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@JackFarmer That merge function has indeed been used to a great extent. Typically whole rooms or street segments have been merged into single models to comply with the 8000 entities limit.

@MrMunkeepants Great idea to print out the map! Maybe one of those secrets you found is the one that lzocast is still missing to complete his list?

  • Thanks 1

Hi Heuli,

I am currently using TDM 2.08, I had updated it prior to starting this mission.  It only seems to crash in that particular spot, the rest of the game has worked just fine.  I've tried everything that I can think of.  I'm going to try a new mission and go directly to that area to see if it crashes.  Hopefully it's not a corrupted savegame.

  • Like 1
6 minutes ago, suzy8track said:

Hi Heuli,

I am currently using TDM 2.08, I had updated it prior to starting this mission.  It only seems to crash in that particular spot, the rest of the game has worked just fine.  I've tried everything that I can think of.  I'm going to try a new mission and go directly to that area to see if it crashes.  Hopefully it's not a corrupted savegame.

One last check, are you using TheDarkModx64.exe or TheDarkMod.exe? The latter, which is the 32-bit client, seems to have difficulties running this FM. Both are found in your darkmod installation.

10 hours ago, Dragofer said:


@MrMunkeepants Great idea to print out the map! Maybe one of those secrets you found is the one that lzocast is still missing to complete his list?

he had a few I didn't, but it reminded me that he lists the clock tower on Bell Street when it is on Hill Street (in case that is confusing anyone else) and that the map has the clock tower in the center but it is actually by Marlow Manor - unless there is a second one?

6 hours ago, MrMunkeepants said:

he had a few I didn't, but it reminded me that he lists the clock tower on Bell Street when it is on Hill Street (in case that is confusing anyone else) and that the map has the clock tower in the center but it is actually by Marlow Manor - unless there is a second one?

There is not, but there is one tower which looks like Belltower and it kept confusing me as well, until I realized those are two different towers.

The one I am speaking about looks like it´s smoking out of it.


I just have to say thanks for this monumental piece of work 👍

I've managed to complete most of my objectives but really I'm just wandering around looking at things with my mouth open, I spent most of the weekend in here, my OH is beginning to forget what I look like 😬

  • Haha 2

@MrMunkeepants @Dragofer @Tarhiel If you come across any not included in the post Dragofer linked please let me know so I can complete the list. Even flying around with noclip (after finding nothing further combing the map one street at a time normally) I cannot for the life of me find secret 13.

The clocktower is basically on the corner of Bell Street and Hill Street, with the maintenance hatch referenced in the guide list I made being on the side of the tower that is on Bell Street. Looking at the Map I don't think bell street is actually written on there but the street placard does exist in game. I'll change the wording of the guide to make it easier to locate.

1 hour ago, Lzocast said:

@MrMunkeepants @Dragofer @Tarhiel If you come across any not included in the post Dragofer linked please let me know so I can complete the list. Even flying around with noclip (after finding nothing further combing the map one street at a time normally) I cannot for the life of me find secret 13.

The clocktower is basically on the corner of Bell Street and Hill Street, with the maintenance hatch referenced in the guide list I made being on the side of the tower that is on Bell Street. Looking at the Map I don't think bell street is actually written on there but the street placard does exist in game. I'll change the wording of the guide to make it easier to locate.

Through some digging, I've located the 13 secrets.

I'll PM you the item coordinates.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)


The mission (x64) crashes with segmentation fault when loading on my old PC 

AMD Athlon X2 4000+ ,3GB RAM,  Nvidia Geforce 405 (driver 340.108) , Lubuntu 20.04

Is there a minimum RAM for this mission or TDM 2.08 ?

So far all missions could be loaded , except this one.  I know it's not optimal, just cuirious. 

The mission loads on my 2015 DELL notebook just fine.

Edited by huntaffer

@grayman Cheers for the prompt, the final piece has now been documented in the page two Guide Post

Phew, I think that documents everything to find and discover secret and quest wise, though I might add some extra stuff in about the different ways to deal with the Assassin rather than just how to find them.

Hard to believe documenting this FM has consumed the better part of the past week or so of my life. Good work chaps.

  • Thanks 3

@Amadeus  Not a problem, it was a lot of fun and evoked a memories of playing T2 with a notepad and pencil on my lap documenting secrets then redoing the levels after the first pass to try and get any I missed.


@huntaffer What you can always try is to manually download the lite version of the FM from the bottom of the original post in this thread, and maybe @nbohr1more knows some cvar settings that reduce memory usage? The RAM requirement does seem to be unusually high for this particular mission since you're loading so much in one go, so it might be 3 GB just won't be enough despite this.

@Lzocast Nice work! Now that all the secrets have been found and documented, I can provide this map with all the secret locations marked which you might like to add to your guide:




Posted (edited)

Okay, so I have just started on this huge fantastic mission and I'm a bit overwhelmed. I'm climbing around the roofs from one open window to another and have no idea anymore where I am ;). But I already found a minor and a major issue that you should fix in an update:

Minor: At the factory near the weapon shop I wanted to climb up to where the rope arrow is hanging and I could partly move into the wall and look out of the map.

Major: When trying to get the emerald while picking the case I got red feedbacks so I assumed I need a key. Please disable this, so it's obvious the lock is elsewhere!

Edited by wesp5
  • Like 2
3 hours ago, huntaffer said:


The mission (x64) crashes with segmentation fault when loading on my old PC 

AMD Athlon X2 4000+ ,3GB RAM,  Nvidia Geforce 405 (driver 340.108) , Lubuntu 20.04

Is there a minimum RAM for this mission or TDM 2.08 ?

So far all missions could be loaded , except this one.  I know it's not optimal, just cuirious. 

The mission loads on my 2015 DELL notebook just fine.

Try increasing frame memory:

r_frameIndexMemory and r_frameVertexMemory to 8192

and reducing texture memory via image_downSize


and lowering resolution scale ( r_fboResolution 0.75 )

Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)


I continued underground and knocked Marlowe out on the toilet :)! Was this intended or coincidence? Also caught two thieves fighting each other! Was this a scripted event or random too? I have to report two more minor but stupid looking issues, in case they haven't been reported already: both toilet seats in the gambling den move into the wrong direction namely down...


@Dragofer @nbohr1more

I tried the 32bit version and the tweaks as well in 64 and 32bit, but no success .

It seems 3 GB is not enough for this mission. Instead of the Segmentation fault error I got Out of memory error explicitly.

Thanks for the hints though.





This was amazing thank you to everyone involved.  I had a great time exploring this huge map  and I know I probably missed a lot!


  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)

I finished the mission now and must praise the excursion into the terrarium, that was wonderfull and surprising! I loved the overall atmosphere of the city, but as with the Penny Dreadfull missions that I played recently, the city was too much like a maze for me. So I have some more suggestions:

- I think it has already been mentioned but I agree that placing Marlowe's letters on the judges desk should work too.

- You should make the holy water healing possible multiple time. Probably everybody will waste one of them accidentally.

- You marked the player position on the map but this doesn't work when you are high up which you were a lot in this mission. Is there a way to get a little arrow on the map to show where the player is exactly? Would it possible to add something like this as an option for the core game?

- I didn't like the assassin solution. I blackjacked her early on but didn't take her bow as I already had my own. So I had to backtrack a lot and needed to check here about what to do. It would be better if she would spawn only after you have found Marlowe's letters or her own diary and then the quest would update and finish once you deal with her...

Edited by wesp5
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Oh dear God.  This mission absolutely destroys my machine.  In game, immediately after start I'm getting something in the region of 1 frame per second ... but when I try to go back to the menu (my plan at first was to try dropping some graphics settings) it takes 15 seconds to redraw the menu screen, and at least 5 seconds to move the mouse cursor one step.  In the end it was all I could do to back out of the game in an orderly way: move the mouse, wait for new position to draw, move, wait, rinse, repeat, click on exit, etc etc.  Damn.

Here are my specs:

  • Intel Core i5-2500K
  • 16GB RAM
  • AMD/ATI Radeon HD 6950 (1GB or 2GB RAM, can't remember)
  • Fedora 32 / XFCE
  • TDM 2.08 64-bit

Unless there's an obvious configuration change I can make, don't think I'll be playing this :(

Edit: Just wanted to point out that this is the first mission I've played that doesn't work perfectly on my machine, so there's something odd going on here. Maybe I'll ask over on TDM Tech Support.

Edited by Araneidae
Add TDM version
10 hours ago, Araneidae said:

Edit: Just wanted to point out that this is the first mission I've played that doesn't work perfectly on my machine, so there's something odd going on here. Maybe I'll ask over on TDM Tech Support.

The odd thing going on might be, that this is the largest TDM mission created so far. It is massive and packed with geometry and entities.

So it might need more than just two GiB of VRAM (but you could try downscaling the textures using image_downSize as suggested to huntaffer by nbohr1more).


Sorry for last response. I've tested 32bits version of the map with very low settings, and it still crashing at the same point. No big deal for me, I'll play it later if I update my computer. Thanks for the effort of making a 32bits version of the map.

On 7/18/2020 at 2:51 PM, wesp5 said:

- You marked the player position on the map but this doesn't work when you are high up which you were a lot in this mission. Is there a way to get a little arrow on the map to show where the player is exactly? Would it possible to add something like this as an option for the core game?


On 7/13/2020 at 7:54 PM, JackFarmer said:


How does the interactive map detect the player's position? Is it controlled via the info location entities?


The functionality can easely be altered. Marking the exact position of the player on the map is easy in theory, but would require the map to exactly represent the actual mission geometry (proportions must match). This isn't necessarely the case, though.

  • Thanks 1

FM's: Builder Roads, Old Habits, Old Habits Rebuild

Mapping and Scripting: Apples and Peaches

Sculptris Models and Tutorials: Obsttortes Models

My wiki articles: Obstipedia

Texture Blending in DR: DR ASE Blend Exporter

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      While updating my first FM, I noticed a lot of silly things I did because I was still new to DR. For example, there was a model for a wheel that I wanted the player to be able to turn that had its origin off-center. I didn't know I could just re-export the model inside DR to fix its origin, so instead that wheel triggers a func_mover it's bound to. A silly solution in retrospect, has anyone else made somewhat janky or roundabout solutions to technical challenges in their maps? I'd love to hear about 'em!
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      If you use DarkRadiant in Linux while using a dark theme, a large amount of the icons are hard to see, because it's dark-color on dark background (wish DR darkmode was a little less dark). A workaround is switching to a light theme when using DR. I'm using XFCE as DE, so I made this script (mostly copied from this code), which works as a toggle. Then I set it to a keyboard shortcut. The switch works even when DR is already opened.
      current_theme=$(xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/theme) if [[ $current_theme == 'Adwaita-dark' ]]; then xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/ThemeName -s 'Mint-X-Grey' xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/theme -s 'Mint-X-Grey' else xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/ThemeName -s 'Adwaita-dark' xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/theme -s 'Adwaita-dark' fi This only works for the XFCE DE though.
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      In case you missed it, I updated the Visible Player Hands mod to version 2.0. It now works while a weapon is selected and has a Linux version too.
      Check it out if you're interested: Visible Player Hands 2.0
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