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Thief 4 is trash.


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My main complaint is the lack of interactivity. You're so walled-off from the environment as the freaking player its really hard to stomach. There are many other games that do this however in a Thief game where you're always in "close quarters", narrow alleys, tunnels, narrow city streets, it just really stands out as like you're physically on rails. You can't jump on anything, you can't mantle or climb on anything not designated as "OK!" and its just a very repressing experience.


Thief games in the past and even Thief 3 made you at least feel as though you could explore and test your acrobatic prowess to at least sOMe extent.


This new game is just....blah...


Oh and I forgot to mention, the lack of lean keys is extremely off-putting since their own contextual "Hit E to peak" only works about half the time in a place you'd like to use it... great design. :|

Edited by Lux
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You can't jump on anything, you can't mantle or climb on anything not designated as "OK!" and its just a very repressing experience.


I finally managed to play the intro, and I thought I'm doing something wrong, because I immediately experienced this lack of control. The surrounding looks good enough, even though I don't really like this modern look. Makes me feel like I'm playing in some setting in the twenties, but the lack of control is really frustrating. I climbed on that beam outside the window and tried to fall off. Wow! I can't fall to my death.

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Don't forget that this game has dynamic gamma. When you go into a dark area your eyes "adjust" and it gets lighter. When you are in open light shadows look almost black. It takes some getting used to.


That is dynamic tone mapping is a feature in new games to simulate HDR (high dynamic Range) and also eyes adaptation, HL2 (Half Life 2) was the first one with this.

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This game is not fun at all. I really tried to like it, but stealth isn't fun, stealing isn't fun, movement and interaction mechanics aren't fun. Nothing is any fun.


Only things I liked is the level design, the view on the city from atop and sometimes the music has some Thief like element to it. Otherwise... not fun.



Edit: Not fun at all.

Edited by Psychomorph
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you can fall off things to your death after the intro, just whack the space bar several times when you are in the 2nd position crouch and you'll swoop into the darkness above the street. thats 50ft above the street, then you fall to your death. there's a mechanic that allows you to jump from beam to beam above the street, if you find one of those beams and jump the wrong way, you'll fall off it. must be lots of magpies in the city, there nests are full of purses.

someone splashed white paint all over the surfaces where you can go in the city. there's extra extentions to wooden roofs to show you where you can jump across. the lack of jump make it feel like you are on a rail. dull as dull can be. there's a hell of alot of scripted events that make it near imposible to ghost the game. if you want to avoid guards meeting you then you can't the guards change there patrol route to always patrol near you. there's two guards that patrol around the bottom of the clock tower. if you are near the inn they patrol that part near the inn, if you are in the next bit when there a covered stairs down to an inventor then they will patrol there. if you use a water arrow to put a torch out in the city that is impossible for any AI to reach then go into another load section, when you come back the torch you put out is lit again, the game does not remember what you did.


In the intro where a guy is looking at a corpse on a table with a lit brazer next to him, there is an alternative on the rails route past him, but in all the intro walkthrough video's I've seen no one has found it. When you are peeking around that corner to look at him, and after you've pinched his money and food, go back and you can jump up to a small section that gives you a new city map, then you can bypass the guy on the ground via some walkways and use the claw to climb up the wall next to the ladder. so you can save a water arrow and not alert that guy.


those caged dogs are a pain in the wosits, and you can't go where you want to with them there you have to go the route set by the by the makers of the game. There are some open area's in the game which look like you could explore them, so they filled them with dogs to keep you on the rails. am only up to the inbetween bit between chapter 2 and 3, I was doing the extra bits in the city that feel like old thief but still run on rails alot.

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So a little feedback -

  • Im glad I only paid £15 for this piece of shit, the whole game is a broken, shambling mess.
  • during the benchmark I saw z-fighting, mis-rendered objects and Ai sinking into the ground.
  • the 64bit executable is fucked and is the cause of most of the issues being reported by players. A fix had to be found by the community (as fucking always) via the 32bit exe.
  • the audio in the game is completely and utterly FUCKED, its either too loud or too quiet, the VOs are either completely flat or missing any sound all together and the tense moments music segments - don't get me started on those.
  • the insistence on animations for repeated tasks is beyond irritating, opening windows, grabbing loot, the list goes on.
  • the is essentially a poor rip off of Dishonoured with better textures, some examples - gloomers = weepers, queen of beggers = granny rags. I wont be surprised if Bethesda don't sue EM for plagiarism.
  • invisible walls everywhere FFS, I absolutely fucking hate this. Being told where I can and cannot jump, climb or walk is gaming cardinal sin 101 - When its fucking obvious even T3 Garrett could jump there.
  • and just like the benchmark I'm seeing mapping bugs all over the fucking place.
  • oh and when did Garret get his balls cut? he sounds like a girl when he dies.

In a nutshell, how & why the fuck did this get released? did they even do any beta testing FFS?

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Stop paying money for this trash! It only encourages them to make another version in a couple of years!


My prediction is that thief5 will be an interactive movie that only requires you to hit the right controller button at the right time to continue on to the next scene (e.g. to do a steal action or jump action or to fire an arrow etc.) You will need a new next-gen pc to 'play' this 'game'. It will look awesome.

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I will give this game the name:

"T4- the thieves foggy railway"

KI = boring, dumb like F***

athmosphere = between the cutscenes, Garrett`s soliloquys, an intromovie created in a b-movies-director worst nightmare after 2 peperoni-family-pizza and 15 bottles BUDWEISER , a plot interesting for gamers that loves "Farming simulator" or "the sims"???

No. No athmosphere....except...the fog... :-P

immersion = if u found it, pls tell me where to find

interface = a real immersion killer. looks like made for another game. a bad game

A Bugfest - I will wait for the next major patch, before I will play any further .

At least I payed only 19,-bucks

Edited by vvGarrettvv
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Looking at the game on it's own, I can see to what audience it appeals to. Unfortuantely that is probably not the audience we are having here mostly. :)


I played now through the first level and reached the Clocktower. Well, the graphics looks nice. That "1920" looks seems to be mostly on the loading screens, which is not reall good, but well...


Unfortunately my gaming experience is rather bad, because my machine seems to be lacking enough memory (4GB), so I have constantly lockups and have to wait until the machine can continue. Not sure if this is really a fault of the program, because on GTA IV I also already noticed that my machine comes to age. So I will not hold that up against T4. :)


Even though I find the graphics nice, it doesn't really feel Thief for me. Looks to modern IMO and there is not that atmosphere, I can see in the original Thief (means before TDS). From the articles I expected something like Assassins Creed style gameplay, and it's pretty close. Only that AC runs really smooth and the animations don't interfere with the gaming experience (quite on the contrary it feels really fun to run through the cities).


When I'm standing still and watching guards, there is almost something like Thief feeling coming up, but unfortunately those moments are rather limited. All in all, the maps feel cramped, and there is zero incentive or possibility to explore, which I find the biggest problem. It's totally annoying that you have all this nice architecture surrounding you, and you know that you can't do anything with it. :(


The bugs with the audio can be fixed. Yes, it is annoying, but this can be remedied, but the mission design is built in, and will not change, even if some patches will remove some problems.

What I really feel horrible is the HUD elements, that look like being made for a SciFi game. You are supposed to be a Thief in some medevieal looking country, and you have all these computer elements flashing over the screen.


Well, at least Erin is gone really soon. :)

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With this release they flushed this IP down the drain. If people want to play a Thief-style game,

obviously TDM is without any alternative. A xx million dollar budget

and a great marketing campaign is no replacement for ambition &



"They got the name, we got the game"

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A xx million dollar budget and a great marketing campaign is no replacement for ambition & passion.


I'm sure the devs are endlessly grateful for the opportunity to go through their studies with a million and one wonderful ideas and end up having to work to a specification.

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One of the things that is the most disturbing for me is the readables. I like to get in to a game and reading the readables in your environment is the ideal way to do that...like in TDM. In Thi4f you pick up a readable and.... where did it go, where did it go.... oh...F1, arrow key down to something with a + next to it... arrow key down to the most recent since you've read every other one... then ESC ESC ESC ESC to get back to game... what a F*@%$ing nightmare. Sure you can just click, "back to game" at the bottom but with 3 monitors the interface turns in to a button hunt with the mouse.


Why the HELL didn't they make it so after you've picked up a NEW readable, hitting F1 would go STRAIGHT TO THAT PAGE.


I think after the little that I've played my *best* desciption of the game would be this:


Thi4f is like a kid looking at a picture of a jungle gym. He thinks, "man that looks fun!"... except, its only a picture.

Edited by Lux
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Unfortunately my gaming experience is rather bad, because my machine seems to be lacking enough memory (4GB), so I have constantly lockups and have to wait until the machine can continue.

You need to use the "Forced 32bit exe trick", see the tweaks and fixes thread -


- http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/16001-thief-4-tweaks-fixes/

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Do I need this? Because I'm runing the 32Bit exe anyway, as I only have a 32bit system. I check it out anyway and see what this is.

In that case no, steam should auto select the 32bit exe. Can you do me a favour and run the T4 benchmark and post your system specs and game settings in the benchmark thread..?


- http://forums.thedar...chmark-results/


The idea is if I can help you get the perf up then it will benefit other taffers etc.

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Just finished up the House of Titties, I think I found where all of their mocap money went to.


I've also come to the conclusion that the whole thiaf body awareness thing is just garbage. It seemed kinda cool at first because the player shadows look really slick, but after a while it started grating on me far worse than TDS.

The whole system is designed to just mess around with garrets position any time he needs to "do something" in order to make it not look stupid, like grabbing air when hes supposed to grab a cup. that would be fine except they BOTCHED it entirely. Any time you loot something thats slightly too far away, nugarret will move audibly to the position he needs to be in. I've been busted by guards and birds and dogs numerous times just trying to grab a stupid cup or open a drawer because he moves at the current speed selected, which is usually walking speed. if you're very close to an AI this is like an auto-bust unless you crouch, or hold the sneak button before grabbing the loot. the only other way around it is to just make sure you are within actual grabbing distance. might have been nice if they just didn't allow looting unless you were already in the correct position. or made it silent. or something, i dunno, not retarded.


also, am I the only one bothered by the mind-numbingly stupid quicksave/quickload "feature" that makes quickload load the last save created? like checkpoint saves, new area saves, new chapter saves etc, and then somehow dividing saveslots to each have their own manual and autosaves, along with a separate slot devoted to autosaves that somehow have manual saves inside them as well?! AND there is no actual quick-save!! they are all just listed as "manual save". what the literal fuck is wrong with these people.

Edited by ungoliant
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Interesting, so if you are close enough to loot for it to highlight, but not close enough yet to make the grab, Garrett will automagically move close enough to make a grab. Unbelievable. Just another element that shows the team spent their precious resources on trivial eye candy, when simple game mechanics clearly took a back seat.

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