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Clear over-reaction to a clearly deluded individual aside. The title of campaign dev should probably be removed to avoid confusion, as it is essentially meaningless now.


Good idea.

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I always try to stay clear of political discussions on the internet because they almost always escalate. This is another example.


Considering this is an international forum, I always just imagined that all participants would implicitly be accepting and respecting different nations, races and beliefs. In my almost 15 years with TDM, I was never forced to disband this assumption about the people here, except for one or two outliers which have already been cited.


So, calm down, take a few deep breaths, and realize that all is good. And please stop nuking posts.

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Isn't there a way to see the non-deleted posts back, anyway? Like the Wayback Machine or so, although it's not like it always works 24/7.


Still, her deleting her comments for no reason at all is just...Pathetic.


I'm sorry to say, but I feel deeply empathetically ashamed of this person.
I really do hope she calms the fuck down and stops being too emotional as well as hypocritical with her "nuking posts".

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This is what happens when people are socialised and indoctrinated to believe that they have a right to never encounter an opinion or viewpoint that offends them. They lose the ability to deal with it. If they are in a university they protest and riot; if they are on social media they demand (and generally get) censorship by the site operators. If they are on a forum like this, which does not routinely censor posts for political or emotional reasons, they have no option but to ragequit.

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This is what happens when people are socialised and indoctrinated to believe that they have a right to never encounter an opinion or viewpoint that offends them.


I've been seeing this more and more. It's quite concerning and not at all the environment I grew up in. Differing opinions were welcomed. You learned to see from perspectives other than your own.

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IMO it also stems from how people have forgotten to debate. The goal nowadays is to obliterate and destroy the opponent, there's no preliminary respect or mere thought that you could actually learn something from others.


Exactly! You can learn a lot about your own fears, prejudices and weaknesses from those whose views might be contrary to your own.

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Perhaps just an unbalanced person, going through some stuff? I have never seen this before...

Oh, this is pretty mild. There are social sites where e.g. posting eye contact images or mentioning food without a content warning is frowned upon.

Some things I'm repeatedly thinking about...


- louder scream when you're dying

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Oh, this is pretty mild. There are social sites where e.g. posting eye contact images or mentioning food without a content warning is frowned upon.


Seriously? Holy crap.


I recently had an experience where I approached a family member and shared a traumatic experience that happened to me back in 2015. I wasn't looking for any type of sympathy, just hoping to open a dialogue and begin sharing this thing I had kept secret the last 4 years. I received an emailing 'schooling' me on how to share and that my experience was triggering and that I had sent it to her without a warning. It's something I would never say to anyone who shared what I shared. It took an event that had nearly caused me to end my life and turned it into an issue about her 'discomfort' in reading it. To be fair, I had written it on a private blog and the title of the blog gave a pretty clear hint as to the content.


I'm kind of fed up with the attitudes going around these days. I have never scolded anyone for making me feel uncomfortable. Life is uncomfortable. If you don't learn to cope with it then existence is going to be pretty much unbearable.

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I am sorry and surprised to read this. I sincerely hope you're better now.


Many people just cannot cope with the intensity of a deeply personal conversation, so just don't give too much about that reaction of your family member. Maybe it is because they hadn't already experienced enough shit in their live, or maybe it's the total opposite and they are shutting down emotionally.

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There are cultures that develop around mental illness and so forth within which e.g. policing trigger warnings is normal and mutually reinforced; then those expectations get applied to interactions with people outside the group. I don't know whether any of that applies to Lavender though.


I think it's understandable to find some views not merely wrong but repugnant; I imagine we'd be having a somewhat different discussion if the accusation had been of, say, anti-Semitism. But sometimes politics gets so polarised that you have people automatically imputing bigotry to whoever thinks differently on Trump or Brexit or whatever. It's often unclear whether opposition to 'the alt-right' is to neo-fascism or to conservatism.


Good thing she never found out which members here also post on RPG Codex. :-P

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Some things I'm repeatedly thinking about...


- louder scream when you're dying

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I am sorry and surprised to read this. I sincerely hope you're better now.


Many people just cannot cope with the intensity of a deeply personal conversation, so just don't give to much about that reaction of your family member. Maybe it is because they hadn't already experienced enough shit in their live, or maybe it's the total opposite and they are shutting down emotionally.


Exact same feelings. Sorry to hear about your struggle, glad you have overcome it. This just goes to show that people are suffering all around us and we dont really know about it, so lets all just take it easy and give lavander (in this case) a break. We are here for some fun time, not flame wars.

Edited by RPGista
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Another thing Ill add to this conversation is that I feel that some people forget to just laugh it off. If I see someone spewing nonsense online I just laugh and think what a dickhead! And move on. Whats the point in being offended about what internet strangers say? If its not a personal attack it doesnt really effect you.


Censoring opinions and wrapping yourself in bubble wrap is not only a boring way to live life, but you're going to miss out on a lot of interactions and knowledge. I have friends from all over the political and religious spectrum, some of us very strongly disagree in certain areas but we are able to communicate like adults and discuss different ideas and concepts.


That doesnt poison the well of your thoughts, it just provides insight into how someone else is the way they are.


If we all thought the same, life would be pretty damn boring wouldnt it?

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I detected an empathetic emission from this origin and came to investigate.


I can only guess what has happened. Something exploded around post #34. What a pity content has been erased. Now there is nothing to learn.


Let's start having more political discussions on this forum immediately. We must practice political discussion in order to master it, secure it, contain it and preserve it for the future generations.


Without the ability of political discussion, the future of humanity is doomed. And I would not like that...


-The mapper's best friend.

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Why do we have poor political discourse?


The ruling class has spent years eroding our understanding of civics:



Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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Oh, this is pretty mild. There are social sites where e.g. posting eye contact images or mentioning food without a content warning is frowned upon.


...I don't believe. it


I'm very curious, can you perhaps PM me links to those?



I wasn't looking for any type of sympathy


Good, that's what EVERY person in the world should expect, nothing but a random response.


Sadly most people just want to live in some weird fantasy where everyone is...Equal. And by that, I mean way too equal, they're clones.

I hate that, I want extreme diversity instead.


Many people just cannot cope with the intensity of a deeply personal conversation, so just don't give too much about that reaction of your family member. Maybe it is because they hadn't already experienced enough shit in their live, or maybe it's the total opposite and they are shutting down emotionally.


I surely did miscomprehend "shutting down emotionally" and I'll even miscomprehend my own, but I'll just say it as is.


Emotions, whatever they are, I find them pointless. We can talk about personal problems without emotions, all will happen is that it simply will not be "emotional" as it commonly is.

One can easily talk about crazy shit like a rape, sexual assault or the like and just feel "numb", but understand.


Problem is...Some people accuse you of psychopathy about it. Why can't we respect the fact some people are stoic, incapable of empathy but NOT because of psychopathy and the like?


Sorry, I did a minor rant, but it kinda is related; I feel like this person who just went to self-censor herself is that kind of person; whoever "challenges" her means it's not an individual with his/her own ideas, thoughts and base but some stereotype like an "alt-right" or a "nazi".



Another thing Ill add to this conversation is that I feel that some people forget to just laugh it off.


Heh, quoteth for truth matey.


It's what I always say; "In the end, you must laugh at the face of danger or death."

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...I don't believe. it


I'm very curious, can you perhaps PM me links to those?

I'd have to trawl through a bunch of Mastodon instances to find out whether any of them explicitly puts that level of detail in its rules instead of expecting people to work it out by osmosis or getting called out. The culture I'm talking about is from the depths of the Fediverse, where every 'instance' federates with (shares content with, allows interaction from) other instances, and some are quite large and some are very small, and local cultures routinely clash with those of other instances. Depending on the instance you have an account on, it's quite possible you'll barely notice the really sensitive ones because they've defederated from, i.e. blocked, your instance (scholar.social, for example, pre-emptively blocks any unmoderated instance).

Edited by VanishedOne

Some things I'm repeatedly thinking about...


- louder scream when you're dying

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Emotions, whatever they are, I find them pointless. We can talk about personal problems without emotions, all will happen is that it simply will not be "emotional" as it commonly is.

One can easily talk about crazy shit like a rape, sexual assault or the like and just feel "numb", but understand.


Problem is...Some people accuse you of psychopathy about it. Why can't we respect the fact some people are stoic, incapable of empathy but NOT because of psychopathy and the like?


Sorry, I did a minor rant, but it kinda is related; I feel like this person who just went to self-censor herself is that kind of person; whoever "challenges" her means it's not an individual with his/her own ideas, thoughts and base but some stereotype like an "alt-right" or a "nazi".

I agree that there are places, where emotions have no place (such as political discussions), but branding them as pointless is too much, in my opinion. I don't think that you can talk about rape and sexual assault without emotion, when you have experienced it yourself. Also, I would not want a life without emotions; it would just be living from day to day and would seem pretty pointless to me.


Yet, there is a difference between stoic and without emotions (or without empathy). I would describe myself as quite stoic, but I am far from emotionless, although it may seem that way sometimes, and I agree that in any objective discussion this is useful, if not even necessary. Still, there are other discussions (e.g. while talking to victims of assault or similar) that require to be empathetic or you would be regarded as plump and insulting.


By the way: Being devoid of empathy is the definition of psychopathy, so I don't know why you should not describe someone like that as a psychopath? But there may be a difference between "I am incapable of empathy" and "I can not relate to your problem, because I have never had to experience it". Not sure, which one you are currently talking about.

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Am I missing something about this thread as every one of Abandons posts is empty!

I have an eclectic YouTube channel making videos on a variety of games. Come and have look here:



Dark Mod Missions: Briarwood Manor - available here or in game




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  • 2 weeks later...

Lavender, I don't know who insulted you, but please don't delete all your hard work here. :( It helps no one, and it only pains the actual friends you have here, who care for you and your work. I consider myself one such person. I liked your work, I liked your enthusiasm, very much. And now you're eviscerating it to pieces. :( Come on, don't let one rude fool govern your entire presence in this community. You're better than him ! If someone's outright bullying you here, alert the mods.


All your hard work made me happy. :( I was really looking forward to seeing it get released ! I even congratulated you last year, because I deeply admire all the hard work you've contributed to this community. :( Please don't destroy all of this, including your comments.


I have one or two individuals on these forums on ignore. Because of their views and behaviour, and because I've noticed they might be politically outspoken, but don't contribute much to the actual work on TDM. Not to my liking, so I saved myself the trouble by simply ignoring them entirely.


This is all pointless. You're a talented, skillful, smart person. Why are you doing this ? If you're annoyed at another person's behaviour, talk about it openly, there's no shame in letting off steam if there's a good personal reason. But don't be self-destructive like this. It honestly doesn't change anything for the better and it honestly doesn't suit you at all. :(

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Petike - Like I was saying earlier, its probably something personal that was triggered by some random thing, sometimes all we need is another drop and the glass is full. If you know the person then perhaps it could be nice to try and reach through a PM, though it might also be better just to give her some space. Would be a pity to loose any work already done... Lets hope she'll come around in time.

Edited by RPGista
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Hi All,


I am from England and an English teacher by profession. If you want this kind of voice to fit in with your character profile just ask and send me a script. I would be more than happy to record for you and contribute to the development of this Mod!


Voices add to the mood, character depth and drive of the thief so I suggest we gain more voices. It also allows for modders to have a wider resource to use

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