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Beta Testing: Hidden Hands - Blood & Metal (campaign)


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2 hours ago, JackFarmer said:

Unfortunately, the project has become somewhat more extensive than originally planned. It took me about two hours to test each mission. So you should allow at least12 hours for all five missions on the first run.

Is this a campaign?

I mean this one specifically, I know that there are more "Hidden Hands" missions.

Edited by chakkman
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  • JackFarmer changed the title to Beta Testing: Hidden Hands - Blood & Metal (campaign)

Knowing this series, they're going to be really large maps which take at least three hours for a hardcore stealth gamer dedicated to minimizing AI casualties like me to finish which makes dedicating time to making videos for them difficult.

"Let me guess - little blue men with three heads stole your sweetroll?"

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Okay, so I managed to beat all four of the previously-released Hidden Hands missions in preparation for this upcoming campaign, so now I'm ready to tackle this bitch once the thread's up.

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"Let me guess - little blue men with three heads stole your sweetroll?"

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26 minutes ago, CrisiusXIII said:

i never did a beta, what specs do you need? exept time to spend i have a rysen7 and a keyboard and a mouse

You don't need different specs than with playing normal missions, although this is a newer mission, which usually means requirements might be a tad higher.

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On 3/5/2024 at 5:13 PM, JackFarmer said:

Sign in here, if you are taff enough!

if you´d like to have an other tester ?!
i´m no modder - so no technical issues 
only for design - places to reach or impossible to do so - or if one can get stuck without escape ! 
is 2.12 needed ? haven´t done this jet (still2.10played and two 2.11 for played and vergin missions)

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  • 4 weeks later...
14 hours ago, kin said:

It's been a long time beta testing. How is it going?

It's a big project, so it's important to test everything thoroughly and run several tests. "The Lost Citadel" had a lot of bugs in the first release because I didn't test enough. I will not repeat this mistake. 

I have fixed all problems found during beta 2. Beta 3 shall include all subtitles and briefing videos. The problem is that I'm still missing some voices. This means we can't complete the game subtitles and produce the briefing videos. In the worst case, I'll have to do a new audition for this stuff, but currently I don't feel like it.

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14 hours ago, JackFarmer said:

It's a big project, so it's important to test everything thoroughly and run several tests. "The Lost Citadel" had a lot of bugs in the first release because I didn't test enough. I will not repeat this mistake. 

I have fixed all problems found during beta 2. Beta 3 shall include all subtitles and briefing videos. The problem is that I'm still missing some voices. This means we can't complete the game subtitles and produce the briefing videos. In the worst case, I'll have to do a new audition for this stuff, but currently I don't feel like it.

Thanks for your hard work and dedication whenever it gets completed.

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  • 1 month later...
On 5/23/2024 at 4:39 AM, Oleron said:

I've wanted to try beta-testing; if you're still looking for testers, I'm up.

You ok with testing the release candidat maybe next week?

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  • 3 weeks later...

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