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Fan Mission: Snowed Inn by Goldwell & Kingsal (2019/12/25)


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41 minutes ago, JackFarmer said:

Is there a gas arrow that could be collected somewhere?

I have a guard walking (respectively running) permanently into a wall (even when alerted through noise arrow or regular arrow).

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Yes there is one gas arrow in the level. 

Down in the sewers you will find a chest resting in the middle of the ice. If you open it you will receive an ice arrow, which has a similar effect as the gas arrow.

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42 minutes ago, Goldwell said:

Yes there is one gas arrow in the level. 


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Down in the sewers you will find a chest resting in the middle of the ice. If you open it you will receive an ice arrow, which has a similar effect as the gas arrow.




Great, thanks.

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Just finished the mission. Great work! I love how alive the little town feels and all the little side missions you can embark on. It was well designed and optimized and the story was intriguing!

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My Fan Missions:

   Series:                                                                           Standalone:

Chronicles of Skulduggery 0: To Catch a Thief                     The Night of Reluctant Benefaction

Chronicles of Skulduggery 1: Pearls and Swine                    Langhorne Lodge

Chronicles of Skulduggery 2: A Precarious Position              

Chronicles of Skulduggery 3: Sacricide




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Thanks for the "Christmas surprise"  Goldwell & Kingsall. It was a plesure to play the mission. 

Very nice atmoshere and the objectives challenging and cool.  If it was really created in 2 weeks , I would welcome more missions from you ;)

I never find all the loots and had a lot of fun in the end to see which ones I missed ...hahaha

The only confusing thing in this mission is the letter in the "pagan hut" , I spent hours to search for the valve to shut off and how to clear the snow .

Goldwell just commented it was not an objective at all and I think this should be defined more clearly.

Also the objective to kill the spiders appear only after completing it and as I read it was just like that .

I found one bug as well, one guard walks to obstacle tower wall above the bridge that leads to the sewers.

Is it a mission bug or can be adjusted with any TDM parameter ? I saw this behaviour in other missions as well a lot of times.


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I expected a small mission from this speedy collaboration, but it ended up both larger and more complex than I'd thought. There is a lot to do in a mission that grows beyond its boundaries (visiting areas which at first looks like distant scenery is a cool feature), and throws you a few unexpected curveballs. I did encounter the LOD popping a lot, and got hit with the hidden objective. I think this one is very badly communicated in the first version (no idea if it has been fixed since), since you expect one thing, and have to do something completely different. But apart from that, this was a very nice surprise. Got LEET+1 loot on my playthrough!

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Come the time of peril, did the ground gape, and did the dead rest unquiet 'gainst us. Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not, and some did doubt the Builder's plan. But the seals held strong, and the few did triumph, and the doubters were lain into the foundations of the new sanctum. -- Collected letters of the Smith-in-Exile, Civitas Approved

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Thanks for playing everyone! 

6 hours ago, Melan said:

I expected a small mission from this speedy collaboration, but it ended up both larger and more complex than I'd thought. There is a lot to do in a mission that grows beyond its boundaries (visiting areas which at first looks like distant scenery is a cool feature), and throws you a few unexpected curveballs. I did encounter the LOD popping a lot, and got hit with the hidden objective. I think this one is very badly communicated in the first version (no idea if it has been fixed since), since you expect one thing, and have to do something completely different. But apart from that, this was a very nice surprise. Got LEET+1 loot on my playthrough!



Thanks for playing Melan. We fixed the sewer objective in 1.1. It was supposed to be optional and hidden until you kill all 3 of the spiders. The idea there is just a fun side quest that gives some story as to what happened to this little town. Unfortunately, we numbered the objectives incorrectly and caused a bunch of problems.  


If folks downloaded 1.0 and haven't started the mission. Please uninstall the mission completely and re-download it to get the new  1.1 version. 

Edited by kingsal
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3 hours ago, Reman said:

I'm having a blast so far, but...

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...I went over the inn gate to the stable, but now I don't seem to be able to get back. Is there a key somewhere, or did I break the level?



How did you get over the gate? You're meant to get the key off of Bellero's belt inside the Dead Raven Inn.


The gate is meant to be non-mantleable though to stop players getting over.

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6 hours ago, Goldwell said:


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How did you get over the gate? You're meant to get the key off of Bellero's belt inside the Dead Raven Inn.


The gate is meant to be non-mantleable though to stop players getting over.




Replaying the mission now, you can climb on the lock and then go over the gate. 


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28 minutes ago, Reman said:
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Replaying the mission now, you can climb on the lock and then go over the gate. 



Good to know! And yeah the player is not meant to get over the gate that way, we'll have to file that down for a bug fix in the next release.



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Guys, thank you for this mission. I enjoyed it and spent two happy hours on it with my friends from darkfate (https://youtu.be/gMAvaK2zqxo).

Few notes:


Shack, where this fixer from sewers lived, looks like some pagan witch house, but there was no further thing on this story. Just a coincidence? 

For some really strange reason, it was hard for me and some other players to find the hat for snowman. But I must also admit that every "puzzle" in this mission is logical.
Tell me please, this guard has some random element? Cause most of the  time, he never vent to the storage room, but suddenly he visits it: https://youtu.be/gMAvaK2zqxo?t=4717
Same place, is it possible to fix the generator? Couldn't check it myself cause I used all my fire arrows? 
If we need some criticism, one thing I didn't like, it's the forest. These 2 polygonal trees look just bad compared to the detailed environment of exteriors and interiors of buildings.

Edited by vorob
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Finally reinstalled TDM (double hard drive death 1 day apart, yay!) and this was my introductory dive back in. This was fun! I absolutely loved the 'bag' (and had a big laugh at the comment when I tried to pick up something). I felt I scoured the mission fairly well, but came up quite short on loot total. 1564? I feel like I must have missed something significant for that! Or perhaps in my investigating the clutter, the corners, and up on ceiling rafters I missed something large and evident and out in the open. The extra objectives were great, too. I did get grin at being in the school's backyard (it was the first place I went after leaving the hideout) and


well I guess I wanted to build a snowman! But it seems it's time to find some coal for eyes... and then, The Bag happened, and I got both really nice non-coal eyes AND an objective to complete said snowman.

Were the optional objectives 'kill spiders' and 'remove posters' the only bonus ones?

Thank you, Goldwell and Kingsal, for a very enjoyable time! The only issue I had wasn't one that caused any problem to playing, it was just trees popping in. Didn't distract me from having a good time.

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This was a great mission, shooting way past what I considered reasonable for a "speedbuild"! If I had to choose, I'd say my favourite aspect is how it captures the same feeling as the great Thief 2 FMs: always another area or secret to find; being able to sympathise with inhabitants in their little sidestories; and how it doesn't take itself too seriously. 

What I also liked was how cold it felt. When you said it'd be a wholesome seasonal mission I was expecting something fuzzy warm like Thief's Holiday, but the street lanterns with their chill lights and the frozen breaths conveyed the exact opposite. Needless to say I enjoyed getting indoors to a well-stoked fireplace wherever I found one.

Lastly, that "bag" was fantastic: both the idea and the execution, and I quite enjoyed climbing all over those good-looking custom assets (maybe here'd be a good place to ask if you'd offer your custom assets to other mappers?).

Well then, many thanks to you both for this Christmas surprise, and I'd sure welcome more such cooperative projects!

Edited by Dragofer
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  • 2 weeks later...

Great mission! Turned out to be pretty sized and challenging.

I have some troubles finishing the mission, though. There are some objectives that I couldn't remember appearing in the objectives list, so I lacked some hints about completing them. It could be that they did appear as new objectives, but also that they appeared without any notice. Any other players having similar issues with objectives?

Hence, I had to browse this thread to find how to complete the


the snowman objective.

I also wonder why the spiders


don't get hurt by broadhead arrows. Here I read that they are ice spiders, apparently not affected by regular weapons? Can they be killed anyway? Or can they be knocked out with the earlier mentioned ice arrow?

But the objective that I have really no clue of how to complete is the


granary objective. I have no clue what object triggered this mandatory objective (was it there at the start already? Can't remember that though...). I tried to get in the silo using two rope arrows in the nearby tree (died several times, LOL), but after numerous tries I couldn't get in properly. Then I noclipped in to explore the building to see whether I missed another entry, but I couldn't find another one one. However, after frobbing the grain Corbin mumbles something about the harsh winter and low food supply, but I have no idea what to do next. Any suggestions?


Last thing: the rendering of the trees was a bit ugly. They only appeared when I came fairly close. It would be less disturbing if they would appear on a greater distance or if they would be covered by slight fog.

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I rather enjoyed the spider thing, I figured it out pretty early. You can dispose of tem with conventional means, that is to say the shortsword works. As for the getting in and especially out of the granary, I agree that it's hard. I wish the tree branches were positioned closer to the windows. Finishing your main objective will give you what you need to finish that secondary one.

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My FMs: The King of Diamonds (2016) | Visit my Mapbook thread sometimes! | Read my tutorial on Image-Based Lighting Workflows for TDM!



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Hey Kaaiman. Thanks for the comments. To answer your questions:

In version 1.1 The mandatory objectives will appear as you pick up certain items and should be clearly stated in your objective menu. The other objectives are intentionally hidden and optional. (There is a bug in the v1.0 where this didn't happen properly).

Granary hint:

You can get in and out of the granary through the building next to it. Try jumping on some objects to get up into higher spots. You can also use a rope arrow on the side of the granary where the wooden slats run down. I believe its on the north side of it.


In terms of the trees- Sorry about the popping in and out. We were trying to keep the performance reasonable and then eventually it just became a mess of figuring out which ones are popping in and out.  Eventually I'll go in and really have a look at this.

We intentionally made it so there is no advantage to rope arrowing the trees. Otherwise we were worried people would constantly get themselves stuck. Not the best solution, but we wanted rope arrows and we wanted trees, lol.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Am I doing something wrong?

I got into the granary through the adjacent warehouse building. Corbin says something about low food and harsh winters. I've been pretty much all over the map and finished other objectives, but what do I do with the granary? How do I get people more food?

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7 hours ago, Summer said:

Am I doing something wrong?

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I got into the granary through the adjacent warehouse building. Corbin says something about low food and harsh winters. I've been pretty much all over the map and finished other objectives, but what do I do with the granary? How do I get people more food?




(from memory) You have to have a special item in your inventory when you frob the grain pile



It's a special seed that is found in..


the magic sack that you fall into




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This is such a fun level! I thought it'd be a very short adventure and ended up getting something much larger than anticipated. I really love how there are multiple objectives to juggle and you dont really have to do them in any particular order because it just feels like its encouraging me to explore the map top to bottom.

It's funny seeing how many people struggled with the snowman bit since I ended up getting that no problem (well, sort of.. the hat was hard to find LOL), but I had so much trouble with finding out how to get the holy relic back to its rightful place. Goes to show the different types of minds we have going into these games, haha!

Other than that - I'd like to end this by saying it's so fun to have such a wholesome adventure as a thief. Building snowmen, helping the town as a whole.. Very fun and lighthearted twist on these roguish characters, while somehow still having a spooky atmosphere on the map! Great work!

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