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I watched a few more gameplay vids and apparently you can deal with a number of guards one by one with the blackjack alone. They don't attack all at once but are taking turns. So you just have to time blocks and attacks until the guard goes to his knees. Then you do a takedown and repeat that with any others waiting in line.

don't forget to take the time to enjoy the AI's brief teleport rotation to align himself cleanly for the takedown animation. The AI are quite helpful in that respect.


edit: thinking on it, I'm quite surprised that theres just so much stuff to be dissapointed and upset about that we all forgot to make 20 page threads devoted to hating on takedown animations.

Edited by ungoliant
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I wrote above that we shouldn't judge without having played it. But beeing negative about this game is so incredibly easy. ;)


Edit: On a positive note, Garrett seems to go down pretty fast when under attack.

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well the leaked livestreams have released a complete whirlwhind maelstrom of negative energy. It's no wonder they've been trying to keep 'real' gameplay footage and reviews under wraps until release when preorders can't be cancelled. Speaking of which, I hope those of you who have pre-ordered this game feel dirty and ashamed for supporting the pre-order cash-grab production model based on brand loyalty. But I guess not everyone feels as strongly as I do on that subject.

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we all forgot to make 20 page threads devoted to hating on takedown animations.




I hope those of you who have pre-ordered this game feel dirty and ashamed for supporting the pre-order cash-grab production model based on brand loyalty.


I actually just quite enjoy playing video games and couldn't care less how capitalist capitalists are in a capitalist capitalism.

Edited by Airship Ballet
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But I guess not everyone feels as strongly as I do on that subject.


I certainly do. If you personally think this game has massive problems and yet you still pre-order/buy it, you are rewarding bad behavior. Its like giving your pet a treat when he craps on the carpet and saying "good boy"...



If you reward poor quality content, increasingly poor quality content is all you will get.

--- War does not decide who is right, war decides who is left.

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If you reward poor quality content, increasingly poor quality content is all you will get.


That's a really naive, simplified way of looking at it and it's just not how the industry works. They don't greenlight projects off sales alone, and if they did they wouldn't have chosen to bring Thief back from the dead. It's easy to infer that given games like Call of Duty, but they simply re-use a formula that they know works while advancing everything around that. Every game has come back with more content. Granted they've become scummier with every release, just like Assassin's Creed and every other big AAA clone series, but that's the publishers' fault. The studio will be called on to make a game and then left until the next project. Ubisoft, for example, had a studio make Far Cry 3. They then told them they could make whatever they wanted, and Blood Dragon came out. In this case, there's a stranglehold on the studio to make the game accommodating to idiots, and accommodating to idiots it is. It's not based on sales, it's based on target audience research and pre-emptive accessibility for the widest number of people they can possibly envelope from those audiences. If they can't, they'll just change the theme until they can. That's why AAA games are typically so easy and simple in terms of design: you have to avoid excluding as many people as you can while making it and keep it inoffensive and accessible to all. Indie developers release games with a very specific audience in mind that will have a niche gameplay direction and offer something unique as the gears for their game. AAA games will be generic as all hell and just use their chosen theme as paint for pre-existing gears.


As a side note, people need to stop confusing watered-down and bad, getting themselves worked up in the process. Watered-down is Dishonored, bad is any German simulator game of your choice.

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If it has enough success to warrant a sequel/expansion, perhaps it will be passed off to an independent studio, because it will not receive as much financial backing as if the game was overwhelmingly successful. Bioshock 2 was a great sequel, even if it is to Bioshock what Opposing Force is to Half Life. I guess that's not a great comparison because both Bioshock and Half Life were enormously successful, but I think you guys can understand what I'm getting at.


Not sure if this is a good example either, but I think a lot of diehard Fallout fans weren't too thrilled with Fallout 3, but they did like New Vegas. So maybe Eidos passes off Thief to a dev similar to Obsidian, if Thief only sells decent to moderate, and they tweak the game and turn it into something at least a little closer to what Thief fans want.


Personally, I loved both Fallout games, so it doesn't apply to me, but it's just a thought.

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I don't get it.

The guards are keeping attack dogs on a rooftop.


Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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im guessing that almost all thief fans will play this new game sooner or later ( go on admit it you have pre-ordered it ).....me ill wait till i can pick up a second hand copy for about half the original purchase price.......and if it is truly awful that will be before the end of april....i can wait cos there are loads of great thief fms out there that i am yet to play


yes i know that i will hate it on many levels but hey i thought dishonoured was a great game so im hoping ill have a ball playing it


the only the i can say with certainty is this and many other forums inc TTLG will be alive with posts about the game for many months to come


still at least i have got loads of thief fms to play,. :rolleyes:

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bad is any German simulator game of your choice.


What? You criticize Omnibus Simulator 2014? How can you?!? :D

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My Eigenvalue is bigger than your Eigenvalue.

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I hope those of you who have pre-ordered this game feel dirty and ashamed for supporting the pre-order cash-grab production model based on brand loyalty.

Nope, because I didnt pay anymore for it than i do for any other PC game which is £15. So even it turns out to be shit I will have only lost £15.

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I doubt I'll ever play the new game. I was planning on watching someone's Let's Play of it, but after seeing some of the streams of the leaked game, I may not even watch a Let's Play.


Well, if you're referring to Thief and not to OMSI 2 (the real name), the German gaming magazine Gamestar has published its newest issue yesterday and a review of Thief. They were not happy with the game. All in all they criticized that it's neither appealing to old-school Thief fans nor to the new generation of gamers who'd have fun with DX:HR or Dishonored. The game is said to be fun occasionally, but it reeks of wasted potential.


I'm not sure if I can put up a scanned copy of the article, but suffice to say that an overall score of 78 percent is not the best thing for an AAA title. The review closes with this:


"Thief leaves us just like it has begun: unsatisfied. Overall it is a decent, sometimes even truly fun game that could have been so much more than it ultimately was. Like a real Thief, for example. Or a Deus Ex in steampunk. As it is now, it's a bit of both. But never completely so."

My Eigenvalue is bigger than your Eigenvalue.

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I just saw someone post in a news article I was reading on gamespot about the AMD Mantle thing being delayed in Thief.. On gamespot it annoyingly pops up any new comments in the bottom right.. someone said the following and I just want to know if its true or not.. To someone who has seen the ending could you please just tell me in a spoiler tag with a simple yes or no if the following is true .. obviously this COULD be a spoiler itself if its true so don't read ahead if you want to avoid spoilers (or potential spoilers)




The asshole in the comments said that "everyone in the end dies" is that true? I don't know if this idiot was just trolling or really did just spoil the ending for me.



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Well, if you're referring to Thief and not to OMSI 2 (the real name), the German gaming magazine Gamestar has published its newest issue yesterday and a review of Thief. They were not happy with the game. All in all they criticized that it's neither appealing to old-school Thief fans nor to the new generation of gamers who'd have fun with DX:HR or Dishonored. The game is said to be fun occasionally, but it reeks of wasted potential.


I'm not sure if I can put up a scanned copy of the article, but suffice to say that an overall score of 78 percent is not the best thing for an AAA title. The review closes with this:


"Thief leaves us just like it has begun: unsatisfied. Overall it is a decent, sometimes even truly fun game that could have been so much more than it ultimately was. Like a real Thief, for example. Or a Deus Ex in steampunk. As it is now, it's a bit of both. But never completely so."


Yeah, I was referring to nuThief. From what I've seen of it, I wouldn't score it anywhere nearly as high as 78%, but even so, I expect that 78% will be a bit lower than what most reviewers give it.

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From what I'm hearing, the game is running poorly on next-gen systems with some absurd loading times.

I can't imagine how it's going to look and play on current-gen systems like the PS3 or Xbox 360.

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