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Beta testing 2.12


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I don't get it either.

My missions:           Stand-alone                                                      Duncan Lynch series                              

                                      Down and Out on Newford Road              the Factory Heist

                                                                                                  A House Call

                                                                                                  The House of deLisle                                                                                                  


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21 hours ago, stgatilov said:

Some parts are managed by tdm_installer, some parts are managed by in-game downloader.

So you just remove the mission from the installer and add updating to the ingame downloader. What is the downside?

For an installer update you do a version check on the installed fm version.

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19 minutes ago, datiswous said:

So you just remove the mission from the installer and add updating to the ingame downloader. What is the downside?
For an installer update you do a version check on the installed fm version.

Remember that installer works with old versions too.
You install 2.11 and installer will overwrite your newer training mission with the one from 2.11. Switch back to 2.12 and training mission will be deleted.

Also, there is no proper concept as "mission version". There are various things like version, some of them don't exist for core missions.

It is easy to say "just check condition here, then condition here, then here". Such hacking will cause confusion, and the support for these conditions will have to stay with us forever, despite everyone forgetting about it in a few years.

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If you install an older version of tdm you can update again via the fm downloader. It seems expected behaviour for going the downgrading route.

The installer should not install/update/touch fms.

Edited by datiswous
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I took a quick look at the training mission and I didn't notice many changes in the first place. Some new windows on walls that didn't have them, but was something gameplay related changed? I found there are still a lot of unique items missing in the object handling section which I added in my patch for example. The main issue I have with the TDM training mission hasn't been tackled, namely that it isn't a mission at all, just a loose collection of tutorial areas. Which is fine when you want come back and re-train something, but bad if you want new players to have fun discovering TDM! Yes, the two campaign missions try to do the latter, but in other games the training/tutorial is done much better in a linear fashion (e.g. Half-Life and Opposing Force) or is even integrated in a story (Bloodlines and many others). It would probably be a lot of work, but maybe it would be possible to modify the training mission, so it represents a linear sequence in which you learn one basic principle after another while actually playing a mission that is has a story and is fun! If you really think people are going to replay it, maybe shortcuts could be added to the single areas. Right now all areas start from a central room, maybe they could be connected so that there is one way where you enter a door and go around the whole room to exit at the end?

(If people agree, that the training mission should be changed, maybe we should open a new thread for this discussion.)

Edited by wesp5
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That was exactly the intention of "A New Job". When you play, you will notice that there are pop-ups every now and then, explaining some mechanics. But honestly, there are so many mechanics in TDM that it is hard to introduce everything in an entertaining way.

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Some changes were made to the training mission, but this process began while 2.12 was already in beta testing, and it became too extensive. To my knowledge this mainly consisted of adjustments to the messages in order to match the new 2.12 control scheme, addition of a vine arrow training area, some minor gameplay changes as well as major visual changes. A last minute major issue caused the mission to be reverted to its 2.11 state except for the adjustments to the popup messages. The training mission is slated to undergo proper beta testing of its own later on.

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  • stgatilov unfeatured and unpinned this topic
  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/4/2024 at 6:42 PM, wesp5 said:

The main issue I have with the TDM training mission hasn't been tackled, namely that it isn't a mission at all, just a loose collection of tutorial areas. Which is fine when you want come back and re-train something, but bad if you want new players to have fun discovering TDM! [...] It would probably be a lot of work, but maybe it would be possible to modify the training mission, so it represents a linear sequence in which you learn one basic principle after another while actually playing a mission that is has a story and is fun!

I though something similar and suggested adding objectives to the Training Mission. That would help introduce some linearity into the mission and also suggest tasks to players, where the objectives are listed in order of increasing level of difficulty.

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  • 2 months later...
On 1/31/2024 at 6:07 AM, snatcher said:

Reap as you Sow. Beginning of the mission. There's this weird thing going on that I don't see in 2.11:



This is fixed in the mission database. Added an areaLock spawnarg to the sun_2 light entity

  • Thanks 2

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