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Fan Mission: The Painter’s Wife v1.2 by Fractured Glass Company (2020/07/01)


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2 hours ago, Swedish Taffer said:

Is it because i went there first?

The "here is my way out" voiceover is a self-contained event triggered when walking near the exit location that only counts how many objectives you've completed before deciding whether to play the voiceover or not, so it seems unlikely this is the cause.

According to the objective logic, you need to complete the following objectives to complete the mission:

  • "Rescue the painter's wife and bring her back to the apartment."
  • "Corrupt nobles like Marlow only understand wealth. Steal his most prized painting."
  • "While you're at the mansion, deal with Lord Marlow."
  • "Looks like Marlow's out. Look for a lead on his location. [New]"
  • "Discourage Marlow's assassin from carrying out her job. [New]"
  • Loot objective for the respective difficulty
  • No-kill objective for the respective difficulty (don't fail)
  • [Hidden objective] Player has either framed or killed Marlow.

The hidden objective is never visible as it's internal, and some of the "While you're at the mansion, deal with Lord Marlow" objective gets replaced with "Looks like Marlow's out. Look for a lead on his location. [New]"

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1 hour ago, Dragofer said:

The "here is my way out" voiceover is a self-contained event triggered when walking near the exit location that only counts how many objectives you've completed before deciding whether to play the voiceover or not, so it seems unlikely this is the cause.

According to the objective logic, you need to complete the following objectives to complete the mission:

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  • "Rescue the painter's wife and bring her back to the apartment."
  • "Corrupt nobles like Marlow only understand wealth. Steal his most prized painting."
  • "While you're at the mansion, deal with Lord Marlow."
  • "Looks like Marlow's out. Look for a lead on his location. [New]"
  • "Discourage Marlow's assassin from carrying out her job. [New]"
  • Loot objective for the respective difficulty
  • No-kill objective for the respective difficulty (don't fail)
  • [Hidden objective] Player has either framed or killed Marlow.

The hidden objective is never visible as it's internal, and some of the "While you're at the mansion, deal with Lord Marlow" objective gets replaced with "Looks like Marlow's out. Look for a lead on his location. [New]"


"Looks like Marlow's out. Look for a lead on his location. [New]"

I did not get this one, i killed him before and got this:


Marlow Is a bastard of the worst kind. Remove him from the equation permanently.

So maybe you have to get that first objective, if not the game could not end?

Here is a video:


Edited by Swedish Taffer
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2 hours ago, Swedish Taffer said:

I did not get this one, i killed him before and got this:

That objective should tick off, silently and invisibly in your case, if you enter Marlow's 2-floor study - but I think the underlying problem is just that the mission success logic seems to be more complicated than it needs to be and can therefore break if things are done in certain orders. It's definitely something for an update. I'm afraid in this case I can't offer anything else than entering "tdm_end_mission" into the console when you're standing at the exit location to get a proper mission ending statistics screen.

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@Swedish TafferI had a similar issue in my playthrough, with this objective:

"Looks like Marlow's out. Look for a lead on his location. [New]"

Even though there are multiple leads to his location throughout the mission, success for this objective is only triggered by one specific piece of paper. Hint:


Search Marlow's bedroom.

Once you read that note you should be able to finish the mission correctly.

The Dark Mod Database: https://tdmdb.com

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Thank you for this masterpiece. Everything I want in a thief/darkmod mission is there. I think this one belongs to the top of the darkmod FM-list, or at least the top 3 but I can't think of a better one right now. This mod has gone so mature. Thank you for yout skills and time spent.

For those who want to know if this mission contains undead :


I encoutered 1 ghost but you won't jump screaming because you will know your are not supposed to do ... somethings ;) and you will guess easily where this will happen.


Edited by plotzzz
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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't completed the mission yet but damn me, I absolutely want to chime in because


I came upon Marlow in the club before I had even visited the Manor and dispatched him, and being able to do that this early

was awesome!

Edit: Oh and, it backfired. Turns out


I hadn't looted a key on him (and god knows I would EXPECT him to carry a key) so I had  to turn back all the way after the manor)

Speaking of which, there are a few typos here and here, mostly in the written notes, but I'm thinking about it now because


that key is "Elabroate Key"


Edited by A_Big_Guy
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Right, I've finished it. I suppose it won't hurt if I'm the n-th person to tell you this is a masterpiece. And damn, I'm surprisied I could only find 50% of the total loot, but then again I know I consciously did not bother looking further for the


Golden Chalice. I went in the pump station, down and through the water, but only found an unnamed loot item guarded by spiders. Oh well.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all.
I almost finished the missions "The Painter's Wife". A huge plus for the complexity of the mission and the number of hidden locations and passages and secrets. I had a lot of trouble getting wife's body up the stairs. and finally, when I put her on the bed, the mission objective was not completed, I have no idea if it was a bug or I just missed something.

I got 2 questions:
- is in this mission bug or i doing something wrong?
-where is buried chapel with the golden chalice?



There some screenshots

Edited by turecki69
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  • 3 weeks later...

This mission certainly looks great but I wonder if I'm playing it right? The quest is to rescue someone so, as directed, I study the map, head to the armorer, then the pharmacy (disappointed to only find a single health potion) and then on to Marlow Manor...

I've played about 5 sessions. Been round and round the streets around the manor. Climbed pipes, roped up, crossed ledges and rooftops, jumped gaps, frobbed every door in sight. But can't find any way in to the manor.

Am I being stupid doing the sensible thing? Should I instead not worry about Lily and explore the entire city and hope to find a route? And then only explore near the destination later (by which time she's dead. Or worse!)

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I can't answer your question lol. I've played about 3 hours and I haven't made it there yet 😛

To busy getting lost on the rooftops and falling to my death. Also I'm in oompaloompa land and I don't know what to do.

And my savegames keep getting broken because I'm playing this on svn, so I guess to keep restarting.

I always assumed I'd taste like boot leather.


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36 minutes ago, Fidcal said:

But can't find any way in to the manor.

There's the double-door main entrance along the southern wall of the mansion, as well as various balconies fairly high up. It's also possible to get in from below via the sewers, but that's not the route I'd recommend.

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OK, thanks. I'm astonished those double doors are frobbable - I could have sworn I tried them out of curiosity. However, a good thief would never normally consider going in the front entrance. ;) 

So... 'various balconies' eh? I really thought I'd exhausted all the higher areas.

Anyway, I don't mind searching so long as I know there is a way in the area and not ten streets away. I'd suggest though, if there's some other need to recompile, to put in a message that Andreas feels sure there is a way in close by but warns it will be really really difficult to find it or somesuch.

As a last resort, I've got the double door. :D

Oh, yeah, I think I did go through some sewers but couldn't proceed and had to back out. Maybe that's why they're not recommended?

Great city and climbing mission though.

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Hooray! Finally found a way. I'd been close many times before without realising. Been away too long. Guess I underestimated how high one can mantle up. I did eventually work out the final part of the route by 'if I could get on there, then I could reach there, and then I could jump to there - but how to get THERE in the first place?' By working it out backwards I found myself staring at a ledge above my head apparently out of reach. A step or two up the  roof slope I was standing on and I could just reach up...

Definitely the longest time I've ever taken to get into a manor in any mission. Now I'm buggered and need a long rest before continuing! :D

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  • 2 months later...

I'm replaying this on Expert.  I cannot make the jump across the gap in the


underground temple reached in the miniature world sequence. 

There's some loot and, I think, a mask on the other side.  But each time I try to jump across my head hits the ceiling and I fall short and die.  Jumping from a crouched start does not give the necesary distance, and I don't have a speed potion (not sure if that even exists in TDM).  It is frustrating and in danger of spoiling an excellent mission. How am I supposed to get across?

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3 hours ago, Marbrien said:

I'm replaying this on Expert.  I cannot make the jump across the gap in the

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underground temple reached in the miniature world sequence. 

There's some loot and, I think, a mask on the other side.  But each time I try to jump across my head hits the ceiling and I fall short and die.  Jumping from a crouched start does not give the necesary distance, and I don't have a speed potion (not sure if that even exists in TDM).  It is frustrating and in danger of spoiling an excellent mission. How am I supposed to get across?

It's a puzzle: if you're afraid of falling down, then look up.

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28 minutes ago, Dragofer said:

It's a puzzle: if you're afraid of falling down, then look up.

I did look up, but saw no rhyme or reason in the symbols on the ceiling. In the end I got across by watching Fen's video, where he does not offer an explanation for getting across.  For me it was by fluke. 


Are the tiles in the correct path slightly more heavily embossed than the others?  If so, the effect is almost imperceptible.


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Finally got around to play this (the size of the mission always scared me off a little...). Wow, what a monster. Awesome mission.

Had some issues with the size of the map (easy to get lost...), and once again with the difficulty (can't see a valid reason why there are so many helmeted or elite guards guarding the adherence of the curfew), but, that's more than made up by the world design (seriously good, hardly any other mission with such a good city and street design), and the sheer amount of locations to explore.

Unfortunately, I haven't found that minature world mentioned above (I found some weird black cube though, which I didn't know what to do with... maybe that was it). Maybe something for the next playthrough. ;)

Think I played 8 hours plus so far, and still not finished... gotta finish the mission tomorrow.

Great fun.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know whether I missed this hint somewhere here in the thread, but can someone tell me


...where the key to the unpickable chest in the attic of the bell tower (or clock tower) is? There is a bishop sleeping in the chamber below, but neither he nor the guards in the guard in St. Andrews church have keys on them. And I have searched his room and the attic to no avail. So, where is the key hidden? 


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@LifthrasilI'm playing The Painter's Wife currently and was stumped for a while by that same chest not too long ago.

A hint:


The key is indeed in the bishop's room. He keeps is close to his person.

 A big hint:


It is laying on top of his bed board, right above his head near the lit candle. It is almost exactly at standing head height, so it is easy to mistake as just part of the bed geometry no matter how you look at it. There is no way to see an actual key silhouette unless you climb into the bed with the bishop! A little piece of the handle does stick out past the frame if you look up at it while crouching though. 


Edited by ChronA
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  • 4 months later...

I'm surprised that no one has asked about that yet, but,


what is that black cube in Marlow's sewers, facing the generator vent entrance?


I've done basically everything I believe to be done in the map (found all 14 secrets and completed all objectives), but it still doesn't do anything.


Any hint towards its purpose?


Otherwise, gotta say I loved this mission, I kept finding secret vents and more doors to open every time I'd accidentally backtrack to a place.

Edited by QuizzledPinkie
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