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Well, it's isolated since Febraury......but the virus is NOT the problem. The inflammatory response killing the lung is.

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

10 hours ago, Filizitas said:

Its a huge breakthrough. I am sure we will beat this completly! Very soon


No one educated on the subject is saying anything close to that.  Best case scenario is that we have a vaccine in a year's time and the virus mutates into something with less of a mortality rate.

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I dont need to be educated to say that ^^ I can spread hope and good feelings whenever i want. The Best case scenario is that we randomly hit just the right vaccine in a short time and that people calm down.

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  • Confused 2

Can we have more scary Zombie Horror maps?

Posted (edited)

It is true that a vaccine is still some time away, but at least there are a couple of active compounds that might acutely help against the virus (e.g. Camostat, Remdesivir or Ummifenovir). These also still have to be tested, but if they work they are available a lot sooner than any vaccine and would help treat infected people, which is already a big step. Germany is also slowly shutting down. More and more cities are closing bars, sports centers and other places of public life. Food shops and pharmacies will, of course, still be open.

EDIT: I just remembered that I have read yetserday that Trump tried (or is trying) to "buy" scientists from a German vaccine developer that are working on a Coronoa vaccine hoping to get a vaccine exclusively for the US. The firm itself (CureVac) has not commented this so far.

Edited by Destined
Posted (edited)

Antivirals are pretty useless DURING the infection.

AS I've said before the virus is NOT the problem (the direct cause of the death). The inflammatory response killing the lung tissue is.


You can let the virus infection/replication process run until its own natural end, just don't let the inflammation destroy/flood the lungs.

Edited by lowenz

Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

17 hours ago, lowenz said:

Antivirals are pretty useless DURING the infection.

AS I've said before the virus is NOT the problem (the direct cause of the death). The inflammatory response killing the lung tissue is.


You can let the virus infection/replication process run until its own natural end, just don't let the inflammation destroy/flood the lungs.

I would not say that antivirals are useless during the infection. If they are sufficiently effective, the course of the infection could be weakened, so it won't affect the lungs. After all, it is not like you get infected and immediately develop pneumonia. Of course, it is not as effective as a vaccine that will let the body handle the infection without developing any severe symptoms, but if the symptoms can be reduced with antivirals, it might reduce the number of people needing intensive care, which in turn would be good for hospitals and people still developing severe symptoms. I agree that it is not the final answer, but it still might help a bit. And evey bit is helpful in times like these.


With all those corona news around here, I have something for you to get your mind off of this dark topic. My son of 16 weeks learned to make a new sound yesterday, give it a listen, you won't regret it! 😄



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Just had the last ordinary lecture in my university. No idea how would students study from now on: I'm afraid distance learning does not suit everyone.
In one orchestra that I play in, all rehersals are already stopped. I guess the others will follow in the nearest future.

On the bright side, it seems I have more free time for programming and TDM now 😁

UPDATE: On the second thought, I think it is a perfect time to replay the first Deus Ex now 🤣

  • Like 4
Posted (edited)

Use ReVision mod ;)


And Invisible War too, with "Visible Upgrade" unofficial patch.

Edited by lowenz
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Task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody see. - E.S.

Posted (edited)
On 3/18/2020 at 1:55 PM, lowenz said:



And Invisible War too, with "Visible Upgrade" unofficial patch.

So true. Invisible War is underrated.



Everyone near someone coughing with the coronavirus around:



Edited by Anderson
Coronavirus. The truth about Deus Ex.

"I really perceive that vanity about which most men merely prate — the vanity of the human or temporal life. I live continually in a reverie of the future. I have no faith in human perfectibility. I think that human exertion will have no appreciable effect upon humanity. Man is now only more active — not more happy — nor more wise, than he was 6000 years ago. The result will never vary — and to suppose that it will, is to suppose that the foregone man has lived in vain — that the foregone time is but the rudiment of the future — that the myriads who have perished have not been upon equal footing with ourselves — nor are we with our posterity. I cannot agree to lose sight of man the individual, in man the mass."

- 2 July 1844 letter to James Russell Lowell from Edgar Allan Poe.


I wanted to share my store story today...
I am from germany.

I wanted to buy groceries, i needed toilette paper, washing stuff and Tresor cornflakes.

I was met with rampaged shelves, empty shelves or just half cleared shelves.
The cornflakes shelf was completly devastated, packages with "Prize Competetions" Ripped open and just thrown back in, almost all of them.
The milk Shelf, empty, Meat, Eggs empty... The freezer Products left in chaos...

It was insane O.o People are literally buying everything in huge amounts now.
The impact phase has started.

  • Like 1
  • Sad 1

Can we have more scary Zombie Horror maps?

On 3/18/2020 at 1:10 PM, Anderson said:

So true. Invisible War is underrated.

Never in my life had I been so disappointed. It taught me the valuable lesson never to get hyped solely based on the a game announcement.

EDIT: OK, once recent exception might be Doom Eternal, but I mean, come one, it's ID we are talking about here! ;)

1 hour ago, Filizitas said:

I wanted to share my store story today...
I am from germany.

I wanted to buy groceries, i needed toilette paper, washing stuff and Tresor cornflakes.

I was met with rampaged shelves, empty shelves or just half cleared shelves.
The cornflakes shelf was completly devastated, packages with "Prize Competetions" Ripped open and just thrown back in, almost all of them.
The milk Shelf, empty, Meat, Eggs empty... The freezer Products left in chaos...

It was insane O.o People are literally buying everything in huge amounts now.
The impact phase has started.

In my town (Lüneburg) it wasn't so bad, when I went shopping yesterday. But they only admitted a total of 60 people into the store at any given time. A good procedure, as I think. Toilet paper was sold out, anyway. I still cannot understand, why people are stockpiling this at home 🤔; if SARS-CoV-2 caused diarreah, I would at least understand it a bit, but like this? Apart from that, most shelves were still full. Pasta was only filled half, but you could still get some, if you wanted to. I myself try to stay reasonable. I have a bit more supplies than usual in my apartment, but I trust that the supply will not break down, so I don't start to buy stuff without any sense.

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, Destined said:

Toilet paper was sold out, anyway. I still cannot understand

I reckon if there's a high likelihood you'll be put in a strict 14-day quarantine should you test positive, or if you know sooner or later a double digit % of people in your area are infected and you therefore wouldn't want to go go outside at all for anything (including shopping), then you wouldn't want to find yourself without enough toilet paper to last however long you're staying home.

  • Like 1
3 hours ago, Dragofer said:

I reckon if there's a high likelihood you'll be put in a strict 14-day quarantine should you test positive, or if you know sooner or later a double digit % of people in your area are infected and you therefore wouldn't want to go go outside at all for anything (including shopping), then you wouldn't want to find yourself without enough toilet paper to last however long you're staying home.

And even if you're not worried about either of those things, you might be concerned that you'll run out of TP because the people who are worried bought it all.

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Springheel said:

And even if you're not worried about either of those things, you might be concerned that you'll run out of TP because the people who are worried bought it all.

Indeed, no one wants to be in the position of those who're clogging the sewers with alternatives to toilet paper which aren't suitable for being flushed.

BBC - Coronavirus: Toilet roll alternatives blocking sewers

On 3/21/2020 at 6:21 PM, Dragofer said:

I reckon if there's a high likelihood you'll be put in a strict 14-day quarantine should you test positive, or if you know sooner or later a double digit % of people in your area are infected and you therefore wouldn't want to go go outside at all for anything (including shopping), then you wouldn't want to find yourself without enough toilet paper to last however long you're staying home.

I can understand that. I also want to have enough toilet paper, but I would never need more than one pack to last me 14 days. Maybe I am on the lower end here, but still I don't think that anyone would need mor than two whole packs of toilet paper for 14 days. And even if worse got to worst and I would have to be quarantined right before I run out, I still have a shower (right next to my toilet), so toilet paper is not the only way to stay clean.


I went shopping on Sunday morning and was pleased that I was able to get almost everything I wanted. They were overflowing with fresh fruit and vegetables (which I guess can't really be stockpiled because they would go off). There was almost a whole aisle full of toilet paper, but it was only one type: 9-packs of basic white, not super-soft quilted Andrex or whatever. However there was absolutely no pasta, noodles or tinned vegetables. I wonder if some of these things are shipped from Italy or Asia and the lack of supply means they cannot be restocked even after the supermarkets have introduced per-customer rationing.


I must say I'm pretty proud of how the situation is handled in my country. Schools and institutions were closed early, the same goes with borders. There are public announcements in TV and radio stations on how one should act when in public or during home quarantine. They're run within every commercial block. Shops introduced their own measures, there are person limits, lines on the floor to maintain proper distance in a queue, etc. People don't stockpile food anymore, all products are available. Last but not least, we still count infections in hundreds, not thousands, and that's a total for a 38-million-citizen country.


The statistics from Germany are very interesting. They currently have over 27000 cases, almost as many as Spain (33000), but only a small fraction of the deaths (115 versus over 2000).

This is potentially very good news. Germany is apparently testing a lot more people than other countries, which means they are probably finding a lot more people with mild symptoms, resulting in a very high number of cases even though relatively few people have died. Other countries (including the UK) are mainly testing people who are in hospital, resulting in a much higher case fatality rate because the mild cases are never seen.

If the German statistics continue to hold, this suggests that the disease has an actual mortality rate closer to 0.5%, rather than the 5 - 10% case fatality rate we are seeing base on extrapolating statistics from other countries.

Posted (edited)

I asked some local famous Dutch game-journalists,
if they ever helped other game communities voluntarily in their spare time (also during the corona crisis):
Gamekings - "brievenmaandag" ("mail monday") 23 march 2020

In this episode they answered my question (in dutch) by:
And said there helped some other game projects, in several ways.
They helped our community by calling out the name of our game!!
They told what i did for our game.
mentioned that we are looking for people. And that we got tools to help.
* psyched *😎

See the following video:
(from 32:18 - 36:18)

Edited by freyk
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Info: My portfolio and darkmod graphical installer
Amnesty for Bikerdude!

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