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Fan Mission: A Bridge Too Far


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Congrats! I'm very much looking forward to playing this. The screenshots look great

Edited by Amadeus
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@cugzkanias an aside I don’t really want to to steal valor from your testers. My comments in the beta thread were limited to encouraging you to recruit testers in main fan missions forum.

While I appreciate the call out I don’t think it’s fair to receive any credit for testing the mission.

Looking forward to playing it though!

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-=  IRIS  =-    ♦    = SLL =

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The mission has been added to the mission database.

( LOL! Pretty sneaky way to title the mission so it shows at the top of the missions page. 🤣 )

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Please visit TDM's IndieDB site and help promote the mod:




(Yeah, shameless promotion... but traffic is traffic folks...)

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Oh, what a CLASSIC THIEF FEELING FM! Maybe the rooms are a bit too much large (tip: reduce the scale, improve the little details thank to the smaller scale) but the Thief feeling is there! :D



Edited by lowenz
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Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

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1 hour ago, nbohr1more said:

( LOL! Pretty sneaky way to title the mission so it shows at the top of the missions page. 🤣 )

Ha! Looks like A Good Neighbor has finally been dethroned :D

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Congrats on the release. This one was a lot of fun to test.

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My missions:           Stand-alone                                                      Duncan Lynch series                              

                                      Down and Out on Newford Road              the Factory Heist

                                                                                                  A House Call

                                                                                                  The House of deLisle                                                                                                  


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6 hours ago, Daft Mugi said:

Played this tonight. Thanks for the mission!

One little issue I had was that

  Hide contents

moving the bridge

would sometimes lock up the mission. I had to force quit a few times.

Overall, it was fun!

Same for me, some script goes wild!

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

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8 hours ago, Daft Mugi said:

Played this tonight. Thanks for the mission!

One little issue I had was that

  Reveal hidden contents

moving the bridge

would sometimes lock up the mission. I had to force quit a few times.

Overall, it was fun!


1 hour ago, lowenz said:

Same for me, some script goes wild!

Oh, that's not great 😬

"lock up" as in the game froze?
Are there like logs written anywhere on script errors that you could send? Because it's never happened to me, not sure how to debug this

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9 hours ago, cugzkani said:

Are there like logs written anywhere on script errors that you could send? Because it's never happened to me, not sure how to debug this

With extra logging enabled, I tried to reproduce the lock up when moving the bridge. But I wasn't successful. The lock up occurred 2 or 3 times during my first playthrough.

I guess we wait and see if it happens to more players.

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It never happened when I was testing it either.

My missions:           Stand-alone                                                      Duncan Lynch series                              

                                      Down and Out on Newford Road              the Factory Heist

                                                                                                  A House Call

                                                                                                  The House of deLisle                                                                                                  


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Congrats on releasing your first mission!

You really nailed the atmosphere, I loved the foggy surroundings. The start of the mission in particular was top-notch, great visual treat. After I climbed my way up and started to stealth through the buildings, it gave me a very solid Thief-y experience. Multiple points of entry, several paths to choose from; level design like this is what makes Thief/TDM missions so much fun to play. There were many little touches and details to help with the environmental storytelling, too. 

The only real downside I encountered was the lag on the outside while playing on the highest detail on my old GeForce GTX 1660 Ti.

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Thanks for this mission! I really enjoyed the atmosphere and architecture, and all the nice original elements that certainly deserve a thorough exploration.

Seeing my fps drop significantly in outdoor areas, even at low settings with an RTX3060, I would also hope that some further optimisation is possible.

I also encountered


a single "freeze" around the bridge. It happened a couple of seconds after it stopped moving and lasted several seconds before the game un-froze again. I was not able to reproduce it again.

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Not directly related to the particular mission, but the existence of large outdoor areas


with AI patrolling along perpendicular paths

made me realise that my constant inability to hit moving targets with projectiles (when shooting along specific directions) was not due to bad aim but to a 2.11 bug: https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=6292



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This was a super fun mission! I love all the detail spent on fleshing out all the little nooks and crannies (very satisfying to find loot in some tricky places) as well as the atmosphere. There is definitely some killer atmosphere here, and in such a unique location no less.  One small critique would just be the performance; for such an ambitious open area, there are some pretty laggy areas, but nothing game-breaking. 

Overall though, this was a ton of fun!

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