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Development versions (2.11)


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Dreeeaam the impossible dreeeaaaam!

My missions:           Stand-alone                                                      Duncan Lynch series                              

                                      Down and Out on Newford Road              the Factory Heist

                                The Wizard's Treasure                             A House Call

                                                                                                  The House of deLisle                                                                                                  


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I remember how I spent a month trying to implement bounce light estimation, couldn't keep the lights from leaking through walls though. We concluded this will require a deep engine change to do anywhere near right. Still dreaming for that day :)

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On 3/7/2022 at 1:01 PM, stgatilov said:

Don't open game console by tilde if com_allowConsole is 1 on Linux

Is there a way to keep com_allowConsole 1 on restart? Currently on every restart, I have to open the console to set it to 1.

Btw. the description is wrong. It should be: Don't open game console by tilde if com_allowConsole is 0 on Linux . Default it is set on 0 on Linux

On 3/18/2022 at 9:47 AM, stgatilov said:

set ID_CONSOLE_LOCK to 1 in the source and compiled a release build.

That fixed it for me. When com_allowConsole is set to 0, tilde works as expected -- tilde puts away weapon and Ctrl+Alt+~ toggles the console. Also, when com_allowConsole is set to 1, tilde toggles the console as expected.

Edited by datiswous
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11 hours ago, datiswous said:

Is there a way to keep com_allowConsole 1 on restart? Currently on every restart, I have to open the console to set it to 1.

You need to pass +set com_allowConsole 1 as command line parameter.
You can create shortcut of batch/shell file for that.

1 hour ago, wesp5 said:

Which were?

Changelog is at the top of this thread, as usual.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey stgatilov, I'm trying to compile TDM source, but it seems the source compilation guide here  is out of date, it still recommends VS2017 when the source now requires VS 2022 and after installing the latest VS, I get a bunch of unresolved external symbol errors for OpenAL mostly, I assume I need to update OpenAL soft?  I'm still a little green about this type of errors, when they happen, they are the ones that stump me the most. :P   

Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line	Suppression State
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck_EH4	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(helpers.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck_EH4	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(alfstream.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck_EH4	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(ambdec.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck_EH4	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(chorus.cpp.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck_EH4	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(fshifter.cpp.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck_EH4	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(modulator.cpp.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck_EH4	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(vmorpher.cpp.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck_EH4	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(threads.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck_EH4	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(alconfig.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck_EH4	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(cpu_caps.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck_EH4	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(convolution.cpp.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck_EH4	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(winmm.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck_EH4	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(wave.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck_EH4	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(hrtf.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck_EH4	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(panning.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck_EH4	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(event.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck_EH4	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(null.cpp.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck_EH4	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(wasapi.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck_EH4	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(dsound.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck_EH4	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(alc.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck_EH4	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(logging.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck_EH4	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(voice.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck_EH4	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(auxeffectslot.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck_EH4	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\pugixml.lib(pugixml.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck_EH4	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(buffer.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck_EH4	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(source.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol __GSHandlerCheck_EH4	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(state.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2019	unresolved external symbol __imp___std_init_once_begin_initialize referenced in function alcOpenDevice	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(alc.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2019	unresolved external symbol __imp___std_init_once_complete referenced in function alcOpenDevice	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(alc.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol __std_reverse_copy_trivially_copyable_1	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(hrtf.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2019	unresolved external symbol __std_reverse_copy_trivially_copyable_8 referenced in function "class std::unique_ptr<struct HrtfStore,struct std::default_delete<struct HrtfStore> > __cdecl `anonymous namespace'::LoadHrtf02(class std::basic_istream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> > &,char const *)" (?LoadHrtf02@?A0xe8b25d95@@YA?AV?$unique_ptr@UHrtfStore@@U?$default_delete@UHrtfStore@@@std@@@std@@AEAV?$basic_istream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@3@PEBD@Z)	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(hrtf.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2019	unresolved external symbol __std_reverse_copy_trivially_copyable_4 referenced in function "void __cdecl MixDirectHrtfBase<&void __cdecl `anonymous namespace'::ApplyCoeffs(class std::array<float,2> * __restrict,unsigned __int64,class std::array<class std::array<float,2>,128> const &,float,float)>(class std::array<float,1024> &,class std::array<float,1024> &,class al::span<class std::array<float,1024> const ,-1>,class std::array<float,2> * __restrict,float *,struct HrtfChannelState *,unsigned __int64,unsigned __int64)" (??$MixDirectHrtfBase@$1?ApplyCoeffs@?A0xd07b7227@@YAXPEIAV?$array@M$01@std@@_KAEBV?$array@V?$array@M$01@std@@$0IA@@4@MM@Z@@YAXAEAV?$array@M$0EAA@@std@@0V?$span@$$CBV?$array@M$0EAA@@std@@$0?0@al@@PEIAV?$array@M$01@1@PEAMPEAUHrtfChannelState@@_K5@Z)	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(mixer_c.obj)	1	
Error	LNK2001	unresolved external symbol __std_reverse_copy_trivially_copyable_4	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod_src\OpenAL32.lib(mixer_sse.obj)	1	
Error	LNK1120	6 unresolved externals	DarkModTools	L:\darkmod\TheDarkModx64.exe	1	


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22 hours ago, HMart said:

hey stgatilov, I'm trying to compile TDM source, but it seems the source compilation guide here  is out of date, it still recommends VS2017 when the source now requires VS 2022

Fixed that.


and after installing the latest VS, I get a bunch of unresolved external symbol errors for OpenAL mostly, I assume I need to update OpenAL soft?  I'm still a little green about this type of errors, when they happen, they are the ones that stump me the most. :P  

Emm... it means that static libs for OpenAL and pugixml use some symbols which your VC/CRT installation does not provide, or something like that. I'd say that's not something for non-professional C++ programmer to debug 😁

This might happen because of wrong VS version.

  1. If you have some VC projects/solutions open, close all of them.
  2. Use SVN client to ensure that TDM source repository is perfectly clean, i.e. there are no local changes in any files (especially in .sln and .vcxproj files)
  3. Make sure to open the solution in 2022 version of Visual Studio (especially if you have not deleted version 2017 yet).
  4. Try to rebuild whole solution.
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Thanks for the pointers stgatilov, btw not sure if correct but in the mean time I did solved the OpenAL errors by updating in the "ThirdParty\artefacts\" the OpenAL library and include files, to the latest OpenAL soft version, after that I got only a single unresolved external symbol error with pugixml. But I will start over with a clean install, so the solution is the one that comes by default and not something I hacked around, cheers.



Cleaned the solution like you said, rebuild with VS2022 worked. :) 

I most have broken it when I tried to compile with VS 2017 and when it failed, tried to retarget it (like suggested by VS...).

And yes I still have 2017 installed, hell I still have VS 2010 that I used to try compile HPL engine from Frictional Games, VS 2015 that I use to edit Dewm3 engine, VS 2017, VS 2019 and now VS 2022 all in the same computer, based on how bad Microsoft has become, I don't know how they all can coexist so well and everything works. :D


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Holly sh I saw something strange right now, when I started the game with my own compiled exe. 

When using the original TDM exactable, all sliders in the menu miss the small red gismo, that you use to see where the slide value is at, when using my compiled exe the gismos are there!? What could be causing that? 

TDM original


My compiled exe


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7 minutes ago, HMart said:

Holly sh I saw something strange right now, when I started the game with my own compiled exe. 

When using the original TDM exactable, all sliders in the menu miss the small red gismo, that you use to see where the slide value is at, when using my compiled exe the gismos are there!? What could be causing that? 

Off the top of my head the versions of compiled and original are different

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I'm now getting errors looking like this when I try to save a game:

WARNING:LibJPEG: JPEG parameter struct mismatch: library thinks size is 584, caller expects 568
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

The save game itself gets written and loads without issue, but it has no preview thumbnail.

I'm on Linux Mint 20.2, but the issue does not occur on my Windoze machine.

I did not have this problem in dev16481-9881.

My libjpeg-dev version is the latest available, 8c-2ubuntu8.

My missions:           Stand-alone                                                      Duncan Lynch series                              

                                      Down and Out on Newford Road              the Factory Heist

                                The Wizard's Treasure                             A House Call

                                                                                                  The House of deLisle                                                                                                  


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On 4/17/2022 at 5:01 PM, AluminumHaste said:

Since we're asking for ridiculous things; please consider writing a vulkan renderer.

Well, zink is ready to use nowdays :D

From Mesa 22.1 on Windows too.

Edited by lowenz

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

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