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Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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If they aren't closing it, it's a bug.



Hmm. It's not really a door, but a display case, which is a atdm:mover_door_sliding.


Yep, double tested. The guy gets alerted, searches a bit, but does not close the case. Perhaps a bug in the atdm:mover_door_sliding entity?


I have reported this:



-The mapper's best friend.

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I want to set something up where if I move a moveable entity inside a certain area (or hit another object) it triggers another entity... how would you set that up?


I've tried trigger_entityname but that doesn't seem to work and i've tried playing with stim & response with the damage stim but that also doesn't work.

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Trying to find something close.


Here is Frob Trigger:






there are also objective types for when a something is moved to a location or when something is near something else...

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Trying to find something close.


Here is Frob Trigger:






there are also objective types for when a something is moved to a location or when something is near something else...


Thanks for the response.. I can't seem to figure it out so i'm just moving on, placing my alternative idea in there instead :)

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I want to set something up where if I move a moveable entity inside a certain area (or hit another object) it triggers another entity... how would you set that up?


I've tried trigger_entityname but that doesn't seem to work and i've tried playing with stim & response with the damage stim but that also doesn't work.

Have you tried setting up the moveable as a custom stim and making something else react to that stim by triggering your other entity? I think Grayman did this for Home Again's audio sticks & players.

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trigger_touch + a script might do what you want: you can even script it to respond to particular entity classes, so making a script to test for a particular named entity should be simple. Assuming trigger_entityname has the same restrictions as http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Triggers#trigger_once_entitynamethat's why it won't work.

Some things I'm repeatedly thinking about...


- louder scream when you're dying

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I'd be totally interested in making some quality and easy to understand tutorials of DarkRadiant (and yes, I'm quite aware of the amount of work of this), but first I myself need a glimpse at how it works. :D


But is there a general method/algorithm for mapmakers to achieve something like "when event A happens, the world changes in way B"?

* when I frob this, that door closes?

* when I hurt myself, that guard starts to laugh?

* when water touches that wall, a crystal appears there?

* when I finished reading that scroll, the player changes position?

* when I reach this place, a horse will appear next to me?

* when I kill this rat, that speaker will be silent?

* ... ?

Is there a general framework that achieves things like this? And how does it work?



I don't know the TDM Stim/Response system as i'm not a TDM developer but the original Doom 3 has a kind of "visual scripting system", much stuff can be done on the editor only by linking/connecting entities to triggers and each other plus changing appropriate key&vals or by adding new properties on the Editors Entity Tab, that is why some Doom 3 maps are full of colored lines going from entities to entities to triggers, etc, etc, for example i was able to make a button turn on and off a light plus change the skin of the light mesh (to turned off) without any text based scripting at all, like i said just connecting entities to each other to triggers and changing/adding properties.


So i really recommend that you also look for Doom 3 scripting tutorials especially video tutorials showing the connecting entities capabilities because they can show you things that TDM mission makers don't necessarily use but are there for the taking.


This video series are particularly useful especially the binding and the triggers ones.



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Thanks for the material... looks promising, will take a look into that too. It's a terribly slow process with me :D


Is there a possibility to change something frobable only as long as the frob key is pressed? I mean, normally you just click a short time and then something happens. What I want is that for something particular to happen, the frob key must remain pressed. Is that possible? Just wondering.

edit: It comes to my mind that lockpicking works that way (frob key continuously pressed). So it must work somehow also for other events.

Edited by Nico A.
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Ok, so you have to forgive me, Im pretty rusty. I wanted to play test some models Ive been working on in game. But Im finding it hard to find focused info on how to set up a map folder (project) in the new standalone folder structure. Where can I find "exactly" what to input inside DR (game, mod, etc), and where to place my map folder (in maps, fms). Thanks.

Also, cant seem to make the newest DR work for me, gonna try my luck with older versions...

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I believe I have three new questions:


1 - What is the best sound and particle effects for creating a large explosion, which is triggered at a certain point in the mission? I want a one-time particle system to cause a large blast, then a permanent particle system to put a fire there. Currently I'm using "s_shader" "mine_explode" with "model" "tdm_fire_flames_wide_smoke.prt": The sound works perfectly fine, but the particles don't show for some reason.


2 - How do you make open doors automatically close back after a number of seconds? Hopefully without requiring a separate trigger entity for each one.


3 - Is there a way to create probabilistic paths? So for example: Each time an AI reaches a path_corner, there's a 50/50 chance it goes to a left path_corner or to a right one.

Edited by MirceaKitsune
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Is there a way to create probabilistic paths? So for example: Each time an AI reaches a path_corner, there's a 50/50 chance it goes to a left path_corner or to a right one.






2 - How do you make open doors automatically close back after a number of seconds? Hopefully without requiring a separate trigger entity for each one.





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Very helpful, thanks! I actually searched the wiki but these didn't jump to my attention... I tend to be bad with search engines in general though.

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Got a map that has complied fine for some time. It is around medium in size, skyboxed, and suddenly it's leaking (not surprising as it's a bit experimental.). Problem is it is no longer making a pointfile, IRC this only happens when you put an entity's origin in the void or there is a funky error which should show in the console. Damned if I can find it - any other reason this? There is a .lin file if that helps.

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Ok, so you have to forgive me, Im pretty rusty. I wanted to play test some models Ive been working on in game. But Im finding it hard to find focused info on how to set up a map folder (project) in the new standalone folder structure. Where can I find "exactly" what to input inside DR (game, mod, etc), and where to place my map folder (in maps, fms). Thanks.

Also, cant seem to make the newest DR work for me, gonna try my luck with older versions...


Here's what I do:


DarkRadiant preferences, Game Settings:

Select a game: Doom 3

Engine path: C:/..../ (no mention of darkmod here)

Mod: darkmod/fms/yourproject

Mod Base: darkmod


Then ingame go to new missions and install your map. You'd need a darkmod.txt in your project folder.


Projects would belong into the darkmod/fms folder.


1 - What is the best sound and particle effects for creating a large explosion, which is triggered at a certain point in the mission? I want a one-time particle system to cause a large blast, then a permanent particle system to put a fire there. Currently I'm using "s_shader" "mine_explode" with "model" "tdm_fire_flames_wide_smoke.prt": The sound works perfectly fine, but the particles don't show for some reason.


Are you using func_emitters for the particles?

Edited by Dragofer
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Figured the leak out. Did a backup save and wasn't paying attention, it went to tdm\darkmod\maps and that changed my working directory, I was working in tdm\maps. So an incomplete map was being compiled. Took me way too long to figure that out <Bonehead!>

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Yes... a func_emitter triggered by an atdm:alarm_sound. Because the explosion alerts every AI as well.


"target0" "speaker_2"

"target1" "func_emitter_1"


Maybe the func_emitter needs the start_off 1 spawnarg, so that it's switched on by the alarm?

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Dragofer - Thanks man, this will come in handy. You get rusty and easily confused.


Kiln - Its normal to think of your brush work as the map's limit, but thats also risky if you are doing complex construction. Its advisable to build inside safe "boxes" that will keep your buildings contained from the void (basicly, you draw box rooms surrouding whole sections of your map). That will get rid of leak problems.

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Its advisable to build inside safe "boxes" that will keep your buildings contained from the void (basicly, you draw box rooms surrouding whole sections of your map). That will get rid of leak problems.

Never do this. If there is a leak, TDM will want to render everything in the enclosing box, killing performance.


Just fix the leak(s).

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Yeah, I should have made more clear to limit the boxes to "visportalled areas" (hence the sections mentioned). You dont want to inlude your whole map geometry inside a single box, or you'll get the render everything problem. If you wanna, check out my map, I did exactly this.

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Dragofer - Thanks man, this will come in handy. You get rusty and easily confused.


Kiln - Its normal to think of your brush work as the map's limit, but thats also risky if you are doing complex construction. Its advisable to build inside safe "boxes" that will keep your buildings contained from the void (basicly, you draw box rooms surrouding whole sections of your map). That will get rid of leak problems.

Oh yes, don't worry. I'm actually coming up on 20 years of mapping (off and on - mostly off) so I have a few tricks in my bag. Like Grayman says, you can't let a leak slide if you can help it - nothing but pain down that route. I'm actually trying to see what I can get away with while keeping the performance up. That's why my noobie mistake hit below the belt.


I'm glad Grayman posted because I was just playing and poking under the hood on "Return to the City." Damn man! That's some badass mapping you've done there! I'm in awe of the massive caulk usage.

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