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Written in Stone [2022/01/28]


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15 minutes ago, AluminumHaste said:

I just really wish SOMEONE would stick something up there one of these days for us weirdos to find.

I thought I was being pretty good about that, but I can see I was wrong. Next time, I will leave a hidden goodie in the heavens for only the most devout climbers, promise :D

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5 minutes ago, datiswous said:

I would like to see something written in stone on the chimney..


  • Haha 3

My missions:           Stand-alone                                                      Duncan Lynch series                              

                                      Down and Out on Newford Road              the Factory Heist

                                                                                                  A House Call

                                                                                                  The House of deLisle                                                                                                  


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There's an issue with stencil shadows in this area:



The shadows on the ceiling move around whenever the player moves their view .

Another thing I noticed is that in the main menu, whenever the snow-falling animation loops, there is a delay and the mouse movement is frozen for half a second. This happens like ones in 5 seconds. The original video file is 10 seconds.

Edit: After restart TDM I can't reproduce the looping snowflake menu issue anymore.

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22 minutes ago, Apiai said:

Crash for me, V2.10b8 32bits version : malloc error

(W7.32bits with 4Go ram and graphic card has 2Go)

It seems that this mission and Iris require too much RAM to be played in a 32-bit .exe.

Maybe @nbohr1morehas tips for how to reduce memory footprint to permit loading the map and playing without crashing?

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You'll need to use image_downSize options:


Also, you should set LOD detail to lowest, and lower your resolution.

Hopefully the vertex data budget won't be over 1.5GB

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(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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malloc failure for 133109280 with those options :

seta image_downSizeLimit "32"
seta image_ignoreHighQuality "0"
seta image_downSizeBumpLimit "32"
seta image_downSizeSpecularLimit "32"
seta image_downSizeBump "1"
seta image_downSizeSpecular "1"
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "1"
seta image_useNormalCompression "1"
seta image_useCompression "1"
seta image_preload "1"
seta image_forceDownSize "0"
seta image_downSize "1"
seta image_lodbias "0"
seta image_anisotropy "1"
seta image_filter "GL_NEAREST"
seta r_fboResolution "0.25"
seta r_customHeight "480"
seta r_customWidth "640"


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seta r_frameIndexMemory "2048"
seta r_frameVertexMemory "2048"

r_shadows 2

r_shadowMapSize 512

In addition to the above image_downsize changes

Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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  • Amadeus changed the title to Written in Stone [TDM 2.10 ONLY] [2022/01/28]

Wow, what a fantastic mission! I really loved the mystery magical side of it, but I won't say much about that to avoid spoilers ;). I have two questions though for the more mundane beginning of the map:

- Where is the rat fighting drop near the mage tower? Was it the two gold pieces behind the trees?

- How do I get the key to open the thief's stash? The spectacles show that Liam hasn't got the key.

Edited by wesp5
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Hey! Thank you for playing!!! To answer your questions:


1. This is kind of a diabolical one, but take a closer look at some steps near the tower.

2. This is a secret so I won't outright give it away, but there is a clue in the readable at the thief's den. I recommend taking a much closer look with the spectacles


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Thanks for the tips, I found both now. Honestly I wonder how I overlooked them in the first place, especially with Liam! Speaking of which, can you explain in easy terms how you made those spectacles work? I know that Dishonored and other games just make a duplicate of the whole map for similar effects, but yours works with NPCs so it must be something different. Also spectacles were used recently in Iris, so was this kind of two minds thinking the same thing or are they part of the core mod now?

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6 hours ago, wesp5 said:

Speaking of which, can you explain in easy terms how you made those spectacles work? I know that Dishonored and other games just make a duplicate of the whole map for similar effects, but yours works with NPCs so it must be something different. Also spectacles were used recently in Iris, so was this kind of two minds thinking the same thing or are they part of the core mod now?

Technically the spectacles use a GUI overlay with a special "xray" material. This counts as a subview, like a camera screen or a mirror surface, and is able to render a second version of an entity that may use a different skin, model, colour etc. It's also able to hide or make transparent the original version of the entity, depending on blend mode settings.

The spectacles use a custom scriptobject that runs various scripts when they're toggled on/off. These scripts control solidity/frobability of entities with xray-specific spawnargs.

The xray feature used to exist in Doom 3, but became broken during the course of TDM's development. Duzenko had the idea to reintroduce it for 2.08 and, with my feedback as a mapper, developed it to become considerably more versatile than the original version. 2.10 saw it become fully fledged thanks to support for AIs, lights, particles and GUIs being added (rather than just for static models) and various other improvements.

The core assets in 2.10 contain the xray materials (see Xrays wiki article), but not the spectacles themselves, since those required quite a bit of custom work to get done. The wiki does describe how to set up such an item, however. We've offered the spectacles to other contestants, whereupon Wellingtoncrab added them to Iris.

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22 minutes ago, marbleman said:

Fantastic mission! Of all the 2.10 releases, I was looking forward to this one the most, and it delivered. :D


Hey, I'm glad you enjoyed it!!! Thanks for playing!

As for your question: 


this is actually an area dedicated to grayman, a TDM developer who sadly passed away not too long ago. There you will find his grave stone and his iconic sword you can interact with. Beyond that, though, there is no loot, objectives, or secrets. We just wanted to keep the focus on grayman.


Edited by Amadeus
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Grats to the release!

Sorry if this has been reported yet: I don't know if it's version 2.10, or this mission, but, right at the beginning, I came across a Builder I can't knock out. The blackjack does absolutely nothing to him. It goes right through him, without doing anything.

The guy who patrols in front of the Builder's place pretty much at the start of the map. Here is a video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10COaLVSLikCK2mQHvcuHf7dTUyg0Xh0-/view?usp=sharing

Edited by chakkman
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4 hours ago, chakkman said:

Sorry if this has been reported yet: I don't know if it's version 2.10, or this mission, but, right at the beginning, I came across a Builder I can't knock out. The blackjack does absolutely nothing to him. It goes right through him, without doing anything.


Thanks for pointing this out, I will take a look and work on pushing out an update for this soon

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I just started the mission again, and I was able to knock out the same Builder. So, I'm not sure now if it really has to do with the mission. Might be a bug in Dark Mod 2.10, although I wouldn't know how to reproduce it.

I just had the same thing with the pharmacist in the starting area... then I loaded a quicksave, and I could knock her out no problem. Weird... 

I think 2.10 has some bugs. Already had a almost crash earlier as well (game didn't respond for, like, 20 seconds).

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37 minutes ago, wesp5 said:

I have a question about the area dedicated to Grayman. Where do I use the sword key to get there?


The teleporter is in the mage tower where you found the glasses.


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